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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2015 in all areas

  1. Don't want to spam this thread too much, so i thought i'll post 2 pics per flight :] BCS2251 "EUROTRANS" TWO TWO FIVE ONE DEP: LOWS (Salzburg, Austria) DEST: EIDW (Dublin, Ireland) LEVEL: FL360 ROUTE: TRAUN UL856 AKABI UZ613 HOC UL613 SANDY UL15 BIG UL9 GAVGO UL18 DIKAS UL9 STU UM17 VATRY Leaving beautiful Salzburg Crossing rwy 16/34 at Dublin and entering the apron BCS3226 "EUROTRANS" THREE TWO TWO SIX DEP: EIDW (Dublin, Ireland) DEST: UUEE (Moscow-Sheremetyevo, Russia) LEVEL: FL350 (step climb FL370 at RIKUM) ROUTE: ROTEV P600 GOTNA DCT BLACA DCT TRN UM89 SAB UL983 CUTEL UP5 NIVUN P609 VATEX DCT RIKUM/N0463F370 N851 LAKUT L24 RATMU T73 INLOG R30 SPB B160 DB B238 NAMIN Sankt-Petersburg (Russia) as seen from FL370. Been down there just two days ago! Short final to runway 25R. My longest flight with FF 757 so far (1650 nm)
    4 points
  2. Testing out the new bus from JarDesigns!
    3 points
  3. And the journey continues... BCS3084 "EUROTRANS" THREE ZERO EIGHT FOUR DEP: ULLI (Sankt-Petersburg, Russia) DEST: LOWS (Salzburg, Austria) LEVEL: FL380 ROUTE: LISNA B141 RANVA P863 RESMO N619 TIGNU B73 RANOK P861 RASAN UP861 RAK UT108 NIRGO T108 OSTES T700 SBG Commencing pushback from stand 701. Engines running, so it's time to call for "Before Taxi" checklist! Quick look at the scenery. X-Plane airport addons keep getting better and better... With favourable winds en-route, in less than two hours we fly the arrival segment into Salzburg. Long final, on the ILS runway 15. Still, this won't be a simple straight-in approach this time around. Flying special circling procedure for runway 35. Overflying Salzburg city with the airport in the background. Right base to runway 35. Vacating runway via taxiway Bravo. Another successful landing ;] This scenery has to be one of the freeware jewels. Blends nicely with HD Mesh and World2XPlane autogen. Available from Austrian Xplane Design Group - http://www.x-plane.at/drupal/node/202
    1 point
  4. Tom you are an asset to our community.... Thanks for sharing your thoughts...
    1 point
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