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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2015 in all areas

  1. Shopping a bit, UHD-ing again: Buzzing Clooney's place at Lake Como, Italy:
    4 points
  2. Hello. Some of you may have already used my application iGoDispatch. In late March, I will be releasing an iPad application iGoDispatch for CRJ-200. This application will have additional functionalities, some of which include, just to name a few: Loading passengers, cargo, and fuel directly from the application using the TCP connection; Tracking the flight on a map and monitoring the main flight parameters; Ability to create a more precise flight plan using VORs, NDBs, Fixes (the application uses the default X-Plane navdata); Monitoring your flight performance against 20 various criteria and generating flight performance reports; Changing the Centre of Gravity dynamically during the flight based on the fuel weight. I hope you are going to enjoy it! Igor
    1 point
  3. mb339 i use some of the custom sky colors that they post on x.plane.org, I find the default bitmaps a bit too yellow/orange around sunset/sunrise, though I did shop the last batch a little. These are the colours I use: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18494 Few more:
    1 point
  4. I'm in the process of updating the Duchess and the Sundowner to have the new GPS as well as POSSIBLY some new textures and mesh. Keeping in mind, I have to fit it in with Citation work, so not sure when it will be done. But it shouldn't be long. Most likely about a month. I'll keep people updated in these forums.
    1 point
  5. As long as i understand, on todays modern jetliners the pilots just do the takeoff and land by hand, that's it, a few minutes hand flying per trip, the computers do the rest on a normal flight. But they are responsible for all the programming and manage any unexpected situation due to failures or flight plan changes (weather, traffic, etc). As others mentioned, as per your FMC, you should be at 3000 feet while intercepting the ILS. Could you please screen capture -NAV RAD- FMC display while there? ILS should be configured there in PARK mode and change automatically to active. Maybe the whole front panel screen capture will be great as well to understand your aircraft configuration and screens information while you are on top PISAS Also watch your speed, the aircraft will not be able to stabilize properly on the ILS if you are coming too hot, you are changing heading 076 to 229 PISAS to OM23
    1 point
  6. When you have your flight plan set up correctly, you shouldn't have to worry about when to start your descend!! If you have VNAV activated (you should have it on...) and you are nearing the T/D marking on the ND display, the plane should start descending automatically!! VNAV follows the exact altitudes that are given in the FMC. So if says e.g. at "LBE" FL085, the 777 will be at that level if you leave the autopilot working by itself!! Before you descend you only have to set up the altitude you don't want to be under, so in this approach it would be 3000ft. So you set the autopilot altitude on your MCP to "3000". When you reach "PISAS", you will probably see the ILS markings on your PFD, if they are there, hit APP and the 777 will catch the glide slope and the localizer. Then you can continue on your ILS APP without any problems
    1 point
  7. Hot off the press http://www.x-plane.com/?article=x-plane-10-35-release-notes I had to nuke my prefs to load 'er though. Best to test in a Vanilla (non-critical) install. Tons of new 3D airports! - Ck.
    1 point
  8. Hello, generally you should catch the glideslope from below. http://nav.vatsim-germany.org/files/edww/charts/eddh/public/EDDH_IAC_ILS_RWY23.pdf I don't know if the chart is current or not (it's a first hit on google), but for reference it should be OK. You should be at 3000ft when approaching PISAS, catch the glideslope on PISAS and start a final descend. OM23 is outer marker and yes, according to the chart, the altitude is correct. EDDH23 1340A means you should be above 1340 ft over that point (1340B would mean you should be below). Don't know why it's there. Basically it's a good idea IMHO to catch the glideslope over PISAS and set autopilot to follow the ILS, not FMC.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
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