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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2014 in all areas

  1. Airbus A350 XWB (by FlightFactor) Test Flight in Toulouse Blagnac Airport (LFBO) (France) I hope you like
    2 points
  2. New video showing the work we have done on the new update. Feedback, as always, is welcome!
    1 point
  3. Hello .. I'm the head devloper of the Baltimore X scenery for X-Plane 10. We are aiming for a early 2015 release of the scenery. Every week or so the team and I will try to Relase a tease or preview to the scenery Anyone who has intrest in joint the devlopment team , you are welcome
    1 point
  4. for 500 $ you cannot realistically build a high end system for flight sims imho. best to save more money, otherwise you may end up regretting blowing money on parts that just don't cut it. a MB and CPU alone is alomst 500$ usually, if you pick high end parts i.e. something like ASUS MAXIMUS VII RANGER and Intel Core i7 4790K / 4 Ghz - 8 MB cache If the money burns in your pocket, I would suggest to buy the best MB and CPU for that money and maybe if funds permit 16 or more gb of fast ram, then transfer your current parts, like hdd, gpu etc. Then save up some more and replace the older items that are left.
    1 point
  5. Kahoolawe V1.3 will be released tomorrow with optional dulled down textures for enhanced realism but reduced beauty. I'll post screenshots tomorrow morning. UPDATE: Due to a boot problem with my desktop, I can't work on X-Plane related material.
    1 point
  6. This is a short post saying I need help I'm Devloping BWI airport completly 99.9999% like it is in real life buttt... Between college and training I just can't get it done in a reasonable time I'm asking you guys for help, What I need Texture person .. One who can create really good texture (I have a few down now ) 3D Model ... Models stuff for us in blender , Sketchup , or what ever they use.. Please guy I need your help if you want a very good BWI airport
    1 point
  7. KDFW Arrival... SkyMaxx Pro 10/10
    1 point
  8. Hey! I'm your guy in orthophoto land. If you need something done orthophotowise, let me know. I will gladly volunteer my work... but you'll need patience. Cheers!
    1 point
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