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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2014 in all areas

  1. Emirates 408 OMDB-WMKK-YMML
    12 points
  2. I thought I'd hop on the bandwagon and add my own section of SkyMaxx porn. I'm astonished at how incredible it looks... Awesome job guys! King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France
    9 points
  3. Only 3 gals of fuel remaining ...
    6 points
  4. Aerobask's DA 42 v2.0 (with my G1000 mod v1.5) from Innsbruck to Salzburg: Unfortunately the weather was too good for SkyMaxx showing its abilities And I love that lens flare... About the aircraft: It's a strange thing. The real Diamond DA-42 is, for my taste, not a very beautiful aircraft; it looks as if somebody has attached two overpowered engines to a small glider. However, I like Aerobask's rendition of this aircraft very much. It does not look photorealistic, not the style like Carenado and others have. Instead, it looks like from a glossy brochure, where everything is just too shiny to be real. Also, the avionics are X-Plane standard and therefore have only superficial similarities with a real G1000 (not even with my modifications). But still: This is a good X-Plane model. Flies fine and I might say (from what I've read about the real DA-42) quite believable for me.
    6 points
  5. It is this sort of attitude that prevents authors from creating progress threads. Considering that he is trying to create a great add-on for the community, for free, your attitude is way out of line. But maybe you would like to create a quality 787 model for us all?
    2 points
  6. Just got my Skymaxx fresh and hot of the Barbecue
    2 points
  7. Pretty. Un-modified SkyMaxx Pro 2.0, GlacierMaxx, XP 10.30Beta8, Heinz Dziurowitz Beech 18 VOLPAR, Thanks to all of those developers.
    2 points
  8. I just found out that Aerosoft is developing Dublin Int. airport for X Plane 10!!! The scenery looks amazing, but it's not released yet. But judging from the video this will be one of the best airports ever made by Aerosoft for X Plane!!!
    1 point
  9. so for all you folks out there who want to see screenshots of progress...here's two. Aren't they lovely?
    1 point
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUD09qGnAoxEBsPXJAQgVkqg&v=xz0QadQKmz4#t=189
    1 point
  11. Having fun with SMPv2.... absolutely love it, the FPS is great!!! KPVD-KPHL
    1 point
  12. A quick update Nowadays struggling with animations. Trying to make the animations in Blender 2.6-2.7 with XPlaneBlender 3.2, but seems like I have to revert back to the old Export script. Once I have nested animations, all goes wrong. I'd like to have at least all the instruments and controls animated (preferably with manipulators) and with a simple interior texture. After these are done, I promise there will be a release
    1 point
  13. King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France
    1 point
  14. I'm not being rude, but you do not want to refund me. For me, these bugs are not acceptable for a product by $ 40. It is not the fault of my system, I have an i5 3570k 4.5 ghz, r9 290 gigabytes, 12 gb ram and I run Xplane without problems. In the last 10.30 Xplane visibility is made ​​better. If you have problems Xplane, how come the shadows with Real Terra Haze or other scripts atmos, do not have these problems? I have shown the bug with the images that bear witness to them, and I will finish publicly display these bugs if you will refund me. However, I am not the only one unhappy. I know other people who think like me, just that they have less courage to say it, or resign themselves because they know that they will refund them.
    -1 points
  15. This is a forum to discus aircraft opinion and not me asking for aircraft.
    -1 points
  16. What a Discussion Anything was fine with 1.3 Since 2.0 X-Plane only runs good with default Clouds. Maybe it can be that it Conflicts with other plugs or Programs or even with my Ballpen on my table, but it is not my resort to find the Conflict unless You Pay me per Hour. So cannot downgrade to 1.3 so i have nothing! I am so sad to Configure up and down the line wasting my time. Best is to give an Option to download 1.3 again till You know what the Problem is with this Plugin Patience End, thought i can enjoy XP this Weekend, tell You i have a lot of words for this You will not listen!! Happy Crashing!
    -1 points
  17. Will this plane ever be released, or is it your personal toy which you developed and all we will ever see are your picture flying it?
    -2 points
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