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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2014 in all areas

  1. "Soarin Wyoming" Location: The Grand Tetons Addons: SkyMaxx Pro, Real Terra Haze, HD Mesh V2, g2xpl
    7 points
  2. Clarks fork Canyon with Pilot peak and Index along the Beartooth highway in Wyoming.
    5 points
  3. This is the slightly edited version of the shot I posted in the XPMaxx Competition.
    3 points
  4. "Departing Zurich" Addons: XPP A340-600Swiss Alps (Can't recall exactly where the scenery came from)Skymaxx ProEnhanced atmospheric scattering
    3 points
  5. This update doesn't reflect all the work that's been done over the past few months. There's quite a bit of other work that I'm excited to show but I'd like to get a few more parts completed before I make some renders in order to show a more complete picture of how things are looking. It's definitely time for an update though! I added the final details and adjustments to the pedestal recently so here's a few renders! Hope you enjoy, and don't hesitate to let me know if you think there's something wrong! Cheers!
    2 points
  6. Cody Wyoming, eastern door step to Yellowstone. Actually heading that way in June for 2 weeks. Level 18 orthos.
    2 points
  7. Jackson Airport WY. The Grand Tetons background.
    1 point
  8. Grumman Goose at sunset Location: Just south of LDDU Dubrovnik, Croatia Addons: Skymax Pro, MaxxFX,
    1 point
  9. planes looking planes
    1 point
  10. "Departing Skiathos" Addons: Aerosoft (29Palms) Skiathos, Converted from FSXFlyJsim's Q400Skymaxx ProMaxxFXEnhanced atmospheric scattering
    1 point
  11. Peter, I agree with you. Everyone enjoys different parts of a simulation like X-Plane, aviation is a huge area and there are many different things to do. Thats why many add-ons are out there, catering to different tastes and likes. I personally would never think of getting an add-on that changes the colour of the sky or the cloudshape - I simply don´t care - I place my emphasis on different things. We make an aircraft that caters to the more serious and realistic airliner experience. I still believe that one can enjoy our product in many different ways. Heck, you could even just look at it from the outside in chase view and still enjoy it. Is that worth the price of admission? Everyone has to decide for himself. There are many features in our model (and the real airplane) that our users (and the real pilots) will most likely never ever see in operation or use. Examples: LGTU, PTU, Stby Hyd System, Alternate flap system, etc. I have flown the real one for ten years, and never needed any of those once. Why do we put those in our model? Because the real one has them. We will provide a complete model with as many realistic features as technically possible. We will not finish it at 95%, just because we get tired or because of user demand. We understand that waiting for it is hard, but the history of software is full of examples where developers have caved in to the din of "release it, already, we don´t care what state it is in!!", only to find out that indeed the user does care about the state it is in ;-) It will be worth the wait! Jan
    1 point
  12. "Good Evening Switzerland" Flight Factor Boeing 777-300er Default X Plane 10 Scenery Carolina Blue Skies Cloud set
    1 point
  13. PeterT, we will not be providing a lite version. It takes a bit of work to do so and results in maintaining multiple versions of products. That translates into more time maintaining and supporting and less time developing/improving. Restaurants don't have to maintain their dishes after they are put on the table, food is "fire and forget". The 737 can work "fail free" and we will have a mode to start the aircraft running and ready to go, which is quite easy to fly, drop flaps, release brakes, add power, fly. You are not required to work or understand any of the systems in any such case, just don't run out of fuel. If we did a lite version, it would operate exactly the same. If, however, you were hoping for a lower priced lite version, that is not going to happen. TomK IXEG
    1 point
  14. Our main and overall focus is make the aircraft as realistic as possible. Then release a basic fully functional v1.0 as soon as possible and in a good state so that you all can enjoy it from day one. Then, we will start adding more "gaming" features, consider other variants/options and so on. In many ways we think like the real Boeing does. There are many good reasons why they don't introduce alot of new variants of the same aircraft at the same time. It has to do with quality assurance, production capacity, and so on. M
    1 point
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