I tried some of that - when going to a 10nm final the aircraft will be at 170kts, but with flaps retracting from 5 to up. If you are quick, you can reselect flaps 5. And be pretty stabilized - definitely possible to do an approach from that setup. Of course the gear is down and the parking brake still set, so if you don´t release that, be prepared for a pretty short landing roll and some hot brakes! I also tried the "save situation" - but it does not capture any of the custom datarefs. So you would get the same position and speed and configuration - but most of the switch positions go back to the default you get when just loading the aircraft. I haven´t talked to the team about this, there might be a way to adress this. But of course its possible to set all the switches into the desired positions real quick as well. I haven´t missed the "save situation" yet, I find it easy to position the aircraft where I want it with the local map (pos, alt, heading, speed), then turn on the AP and autothrottle real quick, raise the gear, and voilá... We are going to provide ground vehicles to go along with our aircraft, there is already a GPU, a HP air starter and a pushback truck. I have to ask our artist´s permission to show them (already did a screenshot), because we don´t have the "wires" running from the GPU to the plane yet (Tom needs to cut the fuselage to make the ground-service receptacle). The vehicles will appear out of "nowhere" and disappear again when not used, so no fancy drive-up simulation - we feel the sight of a truck passing through buildings and other objects is not acceptable. There might be more elegant solutions, but as you said, we don´t want to delay release any more than necessary. Jan