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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2014 in all areas

  1. The OH panel now has all the text in place, and 75% of the planned buttons have been animated and set up to be togglable!
    8 points
  2. Hello X-pilot members, As requested by many FSX fans who came from Microsoft to X-Plane flight simulator, I started development of X-Passenger for X-Plane. What will it have? -Sounds (Boarding,Deboarding,Hostess,Co-pilot sounds, Passenger sound effects) -Random failure ( you can set it from 0-100%) -Medical emergency.Passenger has a heart attack. You have to land to closest airport in 15 minutes. -Load Fuel and Passenger PANEL- It will be able to load passengers using visual effects like Passenger bus, or Fuel truck. -Comment after each flight- You will get report what do passenger say about flight- they will comment a takeoff, landing... -You will be able to record your announcement to passengers during flight, so you will be able to hear it later.. -You will be able to access to Virtual Aviation Herald page And many more... Price will be: 30€ Stay tuned... Teo
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. slight update, now the plane has fuselage normal maps they're not done quite yet, but it's a good start
    1 point
  5. Just a few shots to answer a few questions floating around about MAXX FX. Enjoy....
    1 point
  6. Regarding racetracks ... I did a (quite simple) model of Oschersleben in Germany as you can see in the video below. But I doubt it will be ok according to todays standards ... Nevertheless - enjoy the video
    1 point
  7. Clear Skies was a plugin used to remove the framerate enhancing fog that was used in v9. When your framerate gets too low in v9, as decided by the Minimum Frame Rate setting, fog was drawn to reduce the visibilty distance and try and improve the framerate. Clear Skies just kept overriding the fog so you still see 25 miles out, even with a low framerate. V10 works completely differently. It continues to try and draw all the way out to the visibility distance you specify. Clear Skies is irrelevant for this. What you are seeing is the blurring that is used to fade distant land masses into view. Also, it looks blurry because outside of 25 miles, texture files are used to generate the landmass you see, there is no terrain mesh out there. I think LR plan to increase the distance to which actual terrain can be seen at some point, but do't quote me. Hope that clears things up.
    1 point
  8. I beg to differ. When we continue to develop for X-Plane 9, the ever shrinking percentage of the community that stays with X-Plane 9 will continue to stay with X-Plane 9 because we're enabling them to. By enabling them to continue to stay with X-Plane 9, we're actually holding back the progression of X-Plane 10 by having to devote time to making X-Plane 9 compatible aircraft. The smartest developers, such as Flight factor, Jar Design, and SSG no longer develop for X-Plane 9 because they're devoting their time to developing for X-Plane 10 and look at what's happened; we now have the best 757-200 in the flight simulation world. As time goes on, computer technology advances further and further and higher power systems become readily available for everyday people like you and me. For example; I have a quad core computer than gets AMAZING framerates in X-Plane 10 and I only had to spend $600 on it. That was 2 years ago. The price for that same computer is now $400 from the same site I purchased mine from. I'm sorry, but the flight sim world won't wait for you to get a better computer and the sooner you realize that, the better. P.S. I spoke all of this in a posh British accent while typing it so I could feel smart.
    1 point
  9. First flights with Maxx FX add-on (by Maxx XP)
    1 point
  10. Forgot to post it here when it came out.... SEAKING from Virtavia & Dawson Designs, my little video contribution
    1 point
  11. Hi, new video of Air Traffic at LaGuardia Airport (KLGA) (by Butnaru). I hope you like
    1 point
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