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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2014 in all areas

  1. Ok, well not paper, but close enough. Manila folders. http://io9.com/this-meticulously-crafted-777-replica-is-made-of-manila-1504096998/@ballaban Admire the attention to detail!
    3 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Sunday Beaver Update 7 Hi all, Another Sunday again and another update. No screenshots today, because most of the things I did were code and sound related. 3D model: A few minor changes and improvments had to be done on the external model, and I hope it can be called fixed and frozen now. Sound: I played around with the engine sounds for some time and have tried to further improve them by tweaking and mixing them, and I am pretty happy with the results, but still not done. Coding: Last week I was talking about support for external hardware like the Saitek Swith Panel, GoFlight etc. I said that I try to support this hardware, but that I also don't want to limit myself to stadard X-Plane commands and datarefs. I had a further and deeper look into this and might have found a way to support it, even if I use a lot of custom stuff. I started to code it and a few tests were positive. However, it will take me another day or two to finsish this and then the Beaver will go to the test team to check this. Hopefully, I can make them happy. It's not pure aircrat development at the moment, but this kind of support is important for me as well. So probably not super exciting news for today, but at least you know what I am doing. You all have a great Sunday!
    2 points
  4. Well we have some thoughts on that. One thing that you get with a "boeing license'...is a license to not only put the boeing name on your product, but also use boeing copyrighted material, including pilot handbooks. Most developers do not like writing customized documentation...it is absolutely tedious work. You need a template, standards and guidelines, standardized headers and graphics, a revision management system, etc. etc (yes we have that). Why do all that when you can just toss the user the real manual and save yourself all that time? I mean, by skipping customized documentation, you can shave months off your delivery date. I'll tell you why, because sim users don't hve 1300+ hours of flying experience and dedicated hours of training. Part of the appeal is having a simulation that you are confident represents the real thing thoroughly, but also having someone show you "the ropes" and walk you through using and enjoying it. We have desgined into the product a series of training manuals to help newbies jump in right away and get flying as soon as they "open the box" but with opportunity for more tutorials in the future. This whole hobby isn't just about the simulation itself, its the enjoyment and satisfaction we get from reading, learning, doing and mastering. We want to help users along the way with that and let them get the most out of it. That is an immense benefit we get with Jan...you get a real airline pilot with real airline experience who is also a dedicated flight simmer and a natural at teaching to help users get the most of out of the simulation. The complexity in most of those products in our opionion isn't the complexity of the aircraft, its the complexity of the documentation Here's a snippet from just one of our WIP training booklets. We'll be shipping with 4 at least, probably more though and will introduce others in the future. TomK IXEG
    2 points
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F5D-KEw4d0
    1 point
  6. Back in the saddle after two years and on my way from St.Gallen to Lugano. Things certainly have improved a tiny bit since 9.70.
    1 point
  7. another interesting development from the russians
    1 point
  8. Actually, I found it on a website that has nothing to do with aviation. I'm into fitness and weightlifting and I found it on a weightlifting forum.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Maybe, but anyway we strongly recommend you study the video's by Jan. More will follow. They teach you all you need to know to get started and more. We want you to get flying day 1. If you are unfamiliar with the 737 or heavies in general, we recommend first watching the video's, then, when we release the manual/aircraft, start by doing our collection of sample flights tutorials, that start very basic, once you get the hang of the first one, step on to the next one which will take you one step further in learning, and so on. The philosophy is that you learn best by doing and knowing WHY you are doing it. Last, if you are a systems geek, very experienced simmer or pilot, continue with the systems and real manuals, failure scenarios etc. The real manual is available for free on the net. W
    1 point
  11. Where did you get the cormorant?
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 9, fully extended and modified
    1 point
  14. Sunday Beaver Update 6 Hi all, A new update today, however this week was a little slow. Lots of things going on besides X-Plane development, but there was progress. Tuning of the cockpit lighting is still ongoing and you will see the current state in the screenshots below. Maybe the post lamps have to shine a little brighter on the panel, but this needs to be checked. Some re-work on the external 3D model had to be done, because one of the animations did not work properly due to the mesh setup. However, this seemingly tiny change affected 4 obj files and was more work in the end than expected, but it is fixed now. I also had a look into supporting external hardware like the Saitek switch panel, radio stack and the GoFlight equipment. I figured that XP is not really supported by this hardware and that one always needs a plugin to make it work, which is a pitty. I also got the impression that this external hardware works most of the time, if the developer of an add-on aircraft is using the standard XP datarefs and commands. Custom commands or datarefs always involves some extra work. Well, I try to support this as much as possible, but I won't limit myself to standard XP datarefs and commands, just to make external hardware work, because it would limit me in my development, because a lot of things will be custom without using XP standard. What I will do though is that I will provide a list of custom datarefs and commands and also what they are used for in the cockpit, so users will have the ability to customize the hardware plugin scripts from Sparker for example. I also did some coding, but it was more cleaning up a few things, because I like tidy and maintainable code. That's all for this week and I hope you like the following screenshots:
    1 point
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