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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2013 in all areas

  1. This topic is now closed. I'm glad we could get to the bottom of this mess and clear Dan's AND Carenado's name from the bad accused of them. There is no tolerance for individuals who choose to take part in pirating aircraft here, as it hinders the good in our passion and hobby. As such, PilotHudson is banned without further notice. Thanks to Steven for investigating further and following up with responses as requested. If anyone has objections to this ban, please feel free to PM any admin here.
    2 points
  2. Now made of a little more than just polygons and textures!
    2 points
  3. Hopefully Cameron can close and take down this thread, which has unfairly besmirched Dan and Carenado's character.
    1 point
  4. Here's your proof. The only thing we should hear from PilotHudson is an apology. At least his friend had the balls to admit his part. Maybe it's a case of ignorance of the law or immaturity or indifference to the law, but in any case, piracy is a crime. Don't do it. On top of the crime, he was stupid enough to submit support tickets for products he didn't buy. This type of behavior hurts the whole community and has to stop! Case closed.
    1 point
  5. Well, the original screenshot vs. Steve's were from two different pages on the website. I don't have a .org store account so I can't verify this to be the case, but it stands to reason that the information may be different on the "Account History" page vs. the "Available Downloads" page. I think it's more telling that the original poster has remained silent on this topic since the original posting. Two going on three pages later, I tend to feel that if this was a legitimate complaint he'd be more active in the discussion.
    1 point
  6. I completely understand but there is just one major difference, one is fake so no one cares about the flight model, but one is real and the people who do buy it some of them will care.
    1 point
  7. I already dislike the Carenado planes. But, I would just quit buying things from the org. You can get most planes from stores other than the org.
    1 point
  8. The online specs are only the broadest of data and I wouldn't have thought they are enough to go on. Much of the performance envelope will only be determined by the flight test programme in any case. Only the most basic of 3-view drawings and cutaways, and very few photos are available to work from, not enough to build an accurate 3D model, I would have thought. My advice would be to plough away on one of your freeware products first: you will have far more data to work from and you will learn much more than trying to tackle an aircraft which has yet to fly. Most of the top developers for X-Plane had a track record as publishers of excellent freeware models prior to embarking on payware. I should also say that I have been involved with beta testing of several projects and that the test programme runs into hundreds or even thousands of hours of flight testing to match the real world performance and handling. And this is with hundreds of pages of data available. People's expectations of payware aircraft are extraordinarily high nowadays, so do not underestimate the months of work of work ahead. over a year, maybe. In the meantime, the best of luck.
    1 point
  9. I bet you're proud of yourself for finding that one. But you entirely missed the point. I never intimated that criticism doesn't serve a purpose. The unhealthy state of things here is that you spend too much time throwing stones at other people's work and don't get enough of your own done.
    1 point
  10. I'm in the early stages of planning out systems. More on that a little later; once the 3D stuff is out of the way!
    1 point
  11. A little before and after.
    1 point
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