Starting Jul 17, San Francisco International Airport (KSFO) will be added as a supported airport on PilotEdge. This will be supported for at least the next 4 weeks, after which an announcement will be made regarding its operation. Limitations: The support for SFO includes the approach and enroute facilities required for flights to and from the existing coverage area (LAX, LAS, etc). It does not include any other airports in the Oakland Center area. Flights can be conducted from any airport within ZLA to/from SFO. Clearances will not be issued from SFO to airports outside of the ZLA coverage area (SEA, SLC, PHX, etc). Controllers have been specifically trained in the operation of SFO, and the SIDs/STARs associated with operations to/from ZLA, but nothing more. Why SFO? 1) one of our commercial customers has an operational requirement to utilize SFO. 2) we have been wanting to add support for at least one airport outside of the existing coverage area to allow for longer distance flights by existing customers, particularly those who operate transport category aircraft such as the Boeing 737. SFO is an extremely popular airport among simulator enthusiasts and Virtual Airline pilots. Support for SFO allows for legs such as SFO-LAX, SFO-SAN, SFO-LAS, SFO-LGB, SFO-SNA, SFO-ONT and more, along with the reverse legs. Why just SFO and not the rest of Norcal? We wanted to add this support without causing undue burden on existing controllers, or adding the need for additional staffing. The compromise was to select just one airport to facilitate longer distance flights, rather than opening an entire facility. How will this work? How will the recordings work? SFO, the relevant Norcal Approach sectors, and the relevant Oakland Center sectors will typically covered by the same person working the Los Angeles Center position, expect on specific occasions where additional staffing is provided. For the most part, all interactions involving SFO will be contained within the ZLA Radar recordings. What are the operating hours for SFO? Same as the core network hours, 8am-11pm PDT.