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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2013 in all areas

  1. Wanted to fly over Toronto, but had to stop the flight due to an abrupt engine disfunction... very lucky on where it happened, cause I would have had no clue where to land just over all those buildings, and the airport seemed to me reachable in autorotation... not the softest landing, but alive! http://youtu.be/yhEtJGfbbns
    3 points
  2. Piggy-Back Transport. Well, if the space shuttle can do it, why not? Actually, I have no idea how this happened. I opened a saved situation file and the helicoptor was not suppose to be there. Who knows. Call it my version of the Osprey Aircraft! Note: If I had my preferences, I would not chose to ride piggy-back on a helicopter! It's hard on my tires.
    3 points
  3. With inappropriate language splurted from your mouth, you will likely be banned...
    2 points
  4. I guess we better put a face to a name: Care to keep up your antics, Ben?
    1 point
  5. Thanks Orcair. It is actually a pretty sleek airplane
    1 point
  6. Does this mean it will be out the 4th of July?
    1 point
  7. A turboprop DC-3. I can imagine the engineer's meeting on that one. No promises, but we'll see. We have a full plate for at least the next 12 months.
    1 point
  8. Well, I would only talk about planes that I have. I have the Dash 8 and the ATR. The ATR has a oretty basic flight model but you can do things with this plane that are everything but not realistic. The cockpit of the ATR is worse and simply cant't compete with the Dash 8. And even the exterior model isn't so much better than the updated Dash. Especially if you look at the ATR directly from behind it doesn't really llok realistic. You could say that the Dash 8 with its carrige in the wings looks a bit weird, but that's more a questuion for the design of the original. In my opinion there was only one time when this plane made sense: At the time of its release you were able to use it in the 10.20 betas since it doesn't depend on a plugin. Since most of the planes now have their 64 bit plug-ins especially the Dasdh 8 I would have a pretty hard time to advise someone to buy the ATR. It is simply to expensive for the things this plane can do. I would always say take the Dash. It is the better plane. Concidering the B777, thanks I know its weaknesses pretty well, although I am not so sure how far they are still valid after the last update. At the moment I have more to do with smaller airports so I was not really able to check it out ion detail. But I can tell you why I don't consider these details so significant. I pretty much knew what to expect, before the plane was released. It was obvious from the history of the plane. There was Ramzess who wanted to start something in the 7x7 series but he alwayas said: I start with one of the smaller planes, and just after he met Philipp it became suddenly the long range version of the 777. It was obvious who was the reason behind this: Philipp simply has the best FMC package for X-Plane at this time. He had the existing CRJ-200 and he looked fo5r a better plane for his FMC.. The core component of the Boeing 777 is the FMC, nothing else. When I looked at their timetable it was pretty obvious that there would be several huge bugs. Such a big and complex plane needs a lot ot of man-hours. With onlky two main developpers in this timeframe this was pretty much impossibel. So in the beginniong there were reallay big problems like the wing flapping. Especially in the first release it looked more like a bird than like a plane.but with each update it became better and better. I think now the 777 is a pretty food stepping store for the 757, and after this plane is done you could try to merge several of the new developments into the 777.The cockpit got better and better and the FMC simply doesn't find a real competitor in X-Plane at this time.OK, If I look at the flight behaviour in its class I would probably choose the A-380 from Peter Hager. The CRJ-200 was a pretty siginificant plane but I think it reaches the end of its lifetime. It is simply a different generation than the B777 and due to is complexity it would be pretty hopeless to do something like Carenado or the Mu-2 and bring it up to date to todays planes, they can probably keep it running till the end of X-Plane 10 but it will show its age. The B777 or the Jetstream 32 simply show their release dates. They are the childs of a different environment.But in fact even these planes are now a generation old. All newer projects like the 727 the A320neo (although I believe that they have a severe problem: to much dependency on LUA-JIT) or the coming Saab 340 are the next generation. They no longer look at their compatibility to X-Plane 9, which simplifies some things. and enables them to concentrate on X-Plane 10. We are simply in an evolving simulator.But not only X-Plane evolves, its environment too. If I compare some flights in 10.03, 10.10 or 10.21 You could ask if this is really the same simulator. This is not only the result of changes in X-Plane 10 but tools like OSMA2XP and regional librarties now offer totally different possibilities.
    1 point
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