For all of you following the NorCal progress, lots of good news to share! All 300+ airports are done. Each was viewed in-sim to verify proper terrain flattening and matching of airport surfaces with the underlying imagery. Over 70 airports had some type of editing done to the runways, taxiways, ramp areas, or center lines. Many more had ICAO/FAA identification changes.I've acquired new imagery for the Monterey and Carmel areas, including both the coast and areas inland. This is greatly improved from the original NorCal imagery, and I am in the process of updating over 1100 images. This is a beautiful area and features some world famous golf resorts including Pebble Beach as well as the cities of Monterey and Carmel.We've got some additional surprises that are being worked on by other developers, too! We'll show you screenshots very soon of some of the new capabilities that we're putting into this scenery. This is unique to RealScenery products and will be done in future releases as well.This release has really been about building the technology for the future, building on existing partnerships, and developing new ones. All of this speeds up the development of future releases, while dramatically increasing the level of realism for your flying. Stay tuned... Below is a screenshot of the new Monterey area imagery, which I'm processing now. This it not the full-resolution imagery that you'll have in the released scenery. This is zoomed out to show a larger area. The area shows Carmel Bay, the Pebble Beach golf course, Stillwater cove, and the beautiful Pacific water and beach of Carmel Beach. I haven't yet flown over this in X-Plane, but it should be outstanding! Enjoy! Eric