Well this is a very enlightening post. I recently started using x- plane and joined a few sites one being the Borg. i do like that name. Unfortunately while trying to find a couple of posts I could reply to, so I could have the privilege of posting on the forums, I made the terrible mistake of answering a newcomers post who was asking if, as a UK resident he would have to pay import duty on purchases from the Borg store. My answer was along the lines of I hadn't been charged VAT so I didn't think so. These two posts resulted in a terse reply from a moderator, a locked thread and a no longer access to the forums. I presume the OP of the thread got banned also. Sent an email telling them I was shocked ... And my partner who is also on our family router finds she has been blocked also. I left mmorpg's for this crazy tyrannical attitude, seems like flight sims have similar problems. I hope I havn' t cooked my goose here as well by posting this.