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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2012 in all areas

  1. I believe V10 uses a different system, where by you can translate, or move, the view position with the < and > keys. Try using those instead.
    1 point
  2. This little Beaute is from T50's link. For freeware she's quite spectacular inside & out--but you have to follow all the rules to fly her even 20 mile and land her!!!!!! If anyone tries or has tried her let me know Please Cheers
    1 point
  3. Hi Dozer, all great ideas and we have discussed that already quite a bit. For our V1.0 this will not be included, we simply want to get this done with the basic (normal) functions as fast as possible. But functionality like that should be easy to add later, as a matter of fact Tom has already done a script that can deliberately "fail" any bus, so we can check the respective equipment going dead as it should. I know that the hydraulics is also coded in a way to handle "leaks", for example. Some default XP failures work as well (i.e. engine failures), and of course there are all the failures that can be emulated by simply switching "off" the system in question. Actual "degradation" of systems is not really something that is a big issue in passenger jets, except for the tires, maybe. Most systems either work flawlessly or they are replaced. If a system gives us advance warning by performing less than nominal we consider us lucky. Usually stuff simply fails. Jan
    1 point
  4. Mmm I think I cannot delete posts... Cameron can do it. Well.. export process going good. Next animation!! These are from xplane 10.. but there will be a xplane9 version also:
    1 point
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