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Beechcraft Sundowner C23

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Everything but the Hobbs is animated on the Sundowner at the present time.  Every knob, switch and gauge.  The Hobbs is proving a little tricky.  

We're adding clickspots and manipulators over the next 2 or 3 days.  



BTW, we will be adding glass to the gauges.

That's actually last on our list.

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Simon, were still in decision about the cracked LCD. Its very split right down the middle. The person's opinion who counts, likes it. Big people in the FS scene love it while others don't like it... Its just a matter of opinion.

Its completely realistic which is one side of the arguement as its very common to find such damage in an older steam gauge general aviation aircraft.

But the other side of the argument is that if some people don't like it, it will distract from flying the plane. While those who miss it may miss it, it won't really stop them flying it and and enjoying the experience all the same.

Though if the vast majority of people want it back, then I will consider putting it back in for those of you that like your planes "pre-demolished"  :)

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Simon, were still in decision about the cracked LCD. Its very split right down the middle. The person's opinion who counts, likes it. Big people in the FS scene love it while others don't like it... Its just a matter of opinion.

Its completely realistic which is one side of the arguement as its very common to find such damage in an older steam gauge general aviation aircraft.

But the other side of the argument is that if some people don't like it, it will distract from flying the plane. While those who miss it may miss it, it won't really stop them flying it and and enjoying the experience all the same.

Though if the vast majority of people want it back, then I will consider putting it back in for those of you that like your planes "pre-demolished"  :)

no worries Goran. Never known a bit of broken glass to cause so much controversy. I personally would not find it distracting, as long as frequencies were readable. It would give the plane a further point of difference in a busy marketplace though. Muddy scuff marks on the floor would be nice too....those footy players can be filthy sometimes

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Whoops sorry THEO, didn't realise it was u! Thanks for the informative reply. Just heard that the pmdg 737-800 NG is featuring the worn look, so ur in good company, or ahead. Love your texturing work, go the full hog I reckon, show off to everyone your skills!

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Could it be possible to have two objects each textured with it's own glass image existing in the same location, each with it's own hide/show logic tied to a common dataref (I.e. slider_ratio[n]) with oposite frame values? Then you can have a clickable hotspot somewhere in the cabin or even the glass itself, so if the pilot chooses, he can "repair" the broken glass. I would prefer the broken glass but can see how others may complain. You can't keep everyone happy, but you can damn sure try :)


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I think two textures is easier. You only have to rename the one you like. If it doesn't posible because Gizmo, you can make two acfs with two diferent cockpits.

like the 2 .acf file idea, let the user choose. Onya everyone, let's go to the streets to protest and demand the cracked glass! Meet me at Flinders St at 10:00am :-)

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Hmm Kieran.

You may be onto something there (but it was 4 oclock in the morning my time when I wrote the message so bear with me). The liveries idea i think can be done but its a little excessive for one cracked glass display. Same as the different .acf file.

So here's what im thinking. Maybe the plane will be distributed with clean glass but have the cracked glass distributed with the package (its one .png file that needs to renamed and will take you 5 seconds.) For those of you who want the plane with the cracked glass, i'll post the instructions in a sticky thread within the (soon to be made) Sundowner support section of our forums.

Thats the only way to keep everyone happy... To be honest, I think I should just stick it in and leave it there :)

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Hmm Kieran.

You may be onto something there (but it was 4 oclock in the morning my time when I wrote the message so bear with me). The liveries idea i think can be done but its a little excessive for one cracked glass display. Same as the different .acf file.

So here's what im thinking. Maybe the plane will be distributed with clean glass but have the cracked glass distributed with the package (its one .png file that needs to renamed and will take you 5 seconds.) For those of you who want the plane with the cracked glass, i'll post the instructions in a sticky thread within the (soon to be made) Sundowner support section of our forums.

Thats the only way to keep everyone happy... To be honest, I think I should just stick it in and leave it there :)

Yes it is a bit excessive for a cracked display. I think that should be fine.



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The first night I get more than 5 hours sleep and I wake up to this cracked glass stuff.  WOW.

(I got a great sleep though!)

I'm now leaning towards leaving it in, to be honest.  I can safely say it won't be distracting while flying because the radio stack is actually not visible when flying in 2D cockpit mode.  Only when flying in VC mode can you pan around and see the radios.  Although, in saying this, I'm going to have to adjust the viewpoint so we'll see what happens.  If, by some chance it does become visible after adjusting the viewpoint, we'll fly it around and see if it is a distraction.  If not, we'll almost definitely leave it in.


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Radio stack is now working.  We had a few issues with it to begin with but now I can safely say it is fully functional.  

Theo and I have both agreed to leave the cracked glass.  It's not in this screenshot but it will be in the final package.

While I go over all the animations, Theo will finish up the night lighting and manipulators.

Then finish up the manual, test it, and have it available in a matter of weeks.

I just noticed I put the wrong screenshot up.


We made the radio look better than the one I showed here.

I'll put up a few more screens soon.

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