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Carenado 64-bit Updates

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Carenado has just posted their updated Bonanza V35 and Bonanza F33A at http://www.carenado.com.  This brings the total updates to seven, including:



Mooney M20J
Piper Saratoga PA32R-301 
Piper Archer II PA28-181
Cessna C172N II
Cessna C152II
Beechcraft V35 Bonanza
Beechcraft F33A Bonanza
Get your updates from the vendor from whom you made your original purchase.  If you bought directly from Carendao, go to your "My Account" page and click the download link.  Even though your product list doesn't title the aircraft as V2, the new download will be the most current version.  Your number of downloads should be augmented to allow for the new download.


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Yeah, got my C172 a few days ago, and just installed the F33A which I'll take for a spin right now.



The overlay buttons to control field of view, open doors and such does not work. They work on the C172.  <_<

They don't even fold open to show me the options when I click the graphic in the lower left.


Oh! Worked when I restarted X-Plane.  -_-


Note that they have included 4K paint kit.

Edited by OlaHaldor
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I must say, those C and O buttons are rather unstable. I had another flight before I went to bed last night, and those buttons don't work every time it seems. They work when they want to. Not that I needed to use the features hidden behind them, but it's a defect..


The 4K paint kit looks like it's only an upscale of the 2K paint kit, thus pixelated details. It's also got a few strange banding issues.

And shouldn't a paint kit come in layers, so grime and dirt and stuff would rest on top of the paint instead of the paint being multiplied on top of such details, thus mostly hiding it?

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I think you`re quiet right there Ola.
The resolution is high 4096x4096 , nevertheles the definition is low.
Its just an enlarged version of the 2048x2048 version.

Its logic to think that will result in a model showing the same in the sim in both resolutions.
BUT thats not the fact it even shows worse.

I have to explain that with a little example.

Try this.

Make a texture 100x100 and draw a single line on it ( without antialiasing) , you`ll have a straight line of exact one pixel wide.

Now enlage this texture to 200x200 and see what happens.

Your sharp one pixel wide line show up as a THREE pixel wide vage line , one sharp one in the middle and two lighter ones.
When such thing happens on a paint for a plane this line will show vage, lighter in color and wider then the same used with the low res sheet.
An antialiased three pixels wide  diagonal line on the 2048 version will and up as an EIGHT !!! pixel wide line on the 4096 version.


In other words  enlarging a picture (ANY picture) degrades its quality , the same goes for shrinking a texture.
Try shrinking a one pixel wide red  line , shrinked it will be less red and still one pixel wide naturally.

Offering a set of textures wich simply has been enlaged , advertising it as a high resolution textureset is mere nonsense.
OK you can add text, logos,signs etc to it in a high resolution , the base texture still is garbage. ( as I explaned even giving a lower result than the low res texure-set.
The fact we can make slim platelines showing like real platelines instead of finger-wide grooves is simply ignored.

And yes , a simple set of "blanks" has not much to do with a decent paintkit.
A real paint kit has layers and should enable us to regulate the intensety and sharpness op lines, dirt , remove and relocate things like signs, hatches etc.

Many developers have still a lot to learn about the whereabouts of (re-) painting.




Making a complete new paintkit (with speculars and normals) in a higher resolution takes more time than making dozens of liveries , I experienced at McPhatstudios.
This implicates offering us real high res textures/paintkits means a huge investment in time/money for a developer.
I really do not think we can expect a developer doing that for us without an extra fee.
Better said I really think there are to few painters willing to pay extra just for the sake of some additional liveries.

AND every painter is free to do that job himself.
In future I expect all main texturesets to be developed in 4K.

Edited by Leen de Jager
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I can't tell you how much I appreciate your "official" company (Carenado) announcement! Looks like they've been keeping you busy.


Yea.  It's a shame steven can't go over to the .org and make the same kind of announcements for XA products.  

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Are you connected with McPhat studios? I recently purchased this plane (ATR-72) and no one seems to have the FedEx livery for this plane anymore that was one of the liveries done for this plane.




Hi John,

For questions about the ATR project and its liveries you really must contact McPhatstudios.

I have been working and developing for McPhatstudios several times as a free-lance-advisory .

Did also some quality-control on the ATR-project.

Actually I am not a team-member nor a spokesman for McPhatstudios.


Leen  (  pronounce as Lane )


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The 4K paint kit looks like it's only an upscale of the 2K paint kit, thus pixelated details.

Yep!  Here's what the ReadMe file says about the 4K textures:



"Creating 4k Repaints for X-plane 10
X-plane 10 supports 4k textures (4096x4096 pixels).  This allows repainters to create liveries with crisper, less pixilated results.  
Please note that the underlying graphics for this blank livery have NOT been re-made from the ground up, so they can not really be referred to as "HD"; they have simply been up-scaled and sharpened a bit.  But the results of any text or other graphics added to this higher-resolution canvas should yield much better results in v10.
A tip:  Since 4k textures take quite a lot of computing resources to process in Photoshop, it might be advisable to start out by creating a smaller 1k or 2k livery as a temporary draft.  This will allow you to position everything as needed before applying the design to a high-res 4k texture.  
For more help on how to do repaints, please go to the following link:
If you wish to re-palnt this plane for v9, please use the graphic textures found in this plane's "objects" folder as a 2k base, since v9 does not support 4k textures."
This ReadMe file is included with most of the V2 updates, but it's missing from the V35, F33A, C172N and Archer II.  The omissions are being corrected as I type this.
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I can't tell you how much I appreciate your "official" company (Carenado) announcement! Looks like they've been keeping you busy.


Can't tell if sarcasm or ....


I, for one, do appreciate it because it means I don't have to go to the "other" forum to find out about my Carenado products, which I purchase direct from Carenado.


Can't wait for updates for the two planes I actually own though!

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Can't tell if sarcasm or ....


I, for one, do appreciate it because it means I don't have to go to the "other" forum to find out about my Carenado products, which I purchase direct from Carenado.


Can't wait for updates for the two planes I actually own though!

Carenado should be contacting their customers and letting them know about updates, which I'm sure you would appreciate.  If they did that then they wouldn't have to have a surrogate come here and post company news.  And, of course, there is nothing wrong with posting news here.. just be honest about your intentions and relationships with the parties involved in the news you're posting.


So, if that's sarcastic, then so be it... better than dishonest.

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Yea.  It's a shame steven can't go over to the .org and make the same kind of announcements for XA products.  

When there's something to announce, I might just do that.


yada yada yada

And your point is?


Carenado should be contacting their customers and letting them know about updates, which I'm sure you would appreciate.

Carenado does indeed send e-mails to their customers when they make their formal announcements about new products and updates, but they also rely on good old word of mouth.  I'm sure within the next few days Carenado will be alerting their customers concerning these latest updates.  My post was in no way a formal announcement and was only intended to be "heads up" to other Carenado owners on this forum as well as other forums where I have made the same post.  The latest updates haven't even been formally announced at any of their other retail outlets, to my knowledge.


...they wouldn't have to have a surrogate come here and post company news.

Let me state again that I do not and have not ever worked for Carenado.  I have not been compensated in any way by Carenado or any of their employees.  I am not acting in any way in or on behalf of Carenado.  I am not a spokesman for Carenado.  I have paid for each and every Carenado and Alabeo aircraft I have.


...just be honest about your intentions and relationships with the parties involved in the news you're posting.

I think I've made my intentions clear that I am only sharing information.  I am not seeking any form of compensation and I have no hidden agenda.  Why you insist on casting aspersions is beyond me.  My relationship to Carenado and Dan Klaue is as an end user beta tester. As such, I test new aircraft and updates to existing aircraft by flying them as any end user might fly them.  I am not a programmer or developer.  I just fly them and look for issues that might arise.  Obviously, I don't catch them all, but I'm getting better.


By the way, did you know Jason Chandler has updated his Piper's (now including the PiperJet) and they have been updated for V10?  You get 15 planes for $15.   http://www.c74.net/xplane/fx/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=593

I have no relationship with Jason Chandler, other than we both live in Montana and I own most of his planes.  I have not been paid or asked to make this post on his behalf.  Intent?  Just sharing the info.

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When there's something to announce, I might just do that.
That would be a first.


Carenado does indeed send e-mails to their customers when they make their formal announcements about new products and updates, but they also rely on good old word of mouth.  I'm sure within the next few days Carenado will be alerting their customers concerning these latest updates.  My post was in no way a formal announcement and was only intended to be "heads up" to other Carenado owners on this forum as well as other forums where I have made the same post. 

How many "heads up" announcements have you made regarding other developer's products (besides Carenado)?  Please post the links.  


You stated that ... "The latest updates haven't even been formally announced at any of their other retail outlets, to my knowledge." Really?  So, the first "formal announcement" of these updates was proferred by YOU, at X-Pilot, ... how interesting.  How exactly did you obtain this information prior to the rest of the world knowing if you are simply a "customer" like everyone else?


Let me state again that I do not and have not ever worked for Carenado.  I have not been compensated in any way by Carenado or any of their employees.  I am not acting in any way in or on behalf of Carenado.  I am not a spokesman for Carenado.  I have paid for each and every Carenado and Alabeo aircraft I have.

Your actions and words speak otherwise.


I think I've made my intentions clear that I am only sharing information.  I am not seeking any form of compensation and I have no hidden agenda.  Why you insist on casting aspersions is beyond me.  My relationship to Carenado and Dan Klaue is as an end user beta tester. As such, I test new aircraft and updates to existing aircraft by flying them as any end user might fly them.  I am not a programmer or developer.  I just fly them and look for issues that might arise.  Obviously, I don't catch them all, but I'm getting better.

You can talk all day long about your "intentions", but actions speak louder than words.  If I point out the obvious relationship you have with Carenado, that is not casting an "aspersion", it's just the truth.  End user beta tester status brings with it many responsibilites, or at least it should.  You should be reporting your test findings to Carenado... not making announcements on their behalf or acting as a promoter.


By the way, did you know Jason Chandler has updated his Piper's (now including the PiperJet) and they have been updated for V10?  You get 15 planes for $15.   http://www.c74.net/x...c.php?f=4&t=593
I have no relationship with Jason Chandler, other than we both live in Montana and I own most of his planes.  I have not been paid or asked to make this post on his behalf.  Intent?  Just sharing the info.

Really, are you kidding?  You post that example to try to prove your lack of bias.  Where/What/When was the last post you made regarding an update to Jason Chandler's aircraft?  or anyone else's, besides Carenado?  


Please show me another X-Plane customer of third party add-on products who makes announcement and promotes that vendor's products the way you do. Your actions indicate an obvious bias and you are certainly NOT without prejudice.

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How many "heads up" announcements have you made regarding other developer's products (besides Carenado)?  Please post the links.

You can search the forums yourself.  There are a few.


So, the first "formal announcement" of these updates was proferred by YOU, at X-Pilot, ... how interesting.  How exactly did you obtain this information prior to the rest of the world knowing if you are simply a "customer" like everyone else?

My point is that my post was NOT a formal announcement.  The way I found they were released was by another Carenado customer posting at the org that he had gotten an update.  Nobody at Carenado told me they had been released.  I got the information the same time everyone else in the world got it.


You can talk all day long about your "intentions", but actions speak louder than words.  If I point out the obvious relationship you have with Carenado, that is not casting an "aspersion", it's just the truth.  End user beta tester status brings with it many responsibilites, or at least it should.  You should be reporting your test findings to Carenado... not making announcements on their behalf or acting as a promoter.

The aspersions I'm talking about are your obvious, and somewhat sarcastic, attempts to cast my posts in a negative light.  You have made several attempts to call into question my motives, intentions and integrity.  I have made no personal attacks on you or your products and yet you take it upon yourself to display your disdain for your competitors by making posts like this.  Tell me, what exactly do you think a beta tester's "responsibilities" are?  Should they be banned from sharing their opinions?  If so, then should not the very developer be banned from promoting their own product in these forums?  Who better to be an evangelist for your product than someone who has tested and experienced your product?  I have not reported any of my "findings"or "prior to release information" in these or any other forums.  I have expressed my opinions and thoughts AFTER their release, never before.  I only report my test findings to Dan and I withhold any posts until a product is released.  If you think I don't support other products, ask Goran about the time I posted a livery for the Duchess at the org that resulted in a small boost in sales.  Don't tell me I don't support other products.  I own 9 out of 14 of the X-Aviation aircraft products and I always speak highly of the models I own and am familiar with.  Am I partial to Carenado products?  You bet.  I own every one of them and I can send you screenshots of my receipts if you want absolute proof that I have purchased every single Carenado product I own.



Where/What/When was the last post you made regarding an update to Jason Chandler's aircraft?  or anyone else's, besides Carenado?  

I have posted my opinions about Jason's aircraft several times in these and other forums.  I still think Jason's flight models are some of the best out there and I'm not afraid to recommend his products.  I've also shared my opinions about X-Aviation aircraft.  You can search my posts for yourself.  Again, am I partial to Carenado?  Yep!  But certainly not because I am being compensated or have any ulterior intentions.  I like them because I like them.  I own Mac computers because I like them.  I own Nikon cameras because I like them.  I drive a Toyota 4Runner because I like it.  None of those manufacturers have ever compensated me, either.  But, I gladly support products I believe in and I am as big an evangelist for Nikon, Apple and Toyota as I am for Carenado. You, and others, apparently have issues either with me or with Carenado and probably any other "competing" products.  


Please show me another X-Plane customer of third party add-on products who makes announcement and promotes that vendor's products the way you do. Your actions indicate an obvious bias and you are certainly NOT without prejudice.

I'm not the only one to ever make some kind of "announcement" about a Carenado product in these forums.  You can do the search yourself, but I know of at least one other member who "introduced" a Carenado release.  Am I biased towards Carenado products?  You bet!!  That's pretty obvious.  No, I am certainly not without prejudice.  You got that exactly right.  Am I saying Carenado products are "better" than any other product?  NO!  I've never said that or insinuated that.  If I thought they were better, then why would I bother buying other aircraft from other developers?  Do I love the MU-2?  You bet!  It was my very first payware investment!  I flew the Sundowner the perimeter of the US when I first bought it.  Took me a month!  The very first livery I did for a payware product was painted for the Sundowner and my second livery was for the Duchess.  I really don't get what's bothering you, Jim.  Why does it bother you so much?

Edited by steven winslow
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Sometimes it amazes me how much you don't "get it." My mind tells me I should refuse to accept that you're as far from a normal society mental state as you make yourself out to be, but perhaps you genuinely are just as you make yourself out to be? I swear to myself you're smarter than that...in fact, I know you are. I refuse to accept that you're dumb, so don't act dumb.
Multiple individuals in this topic have posted in here about this for a reason. There's NO doubt that your connection to Dan Klaue and his work at Carenado is the driving force behind your postings here. You're trying to argue otherwise, and that's just dumb.

You can search the forums yourself.  There are a few.

Very few. There is, however, a staggering amount of Carenado/Dan Klaue discussion out of you, to which you do have quite the affiliation. It ranges from releases, to upcoming, to sales, to updates. Can't say there's much of that from you anywhere about anyone else.

I have made no personal attacks on you or your products and yet you take it upon yourself to display your disdain for your competitors by making posts like this.

You're focusing in on the wrong point. No one has disdain for Carenado or their great products.

If you think I don't support other products, ask Goran about the time I posted a livery for the Duchess at the org that resulted in a small boost in sales.

One livery more than two years ago in 2011 (which is pretty normal for you to make liveries anyhow) for 30 posts about Carenado here. Not the same.

I own Mac computers because I like them.  I own Nikon cameras because I like them.  I drive a Toyota 4Runner because I like it.  None of those manufacturers have ever compensated me, either.  But, I gladly support products I believe in and I am as big an evangelist for Nikon, Apple and Toyota as I am for Carenado.

This is a horrible analogy. Everyone buys what they like, Steven. The difference is you have access to products prior to their release as a beta tester for Carenado. You choose to buy it, but we both know you don't have to buy it. If you wanted a Nikon, Mac, or Toyota you'd have to buy them. You don't beta test for them.

You, and others, apparently have issues either with me or with Carenado and probably any other "competing" products.

Dumb. Competing products are good for the community, and in turn, good for people like Jim. We need more competing products.

I'm not the only one to ever make some kind of "announcement" about a Carenado product in these forums.

No, one time someone beat you to it.

I've also shared my opinions about X-Aviation aircraft.

Ah, yes. That's right. The vaporware topic that you tried to play off as something that was intended to be funny after it backfired on you, and the topic about your disappointment recently on an upcoming update, and your post about X-Aviation and patience all the while rolling your eyes.

I really don't get what's bothering you, Jim.  Why does it bother you so much?

I don't even have to ask Jim to know the answer to this. It's a combination of your anti-XA topics as of late, coupled with your fanboy Dan Klaue topics (a person who vocally has a distaste for anything XA). The correlation is uncanny. You can't seriously be that dumb. Again, I refuse to accept it.

When there's something to announce, I might just do that.

Oh, good. We'll see what happens in the coming hours then! We appreciate you taking the time to better the community and spread the word about the next XA product update, for which you are a customer of.
This topic, as usual for things that you have been a part of or started as of late, has essentially become zero sum and is now closed, Steven. I can't even see a glimpse of good out of further discussion.
People are free to post about Carenado or any other products all they want. From you, however, it's becoming rather repetitive and annoying. Perhaps you should back off a bit. Your affiliation to the developer of this product and your recent onslaught of anti-XA behavior is what's killing you here. That's a toxic combination. Had it just been your affiliation alone you probably wouldn't be getting so much grief, but you'd definitely be forever known as the cheerleader. ;)

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