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Help with choosing a plane!


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Hi everyone, since I cant make up my mind I thought I would ask the talented and insightful people of this mighty forum for some "guidance" in helping me choose my next purchase.

The delima I have is that I really like 3 different planes for very different reasons, if I had the funds I would buy them all and not worry about it :)


First is the DHC -1 Chipmunk, I love this plane as it is a) a De Havilland product and because its small and suits my flying style (VFR, nuffin' else matters....)

Second, the very nice T28 C because its a radial engined bird and that means fantastic grumbings from the engine (heard a corsair once and nearly fainted.....the sound was so awesome!!!!)

Thirdly, the very excellent DC3 from the boys! I love this plane and have the Heinz version (I know, not exactly comparable to this mighty offering....), and fly that quite often.....but it needs something else :)

Theo's texture work is just art in itself, and the modelling cant be beaten IMHO, the systems recreation I believe is just right for my level of flying. I own a few of the X-Aviation planes and have enjoyed them everytime I fly them.....they are the standard on which I base all my other payware planes, and future purchases :)


So there we have it, I like all 3 for different reasons but just cant decide on which to get.....


anyone willing to give me some insight? Would prefer info from those that own at least one of two of these planes and their thoughts and reactions to them....






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I can't speak to the Chipmunk or T28 but I own and often fly Leading Edge's DC-3.  It looks gorgeous, and flies well.  I have no flying experience outside of simulators, but I can fly historical routes and get the times spot on, which I consider to be a selling point for the flight model.  These are my six entirely subjective reasons for recommending the DC-3:


1)  Versatility: Works great both VFR hand-flying and instrument flying.

2)  Feels heavy.  A lot of smaller GA planes start feeling the same to me, the DC-3 has character and its handling reflects that.

3)  Lots of historical flights to replicate: passenger, cargo, and military. Not everyone is into that, I enjoy the heck out of it. Lots of information, including scanned timetables, are available online.

4)  Looks fantastic but doesn't hurt my poor, dying piece of junk laptop.  Sorry Lappy, I didn't mean that.  Don't die on me.

5)  I can't come up with any points of reservation regarding it.  I'm confused as to why they based their model on one with no rear passenger door (have yet to find a picture of a DC-3 without a rear door, though they did exist apparently), but there are liveries available to rectify that - which is good enough for me.

6) Leen de Jager (sorry if I spelt this wrong...) has done repaints for it, and he only does A-class work.

Edited by hobofat
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I have both the DC-3 and the T-28C and I enjoy flying them both.  Both require flying by the book and careful eyes on the gauges to keep the engines purring.  Both have their own challenges, but I think it comes down to flying a bus vs flying sports car.  They handle completely different.  For me, it's definitely a coin toss on these two and you can't go wrong with either one.  They are both first rate in every way.  Keep in mind one is Gizmo and one is SASL.  Not an issue if you're flying V10, but if you're still flying V9.7 you may want to weigh that factor.

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I have all three of the products you listed, and the DC-3 is the cream of the crop in the list...that's my opinion, anyhow. 


The developers of the T28 really left a ton of people high and dry, and their primary programmer left the X-Plane scenery with broken promises which left a very sour taste in my mouth as well as others. It's very incomplete compared to what they said was coming in short order. Don't get me wrong, it has its ups, but being the dev cycle on it will not ever be brought up to what it should have been I would stick with LES. At least they support their products, and you can't go wrong with the DC-3!

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So far, the DC3 is getting my attention, love that old bird.


CoreyR.....how do you feel about the Chipmunk? Im interested in it as its a Khamsin product and I have always liked his work.






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So far, the DC3 is getting my attention, love that old bird.


CoreyR.....how do you feel about the Chipmunk? Im interested in it as its a Khamsin product and I have always liked his work.







It's okay. A good VFR plane but not much to it. A prettied up default plane is what I akin it too since from a programming perspective there's nothing there.


If you want vintage and you want to enjoy vintage, along with some programmed simulation I would easily recommend the DC-3 over the Chipmunk.

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^^ Seconded. Helicopters offer much more possibilities. You can land anywhere, and fly pretty fast. Quite fun, with some practice. If you insist on a plane, I would very much recommend the DC-3. I do not have the T-28 or the Chipmunk, but the DC-3 flies real nice and has a good vintage feeling. Very good textures, systems, and modeling. Plus the developers don't ditch their bird. Have fun, and make a choice that suits you.

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I thought about helicopters but just cannot get enthused about them....ah well.

I have made my decision.....DC3 it is!!!!


Corey, understand what you mean about the chipmunk, it still looks pretty and VFR is one of my favorite types of flying but I have enough planes for that (BlackShape Prime anyone?), so thats all covered. Vintage plane with twin radials is where its at! We have one flying around here in Christchurch, its owned by Pioneer Air and is really pretty, especially on the low passes over our house ;)


Right, Im off to purchase a classic, thanks for the advice everyone and I appreciate the time you all took to answer my questions ;)






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Forget helicopters, you're either into them or you're not, and not everyone is. On top of that, you didn't list any so it's pointless to suggest it.


I would second the DC3. I have the T28 and just as has been already said, I found it's a constant gauge-watching exercise rather than enjoying flight, which means I usually avoid it for that reason alone.

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Hi, Andy,


Our system shows your activation has not been going through because you are not using proper casing in your e-mail when entered in the form. You've been using all lowercase letters, whereas you purchased and have an account with the 'A' and 'G' being capitalized.


P.S., we have a customer support contact form for situations like this, and it will typically garner you relatively fast replies. Since no one on these forums aside from X-Aviation representatives can tend to things like this, your best bet is always our contact form.


Happy flying, and thanks for the purchase! :)

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arrgghhh, hi Cameron. I knew it was me doing something stupid :) And sorry for not using the proper channels, hand has been slapped and lesson learned :)

Once again you have come to my rescue......have just altered the offending part and I am all activated and good to go!


I have never regretted a purchase from you guys nor will I, next purchase on the horizon is the Jetstream, and then the SAAB and then the...... :)






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