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MU-2 progress towards update


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Gentlemen and Ladies,

With the exeption of VERY tiny adjustments, the MU2 1.5 update work has been completed and we are rolling into packaging and some marketing stuffs, the logistics of which can take a while. Here's a list of 'major' what's new since V 1.1.1. There are numbers minor adjustments for the sake of reliability and usability. To remind everyone, this is for version 10 only, free for existing customers....and taking advantage of the latest goodies and bug fixes V10 has. This is the last "major overhaul" for the Version 1.0 run.

  • New 3D instruments and higher resolution graphics
    • New Attitude Indicator with mechanical flight director bars
    • New altimeter and higher resolution texture for more legibility
    • New clock
    • More refined altitude set action with rolling digits
    • New Garmin GTX 330 transponder simulation
    • New ADF with 3-tier setting knobs
    • audio switches for com/nav/adf/mkr/dme working
    • Independent use of CoPilot HSI, coupled to Nav 2

    [*]Fire warning systems and suppression implemented

    [*]Several new liveries added

    [*]New Custom master caution annunciator system implemented

    [*]New fuel management system with accurate transfer and engine/fuel cut off mechanisms

    [*]Convenient pre-set initializations so you can just almost just "get in and go" for starting with engines running

    [*]All new night lighting for immersive experience

    [*]Animated windshield wipers (actuate with overhead switch)

    [*]VS and IAS autopilot modes implemented along with others

    [*]Autopilot disconnect switch on the yoke works

    [*]Animated trim switch on yoke to conincide with trim commands...you'll see this when you actuate your joystick trim

    [*]More refined electrical simulation.

    [*]Almost all overhead switches wired up correctly (no fasten seat belt or no smoking dings) but anti-ice implemented

    [*]In HDR rendering mode, new 3D lighting for wing ice light, gear warning lights and real wingtip taxi lighting.

    [*]New installation and easy, painless activation system.

A special thanks goes out to Jan (litjan) of the IXEG 737 team for beta testing...he's a 1-man beta testing wrecking crew and if there's somthing to be found, he'll find it.

Another special thanks to Ben Russell and his Gizmo middleware scripting language. It's introduction has had a few bumps but its power and ease of use holds great promise. It's changing the face of simulation abilities for x-plane and we will all see this soon.

And here's a picture of about a 99.5% final result look...in the daytime. (A bit more texture adjustments still) More screenshots will follow at release.


Edited by tkyler
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Fantastic! I'll look forward to seeing screenshots of other people using it while I look for a job so I can pay for a graphics card and possibly an entirely new PC so I can upgrade to XP10! ;)

(This is not a criticism. If MU-2 v1.5 was XP9.7 compatible, I'd still need to do all of that. My onboard graphics chip on this PC can't even draw the Falco in v9.7 without mech errors and missing textures.)

Congratulations on the imminent release Tom!

edit: so will you be updating the banner image in your sig?

Edited by Dozer
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I haven't wrestled this bear since I switched to XP10. I've been eagerly anticipating this upgrade.

Ya know, Austin, in his infinite wisdom, really needs to figure out a way to draw 3D lights attached to airplane objects when HDR is turned off. My puter might not be able to handle a bazillion street lamps illuminating gods green earth, but I'm sure a handful of lights in the cockpit wouldn't be enough of a drag to be noticeable. Just sayin. Cuz you know Austin and all... *ahem*

Anyway really looking forward to it! Maybe ill just have to switch on HDR just when I'm actuating the landing gear, then immediately turn it back off when wheels are up.

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Oh so lovely ! Thank you so much, Tom, for updating your Moo, the best plane ever made for x-plane. Now, I will use my v.10 version, kept in the fridge since I bought it several months ago...

Your talent makes life better,


PS Do ladies really fly with the MU-2 ? Unfortunately, never met one of them down here ! ;)

Edited by danhenri
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Thankyou so much Tom! The MU2 is my favourite airplane in XP (I mainly fly the Moo).

Looong awaited, I'm very much looking forward to when this becomes available.

I hope it's ready soon! :) Cheers!

I wonder will it be 64 bit compatible ... which I guess also depends on whether Gizmo will be 64 bit compatible. Now worries, just ruminating ..:)

Edited by pryoski
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I'm a little confused about the update. Has 1.5 been released? I would expect my download count at X-Aviation for that plane to have been reset.

Also, I think I need to do a "clean install" of the file once I do get it downloaded. I'm pretty sure my current MU-2 is hosed, since I can't get it off the ground in XP-10 due to roll-trim issue, but nobody else reports this problem. What's the best way to do a "clean" install, and is a clean install recommended for the update?

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Im' sorry....my wording on "the update is done" was very poor! As my experience goes, the manner of the update will be as follows (X-aviation to clarily):

All distributions at x-aviation, whether they be new or an update generally come with an installer application. X-Aviation will always notify customers via email than an update is available...i.e. they always do an announcement and/or newsletter with specific instructions on obtaining the update. The MU2 update uses X-Aviations current installer program and activation which is quick, easy and painless and reliable. The "old" activation system on the first MU2 is no more. So here's where we are.

We (me and x-aviation) are looking at the MU-2 package as a "distribution package". We're checking all the files, editing the docs, preparing a "what's new" 'doc, generating promo images for a new gallery and prepping the newsletter announcement, reworking the web page, etc. This will take some days yet and the conclusions of that will be an email newsletter to hit customers inboxes letting them know that its ready fo download.

As far as the 64-bit version of Gizmo goes, that is not yet available but also, will most likely be an announcment by x-aviation when it is in the form of an email. I have confirmed that Laminar will ship a 32-bit version of x-plane alongside the 64-bit version throughout the Version 10 run of x-plane....so we all have some stability for another year or two minimum. With 64-bit shipping soon, I'm confident Ben will get the 64 bit version going and we can begin testing all our stuff.

Tom K

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Many thanks for the comprehensive explaination and update Tom. Much appreciated. On a sidenote and not related to this.... is there a way to have both stable v10.11 and ceta 64-bit intsalled on the same computer?? I like the stabilty of 10.11 but want to play around with the 64-bit. Any help or guidance much appreciated. Steve

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Many thanks for the comprehensive explaination and update Tom. Much appreciated. On a sidenote and not related to this.... is there a way to have both stable v10.11 and ceta 64-bit intsalled on the same computer?? I like the stabilty of 10.11 but want to play around with the 64-bit. Any help or guidance much appreciated. Steve

Sorry, classic "brain fart" moment there. It can co-exist nicely,except if one is still running secretly....

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... I have confirmed that Laminar will ship a 32-bit version of x-plane alongside the 64-bit version throughout the Version 10 run of x-plane....so we all have some stability for another year or two minimum. With 64-bit shipping soon, I'm confident Ben will get the 64 bit version going and we can begin testing all our stuff.

Tom K

Hi Tom, I can report that the MU2 runs flawlessy in the beta 10.20b1 32bit mode. I notice that on my rig, the previously pronounced dip on rotation isn't so pronounced and the plane tracks pretty much straight down the centre-line during the initial takeoff roll ... I'm wondering if the settings have been tweaked in the XP beta or maybe I'm just becoming a better pilot ;).

... On a sidenote and not related to this.... is there a way to have both stable v10.11 and ceta 64-bit intsalled on the same computer?? I like the stabilty of 10.11 but want to play around with the 64-bit. Any help or guidance much appreciated. Steve

Steve, I have multiple copies of the X-Plane installs on my PC. After I did the original install, I made a copy of the X-Plane folder and called it X-Plane xx.xx (where xx.xx is the version number). In the case of the CRJ with Gizmo, I've created a X-Plane 10.G where the G is a reminder for myself that Gizmo is installed in that install of X-Plane. Reason being that Gizmo still kills the sound for my Carenado planes.

If a member registers with the name 'downquark', will you annihilate each other? :D

Ah-ha .. an insider quantum physics joke? :P BTW, I really like your site ... as I'm looking for ideas and inspiration to build my own multi purpose panel. Thanks!


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.. I think I need to do a "clean install" of the file once I do get it downloaded. I'm pretty sure my current MU-2 is hosed, since I can't get it off the ground in XP-10 due to roll-trim issue, but nobody else reports this problem. What's the best way to do a "clean" install, and is a clean install recommended for the update?

... Hmm that happened to me in the early days. Then I found that my joystick (Saitek Cyborg) was spiking and a little too sensitive. Playing around with the sensitivity settings, curves and dead zones in X-Plane's joystick setup fixed it for me though.

I'm not sure if you're using version 10 or 9.70. But another issue I used to have was the weather settings in 9.70; where the wind on takeoff was a huge factor. Weather and wind isn't the huge bug-bear it was in 9.7 though.

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OK guys...the package is in x-aviation hands for logistics. This is the MU2 cockpit that I envisionsed way back when for GA cross country. 300+ miles per hour on VATSIM "old school" is just a ball. Night lighting is wonderfully immersive and everything you need just works. The AP is great, flipping the radios from com1 to com2 on vatsim for tower > departure handoffs is just like the real thing. It's incredibly satisfying to fly this thing and not say to myself..."man I need to fix that!" Of course there is a lot of other 3D that can be cleaned up and that will happen, but getting all the interaction with the cockpit and controls just right really has made a difference. I think you MU2 fans will love it. This will be for XP version 10.11+ as that's the version I developed on. If I can find some time, I'll throw together a "over the shoulder whats new" video.

As far as the future of the MU2, I expect to fix any minor things that the masses come up with that I missed for this 1.5 run.....there's bound to be a few but as far as higher fidelity simulation, custom sounds, all new 3D graphics and UI, that will come in a version 2.0 run at some time in the future....probably well after the 737 is out the door.

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OK guys...the package is in x-aviation hands for logistics. ... As far as the future of the MU2, I expect to fix any minor things that the masses come up with that I missed for this 1.5 run.....there's bound to be a few but as far as higher fidelity simulation, custom sounds, all new 3D graphics and UI, that will come in a version 2.0 run at some time in the future....probably well after the 737 is out the door.

Tom ... already an extremely happy camper!

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Once upon a time, I had a brilliant book - 'Alice in Quantumland'. I think I lent it to someone. Very very vague memories of Feynman diagrams from my physics classes in 6th Form about ten years ago now - up/down, charm/strange, left/right 'flavours' of quark wasn't it?

Good work getting it ready in time for Christmas Tom! I hope it gets many new users during the long nights of the northern winter.

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