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I was not referring to Goran's work but all of this stuff:

How about making the GPU a petrol engine powered generator, with custom startup sequence and some gauges to watch (as well as fuel level)?
Ha, funny! Getting gizmo to show petrol splash on ground? Never ending possibilities..
does this thing have a 3D-Pit?  nice

None of which adds anything to the plane and if listened to would just tack on unnecessary development to an already behind schedule project. If Goran feels that stuff is missing from the overall SAAB flight experience (but is merely functional eye candy in my opinion) then it would be best (again in my opinion) to release it as a separate update instead of making us all wait for the whole plane for what again I will term as eye candy.

I am aware that Goran's part is more or less complete and it is code work that is going on now, so once again I am not saying for him to not model a GPU, but suggesting that if he wants to add in extra code to make the GPU fit the requests above to do it as an update and not delay the core product for the sake of eye candy.

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I was not referring to Goran's work but all of this stuff:

How about making the GPU a petrol engine powered generator, with custom startup sequence and some gauges to watch (as well as fuel level)?
Ha, funny! Getting gizmo to show petrol splash on ground? Never ending possibilities..
does this thing have a 3D-Pit?  nice

None of which adds anything to the plane and if listened to would just tack on unnecessary development to an already behind schedule project. If Goran feels that stuff is missing from the overall SAAB flight experience (but is merely functional eye candy in my opinion) then it would be best (again in my opinion) to release it as a separate update instead of making us all wait for the whole plane for what again I will term as eye candy.

I am aware that Goran's part is more or less complete and it is code work that is going on now, so once again I am not saying for him to not model a GPU, but suggesting that if he wants to add in extra code to make the GPU fit the requests above to do it as an update and not delay the core product for the sake of eye candy.

I think it's fine as long as the actual plane is still not done. I do agree with you on not furthermore delaying an already delayed add on for the sake of a GPU, which won't do much for actually flying the plane. I think we should get the basic plane ASAP so we can learn how to fly it because it sounds like quite a challenge to fly.

I will admit that the GPU is pretty cool though..........

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The plane is complete though, right? Now it's just some extra "toys" you guys are adding. Keep up the good work.

We could release the plane right now without the extra coding and it would fly just fine.  But we wanted to add the extra coding for added realism and immersion with a few more realistic systems.  All I'm doing is adding a few extra bits and pieces to add a "that's cool" factor.

Unless an act of God happens, it WILL be released no later than Feb 28th.  If not, my wife will kneecap me and throw me in front of a train before throwing me into an active volcano.

What can I say, That's Love!

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Give it a rest guys.  The Saab will be released when it is released.  Who says it's late?  We're not the ones setting the time frame here.  I have a feeling the more we bug the boys, the longer they'll make us wait.  We're all anxious and would love to have it, but don't you have a bunch of other planes to fly while you're waiting?  I'm just getting tired of all this harping on Goran to get it done.


+1 Well said Steven. We all want to fly it as bad as the next guy, but I'm 100% sure it will be worthwile, just look at all the extra goodies Goran is adding to it  8) . Just be patient, as Steven said go fly something else while you wait for this incredible addon  :(

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