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First Flights Findings / Minor Issues / Suggestion for Improvement

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First, congrats on the release. It's an aircraft with personality, amazing modeling, feels really great overall! Plan on keeping it busy flying all around the world.

 First, some issues I found in these first flights.

1) Negative Altitude, is the Altimeter supposed to go to 99999 instead of negative numbers starting from 0?



2) This Clock really stands out from the rest of the panel, being so low res. Barely readable. Is that normal?




3) I believe this was mentioned before, during cruise, the Engines RPM sounds a little out of sync, even though they are in Sync, with Eng Sync Activated. It generates fatigue to listen to that constant woobling, and nothing we can do about it unfortunately.



Now, suggestion on feature implementation for upcoming patches. 

#The Throttle Gate System, such as the one in the TBM900, is a must, and should be put on the top of priorities, alongside GTN Implementation imo. The Default XP Toggle for Beta is not intuitive, very unpleasant to operate on the ground.

#A Simple GUI for Loading Fuel, with Sliders or capacity. Just the options to Fill the Tanks leaves the user confused, if one want to have less than the Full Quantity for a Flight. What would help for now is adding a Comprehensive Names on the Fuel Tanks that show up in X-Plane Weight and Fuel Menu. Right now, it doesnt specify Tank by it's name, just numbers, so we have no idea where we are loading that fuel.

#LibRadio, when compatibility is fixed. This Airplane is born for Radio Navigation. It will improve so much the experience with LibRadio, and all the extra simulation it adds!

 Thats it for now. I will keep flying it and report anything I notice! Thanks


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Thanks so much for the input:

  • Altimeter does goes backwards from 99999; HOWEVER (and I forget to implement this...so thx)...it has a NEG flag on the first 3 digits.



  • Clock will get replaced for sure.  its subject to sit below higher priority items, but I don't like it either, which means I'm certainly going to fix it (GTX330 graphics too). 
  • Engine RPM....I'll check all the "numbers", both physical and FMOD, which of course drives the sound.  It could be the values of FMOD are off a few decimal places.
  • TBM900 throttle is excellent no doubt, but unsure if I can implement just yet, I'm looking into a solution with my current methodology.  TBM900 completely overrides X-Plane controls/engine giving ultimate flexiblity between hardware and controls where I do not yet.  I still rely on X-Plane's TPE-331 implementation for 60% of the functionality and that means fighting X-plane's default throttle joystick behavior.  I do want this behavior in though (and indeed my own engine model) and will be giving it a good look see very soon to assess the options; however, it won't go in before the GTN, that's for sure.
  • GUI:  There is absolutely an advanced GUI plan with all sorts of goodies desired.... I just got into imGUI, this is my first go-round and once all the other particulars of the plane operation are stable, then I'll definitely turn my focus to "interaction".
  • LibRadio.  Not doubt if I can get it running on my architecture.   Bug Saso for sure ;)  


Final words..I've never been the GUI graphics guy in my other partnerships, always the flight model / 3D / systems guy, BUT I'm just starting to poke around with GUI interfaces....and you can be sure that the better I get, the more toys I'll start throwing in.  I still have quite a few ideas I want to get into this product....and this Version 2.0 is the baseline!



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1 hour ago, Ch.Cole said:

I can try to create the throttle functionality

The ultimate goal is to rewrite the fuel controller.   Once all the big-wig items are out of the way and things settled,  I'm going to turn my attention to writing my own fuel and prop controller and overriding X-Plane fully.  This will set the stage to eventually implement the ghost throttle methods by IXEG/Hot Start.  

In the original Version 1,  I 'buffered' the lever animations a bit...probably a bit too slow as some folks complained they 'lagged' the hardware movement, but I can tell you that animating them directly from the joystick input has proven to be a nightmare with hardware noise.  I'm going to look into bring that 'smoothing' back and maybe provide a tolerance zone setting like we did in IXEG.

Anyhooo.....definintely interested to see what you might come up with.  


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19 minutes ago, Ch.Cole said:

re: clock, the indications for the functionality are also off, GMT and LT have the same "dot", FT hat the "dot" in the middle.

yea, its default.   I actually have all the code I need to customize that in the GTX-330 since it has all the chrono functions in it also...I just need to parlay that to the chrono graphics.

Edited by tkyler
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Hello Tom.


Very exciting your words on what is upcoming for the MU-2. So Glad when feedback is received this nicely by the developer, instead of an angry attitude. 

I understand the complexity of the Throttle Gate system, now that you talk about it. But I believe you will find a way, specially with a more custom turboprop simulation, that will take this addon to a level even further!

Glad to be of help

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9 minutes ago, Alec246 said:

I understand the complexity of the Throttle Gate system, now that you talk about it. But I believe you will find a way, specially with a more custom turboprop simulation, that will take this addon to a level even further!

Thx Alec.  Its a process for sure. Being 'solo' on this particular project makes it a bit tough in that I have to spend time on the 3D whereas in the team scenario, someone could "improving the interface" during that time etc..  So my methodology is to get everything that is "tactile"..stuff you.see / touch / hear / operate.....get it so folks can fly it with their hardware....and then when all that's stable, I can start throwing in "luxuries".....GUIs...more prefs...failures....weight/balance stuff.  etc.  I mean...I love this thing..it'll get plenty of attention going forward still.

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Since I haven't seen this mentioned by anyone else, I suspect I'm over looking something...

  • I can't get the AVItab computer to turn-on.  Can't find click spot to power it up.
  • I can't get the GTN 530/430 to start-up. I'm aware of the avionics buttons in the gold cradles on the left panel - they're activated. Only the transponder comes on. Breakers are OK.

I'm really looking forward to getting to know this gal intimately. Looks like we'll spend a lot of time together. :)


Frank (AKA VirtualGAa)

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55 minutes ago, VirtualGAaviator said:

Since I haven't seen this mentioned by anyone else, I suspect I'm over looking something...

  • I can't get the AVItab computer to turn-on.  Can't find click spot to power it up.
  • I can't get the GTN 530/430 to start-up. I'm aware of the avionics buttons in the gold cradles on the left panel - they're activated. Only the transponder comes on. Breakers are OK.

I'm really looking forward to getting to know this gal intimately. Looks like we'll spend a lot of time together. :)


Frank (AKA VirtualGAa)

Hello! For the first situation, see the screenshot of the ether tab, its inclusion zone But on the second question, I agree with you, the same situation with GNS But!!! Here is a possible reason with GNS and the correct answer from the link


Screenshot_20220718-020452_Video Player~3.jpg

Edited by jenijek
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