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X-pilot screenshot competition!


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Sorry if I am filling the forum up with a useless thread, but it is worth a go...

THE X-PILOT SCREENSHOT COMPETITION! - I was wondering whether anyone would be interested in partaking in such a competition. Anyone can take screenshots, and the guys on the other side have successfully done a cometition already.

It'd be cool to have some views on, if we do do one, how we should do it. and then if there is interest, let the competition begin!

I think we should do it like this... There are two categories, edited and non-edited, and there can be one entry per category, per person.

Edited category: screenshots taken from sim, and edited by the screenshot taker.

Non-edited category: Plain sreenshot from sim taken and not edited in any way.

there will be some sort of prize for the winners of both categories.

thankyou for bearing with me... I am interested in your onpinions to come!


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Good idea, I've been thinking about it a bit more, and that would be really cool!

I'll get back to you on dates for the competition, you guys like the idea, so I am goin ahead with it!

watch this space for more info to come....


What will be the prize? If someone is happy to organise a prize that would be awesome. If not, should I contact X-aviation for a free plane.... just thinkin' at the moment, but the prize needs to be good some way or another...

Edited by Hampster
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Are we ready???

From here on in, the competition is go! The cometition will close on the 21st of september, so you have two weeks to create your wonderful masterpieces! When you do post your entry here, please state what category(s) they are in, that will make it easy to find the winner. The prize hasn't been chosen yet, but I am looking out for a payware aircraft to give away to the two lucky winners. Find more info in this PDF....

So to cap up, two winners will be chosen for first, one in the A category and one in the B, so get snapping and have fun!

Remember, only one entry per category.


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1. yes, if you like, but I know most will enter both categorys.

2. You can add things that aren't from the sim, I.e. pictures or clippings for backgrounds ect... But so long as it still includes an XP aircraft and is keeping the focus on the sim it will pass.

(sorry for my bad grammar)

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Almost a week has gone by and no entries? Time is running short everybody!

You need three things for a competition to work well in the X-Plane community:




Sadly, there are none of the three here... put some time into planning things out before jumping into them and you'll succeed much more often. :)

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