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Steering INOP


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Nose wheel steering only controls the nose wheel up to 55 degrees of deflection. When steering is not engaged, the nose wheel can castor up to 99 degrees each side. If the nose wheel is deflected further when the “NOSE STEER” switch is set to ARM, it will not engage and the CAS will display an amber “STEERING INOP” message.

In order to recover nose wheel steering, the nose wheel must first be brought back within 55 degree deflection. This can be achieved by taxiing forward a bit. Steering can then be engage by cycling the NOSE STEER switch to the OFF position, then back into the ARM position.

Edited by amyinorbit
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I have a really big issue with my NWS. After I remove the chocks, and before I even give thrust to move  forward at all, the nose wheel turns 90 to the right. At this point in time I had the NOSE STEER armed per  the checklist. I turned the NOSE STEER off and taxied by only using differential brakes, this  was mildly inconvenient. I thought the issue would go away when  I reloaded the game and plane. Do my disbelief, the issue still persisted. I then completed a flight, thinking that the issue would somehow resolve  itself in flight, it did not. I landed the plane with NOSE STEER ARMED, as  prescribed in the checklist, and about 2000 ft after landing roll the nose  gear flung  90 degrees to the right and left me in the grass scratching  my head. I proceeded to look from an external view of this issue and the gear is clipping through itself basically being  stuck to the right. Sorry for  the long explanation of my problem, I hope there is  a fix to this or I'm just simply missing a step somewhere!

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50 minutes ago, JosephHaze said:

I have a really big issue with my NWS. After I remove the chocks, and before I even give thrust to move  forward at all, the nose wheel turns 90 to the right. At this point in time I had the NOSE STEER armed per  the checklist. I turned the NOSE STEER off and taxied by only using differential brakes, this  was mildly inconvenient. I thought the issue would go away when  I reloaded the game and plane. Do my disbelief, the issue still persisted. I then completed a flight, thinking that the issue would somehow resolve  itself in flight, it did not. I landed the plane with NOSE STEER ARMED, as  prescribed in the checklist, and about 2000 ft after landing roll the nose  gear flung  90 degrees to the right and left me in the grass scratching  my head. I proceeded to look from an external view of this issue and the gear is clipping through itself basically being  stuck to the right. Sorry for  the long explanation of my problem, I hope there is  a fix to this or I'm just simply missing a step somewhere!

Don't know if this helps, but here is a pic of the gear everytime I load into it fresh and even when I park it while its straight, It locks to the left.


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Have any, and are any devs going to comment and help those with this issue out? I spent $120 on a module that I had very high hopes for and I can't even move it anywhere without having an issue. I have talked to countless people that had a NWS issue and none of them have had this problem to this extent. I have reinstalled and tried everything possible from recalibrating my joystick, and doing  everything that @amyinorbit instructed and still got nothing. I really wish someone who worked on this plane could provide further guidance because this product is very useless to me if  I can't move it from the ramp  area. 


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6 hours ago, pcartier1960 said:

I also have the same issue, rudder pedals work fine, but the wheel is locked like the image above from the previous poster(chocks are removed) so now I cant taxi, the nose wheel will not move at all. Anyone else have this problem?

That left me puzzled yesterday as well, nose gear was rotated at a 90° angle with no apparent way to rotate it from the cockpit (that extreme castering might have been the result of parking brakes not set correctly during engine start, plane went into a spin for me...). The way I fixed it after reading this thread like 5 times was to just set nose steering off, and apply some slight thrust while slowly releasing toe brakes (I might have used differential braking as well) to start moving in the direction the gear is locked at. If you observe that situation from an outside camera the nose gear should slowly come back into a 0° forward position as you start rolling. It just took a few meters to realign the wheel. While still in motion try to arm nose steering again. It took a few attempts but I eventually regained control. Once the steering is active the tiller will also no longer be "jammed" but visibly move according to your input.

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On 1/8/2022 at 9:12 AM, JosephHaze said:

I reloaded the game and plane. Do my disbelief, the issue still persisted. I

If you are using "Career Mode" it will reload the plane as you left it. Try using the other when you start.

The only time my nose gear was like that was after I started the engines without properly setting the parking brake.

I found to properly set the parking brake I have to push and hold the "B" key, and then push and release the "V" key, then release the "B" key.

I hope this helps.

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Nothing anyone has suggested has worked for me, thanks for trying to help. I wish a DEVELOPER OF THIS AIRCRAFT would actually respond to this thread and try to help me out...I understand it is the weekend, but it is very  frustrating when  there is a bug that I have tested to try to get around a million different ways and still have nothing. It also is very sad to see  only the community trying to help each other out on this and  no devs have tried helping.

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8 hours ago, JosephHaze said:

Nothing anyone has suggested has worked for me, thanks for trying to help. I wish a DEVELOPER OF THIS AIRCRAFT would actually respond to this thread and try to help me out...I understand it is the weekend, but it is very  frustrating when  there is a bug that I have tested to try to get around a million different ways and still have nothing. It also is very sad to see  only the community trying to help each other out on this and  no devs have tried helping.

Try this, 

To properly set the parking brake I have to push and hold the "B" key, and then push and release the "V" key, then release the "B" key.

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The fix for this for me was actually that I had both of the toe brake axes on my pedals reversed somehow in the X-Plane control options - check that, I was able to move forward after fixing it. Before that it was just pinned 90 to the left as people are describing here and the airplane wouldn't move. (because the brakes were effectively being held)

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Unless bugs are involved, I actually like that the wheels behave this way if it's realistic. :)

Maybe it would be a good idea to add "cheats" to the Challenger menu to quickly recover from common user mistakes that aren't as easy to figure out. For example there could be some "Realign Nose Gear (fix STEERING INOP)" item in a "Quick Help/Fix" submenu. Maintaining the educative style of this addon, this could be followed by a popup that explains the most probable cause why the situation occurred and how it should usually be fixed (plain text popup or maybe similar to the F/O checklist reference images). It might also make sense to provide that as a command or even integrate as part of a full "quick fix"/"reset failures" command (basically like a "panic button") in case it's caused by some controls issues like a broken joystick axis which the user isn't able to fix/diagnose immediately.

One of the first things I tried when the issue occurred to me was to actually check if any failures were active and if there was such a "panic button"/"quick fix" option in the menu. I was flying offline and had all the time in the world to figure out the issue (took me ~20 minutes on Saturday; I even went into datarefs to check if I can override the wheel alignment). Other's might run into that issue for the first time while being under time pressure (e.g. flying online*, already having started the engines and received taxi clearance) in which case it could be much more annoying.

*) Of course it's not a good idea to take a complex airliner, study-level or not, immediately online without previous exercise - but the issue may not occur on the first few flights but only some time later when the pilot no longer expects to run into such basic issues. Or it could simply be caused at random by wonky control input...

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The steering isn't a bug. If the steering isn't centered when you turn on nose steering, it won't ever steer. You need to taxi with diff brakes, then when in a straight line turn the nose steer switch off, and then on. Then you'll have steering. If you want an easy fix, BetterPushback will always leave your steering straight.

Edited by Graeme_77
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One more thing about this nose wheel and brakes thingy. 

Following the checklists we set the parking brake early, then do hydraulic tests, and then later flight control tests, which involve the rudder. 

What I have found is that after starting the engines the plane starts rolling forward, and I was perplexed by this. How could the parking brake be set and the plane roll away? 

I think I might have figured it out. 

In the engine (or before engine) startup checklist the co-pilot says, "Parking Brake". I don't check it because I know I put it on earlier in the first check list. But I got to thinking, what if the hydraulic and control checks let the pressure bleed out of the parking brake. Somehow?

So, this last time, just before starting the engines, I released the parking brake ("V" key) then pushed and held on the brakes ("B" key), then set the parking brake again ("V" key).

Viola, it worked the plane didn't move an inch. 

I also found that for taxing after you release the parking brake you have to release the regular brakes as well. ("V" then "B").

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  • 1 month later...

I did a quick fix to stop this happening (not an official thing but it worked) switch on hyd pump 3a, and set the parking brake as normal (hold toe brakes then set parking brake) then arm the NWS and then carry on with the rest of the set up as normal. I don't have differential brakes so trying to get this to work another way was a bit of a pain.

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7 hours ago, ayster said:

I did a quick fix to stop this happening (not an official thing but it worked) switch on hyd pump 3a, and set the parking brake as normal (hold toe brakes then set parking brake) then arm the NWS and then carry on with the rest of the set up as normal. I don't have differential brakes so trying to get this to work another way was a bit of a pain.

That's not a quick fix, that's just following the checklist. See below from flight compartment checklist. 


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