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TBM 900 v1.1.13 Update Released!


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3 minutes ago, Manuel Correia said:

Dear Cameron.

I tried fly with this wonderful aircraft, updated 1.1.13.

I verified these issues:

- AP doesn't engage

- some instability of AOA gadget (T/O)

So, it's unflyable for me.

Please, can you help me to solve the issues?

Thank you. Kind regards,


Did you engage A/P Trim on the overhead panel?

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Thanks for the update! Downloaded this morning and all seems well except that my mouse cursor displays as an up/down arrow in the entire windshield and autopilot panel areas. It is OK below the AP panel and above the windshield. It is like I am trying to do something (raise/lower?) with the sun visors in that entire area. It was probably initiated by my playing with the sun visors. Any help appreciated.

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Hi guys.  Thanks for the update but it won't load for me.  I tried it using both the Gizmo beta and the stable edition.  No luck I get an error message on essentially every file it's trying to install.  I'm not sure what log files I might need to send you for something like this.  Please let me know and I'll send it along.  Thanks!

EDIT: I was just running the installer on my computer and not doing any of the updating through X-Plane.

Edited by CapnDave
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I encountered the same error this morning and have narrow it to some CUSTOM Airports names being too long , that is the apparent cause . From what I understood , the coding on the TBM G1000 doesn't allow too many letters on coding per airport. I am still trying to make it work but 95% this is the cause.


Luis Carlos

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33 minutes ago, Lcperu said:

I encountered the same error this morning and have narrow it to some CUSTOM Airports names being too long , that is the apparent cause . From what I understood , the coding on the TBM G1000 doesn't allow too many letters on coding per airport. I am still trying to make it work but 95% this is the cause.


Luis Carlos

That indeed could be it, also.

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11 hours ago, Cameron said:


Seems to be related to a custom scenery pack. One of them has an insanely long name in the airport name, and it's causing this to hiccup. You'll need to narrow down which scenery pack it is. Best way is probably to:

1. Re-name Custom Scenery to Custom Scenery_Bak

2. Create a folder named Custom Scenery

3. Manually move each scenery pack over till you find the one causing the issue

It's definetively a custom scenery issue, I did this just like you said, created a new custom scenery folder and renamed the old one, and the plane loaded up normally, BUT, It´s impossible to do it! I have over than 2400 lines on my "scenery_packs.ini" and I simply can't test line per line, shortcut per shortcut.

This issue began only after this last update, never happened before, and only occurs with the TBM, none of my 3rd party aircrafts have this issue. I'm looking forward for the developers to answer this new challenge. 

Edited by Teixeira06
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27 minutes ago, Teixeira06 said:

It's definetively a custom scenery issue, I did this just like you said, created a new custom scenery folder and renamed the old one, and the plane loaded up normally, BUT, It´s impossible to do it! I have over than 2400 lines on my "scenery_packs.ini" and I simply can't test line per line, shortcut per shortcut.

This issue began only after this last update, never happened before, and only occurs with the TBM, none of my 3rd party aircrafts have this issue. I'm looking forward for the developers to answer this new challenge. 

Check for a JarDesign "plugins" folder in your custom sceneries.  

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5 hours ago, jarisaizprua said:

Ok so how many characters the custom sceneries folder's name should be?.

Having been a party to the Discord conversation (just as a user, not affiliated with Hot Start, etc.) I believe it was 48 characters maximum. But it’s not the folder name, it’s the airport name in the apt.dat file that was the issue for the other user.

Edited by Pils
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15 hours ago, jarisaizprua said:

The loading process can't finish so I have to close the XPlane manually, some idea about it?.


Log.txt 146.22 kB · 2 downloads TBM900_Log.txt 419.99 kB · 0 downloads

Looking at the log, I believe you're hitting the same scenery as the user on our Discord. The issue is VirtualDesign3D's SCEL because of this nugget of a great airport name encoded in the apt.dat: "Arturo Merino Benítez International__de X-plane octubre-2016"

You can temporarily work around this issue by going into the scenery, there should be a subfolder named "Earth nav data", inside which you'll find "apt.dat". Open it up in Notepad and near the top should be a line that looks like this:

1 1555 1 0 SCEL Arturo Merino Benítez International__de X-plane octubre-2016

Just trim down the name at the end by deleting the "__de X-Plane..." stuff and save it. Then it should load fine.

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4 hours ago, skiselkov said:

Looking at the log, I believe you're hitting the same scenery as the user on our Discord. The issue is VirtualDesign3D's SCEL because of this nugget of a great airport name encoded in the apt.dat: "Arturo Merino Benítez International__de X-plane octubre-2016"

You can temporarily work around this issue by going into the scenery, there should be a subfolder named "Earth nav data", inside which you'll find "apt.dat". Open it up in Notepad and near the top should be a line that looks like this:

1 1555 1 0 SCEL Arturo Merino Benítez International__de X-plane octubre-2016

Just trim down the name at the end by deleting the "__de X-Plane..." stuff and save it. Then it should load fine.

Same for me, it's running now after removing SCEL airport.

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I'm getting XP11 freeze in the same spot mentioned above with SCEL issue. Have deleted the plugins from Custom Scenery packages already, and not using the SCEL add-on. Seems to be freezing as the TBM900 plugins load? First freezing with TCAS, so I tried removing it, but it still freezes on the next plugin, e.g. 


0:00:20.704 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_QuickFlightWizard to state_NormalLoading
0:00:20.704 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/X-Aviation/TBM-900/TBM900.acf
G64:  22.015:  Aircraft File: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/TBM-900/TBM900.acf)
G64:  22.019:       MD5 Hash: (be4b4093ff6707d80ca1e7232655dfcb)
G64:  22.019:    Description: (TBM 900 Published by X-Aviation)
G64:  22.019:         Author: (Saso Kiselkov)
G64:  22.019: Plugin Mode: Community Edition
G64:  22.027: Boot Count: 2
G64:  22.467: Run: OnKickStart..
[AOS] [2021-02-07.11:38:15] :> Weather data loaded successfully
[21.7946] Terrain radar plugin: read settings
[21.7946] Terrain radar plugin: aircraft description is "TBM 900 Published by X-Aviation"
[21.7946] Terrain radar plugin: found unsupported aircraft "TBM 900 Published by X-Aviation", switched to window mode
Fetching plugins for /Users/gagarin/Documents/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TBM-900/plugins

2021-02-07 11:38:15 OpenGPWS[xplane.c:192]: This is OpenGPWS (0640971) libacfutils-012cc18
2021-02-07 11:38:15 OpenGPWS[xplane.c:271]: OpenGPWS start succeded
Loaded: /Users/gagarin/Documents/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TBM-900/plugins/OpenGPWS/mac_x64/OpenGPWS.xpl (skiselkov.opengpws).

2021-02-07 11:38:15 OpenWXR[xplane.c:121]: This is OpenWXR (3babd48) libacfutils-012cc18
Loaded: /Users/gagarin/Documents/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TBM-900/plugins/OpenWXR/mac_x64/OpenWXR.xpl (skiselkov.openwxr).

2021-02-07 11:38:15 TBM900[xplane.c:1177]: This is the TBM900 (v1.1.13) libacfutils-012cc18
2021-02-07 11:38:15 TBM900[xplane.c:1222]: BOOT: glew_init
2021-02-07 11:38:15 TBM900[xplane.c:1236]: BOOT: glutils_sys_init
2021-02-07 11:38:15 TBM900[xplane.c:1238]: BOOT: mt_cairo_uploader_init
2021-02-07 11:38:15 TBM900[xplane.c:1240]: BOOT: lr_init
2021-02-07 11:38:15 TBM900[xplane.c:1242]: BOOT: gl_pic_sys_init
2021-02-07 11:38:15 TBM900[xplane.c:1245]: BOOT: acf_mgr_init
2021-02-07 11:38:15 TBM900[xplane.c:1253]: BOOT: updater_init
2021-02-07 11:38:15 TBM900[xplane.c:1256]: Systems plugin load complete
Loaded: /Users/gagarin/Documents/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TBM-900/plugins/systems/mac_x64/systems.xpl (hotstart.tbm900).

2021-02-07 11:38:15 OpenGPWS[xplane.c:285]: OpenGPWS enabling
2021-02-07 11:38:15 TBM900[except.c:117]: Caught SIGSEGV: segmentation fault (0x0)
Backtrace is:
2   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff6cac0f5a _sigtramp + 26
3   ???                                 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0
4   OpenGPWS.xpl                        0x00000000db0c1eb0 alstr_copy_cstr + 128
5   OpenGPWS.xpl                        0x00000000db0b0649 ReadALConfig + 201
6   OpenGPWS.xpl                        0x00000000db0a5fce alc_initconfig + 414
7   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6caca95e __pthread_once_handler + 66
8   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff6cabff00 _os_once + 33
9   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6caca8f9 pthread_once + 56
10  OpenGPWS.xpl                        0x00000000db0a5677 alcOpenDevice + 39
11  OpenGPWS.xpl                        0x00000000db03434b openal_init2 + 459
12  OpenGPWS.xpl                        0x00000000db034171 openal_init + 33
13  OpenGPWS.xpl                        0x00000000dafcdcec snd_sys_init + 172
14  OpenGPWS.xpl                        0x00000000dafd2f8b XPluginEnable + 59
15  XPLM                                0x00000000afd854da XPLMEnablePlugin + 309
16  XPLM                                0x00000000afd86c7f _Z20XPLMEnableACFPluginsv + 32
17  XPLM                                0x00000000afd84b61 XPLMEventHook + 678
18  X-Plane                             0x0000000101954364 _Z12XPPEventHookiffll + 148
19  X-Plane                             0x00000001019ce1a2 _ZN9veh_class6IO_vehE7IO_mode13veh_load_modeP22UTL_continuation_group + 3266
20  X-Plane                             0x0000000100cd4524 _ZN9veh_class8load_vehENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEERK14start_loc_spec13veh_load_mode + 932
21  X-Plane                             0x00000001018981d0 _ZN10init_class13init_aircraftE13aircraft_spec14start_loc_spec13veh_load_mode + 512
22  X-Plane                             0x00000001012a59ce _ZN31flight_config_window_controller14commit_changesEv + 1582
23  X-Plane                             0x00000001014370a9 _ZN19ui_screen_main_menu12tear_down_uiENS_10postcard_tE + 585
24  X-Plane                             0x0000000101437576 _ZN19ui_screen_main_menu18got_back_btn_clickEv + 214
25  X-Plane                             0x0000000100e6b824 _ZN16gui_basic_button8click_upEffi + 132
26  X-Plane                             0x0000000100e7849a _ZN20gui_event_dispatcher14event_mouse_upERK18click_event_info_t + 1178
27  X-Plane                             0x0000000100a5e310 _ZN13xplane_window8mouse_upEPviii + 304
28  X-Plane                             0x000000010168bf19 -[GFX_MetalView mouseUp:] + 137
29  AppKit                              0x00007fff42626836 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 1961
30  AppKit                              0x00007fff42625c70 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 497
31  AppKit                              0x00007fff42487236 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:] + 2462
32  X-Plane                             0x0000000101a36542 WIN_event_loop_once + 258
33  X-Plane                             0x0000000101a36423 WIN_run_app + 51
34  X-Plane                             0x0000000101591d49 main + 73
35  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff6c7b2015 start + 1
--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: OpenGPWS by Saso Kiselkov}==--

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20 hours ago, CapnDave said:

Hi guys.  Thanks for the update but it won't load for me.  I tried it using both the Gizmo beta and the stable edition.  No luck I get an error message on essentially every file it's trying to install.  I'm not sure what log files I might need to send you for something like this.  Please let me know and I'll send it along.  Thanks!

EDIT: I was just running the installer on my computer and not doing any of the updating through X-Plane.

Never mind.  Installed this morning and everything worked just fine.  Should have tried restarting my machine yesterday.  Ahhhhh, nothing like brain farts from old guys!

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On 2/6/2021 at 10:09 AM, Mindyourstep said:

O dear, I tried loading it five times. Four times directly from X-plane menu: Immediate CTD before loading;
Fifth time, first load scenery with default Cessna, then load TBM9: Immediate CTD.

Attached flies are X-plane's Log.txt and the mac os x crash report.

Further specs: Mojave 10.14.6 on an  iMac Retina 5K, 27", end2015, 4GHz i7, 32GB, AMD Radeon M395X 4096MB

I have similar setup like yours running Mojave 10.14.6 and am having same error here. It's too bad that more and more plugin just wouldn't work in Mojave. 

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