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Hello, all,

This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.3 update for the Cessna Corvalis TT. All customers who have purchased the Corvalis up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete installation instructions on how to update your product. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the Corvalis from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.3 for you.

What if I didn't get the update e-mail?

If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do:

1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/login.php

2. View your past order history invoice that contains the Corvalis purchase on it.

3. At the bottom of the invoice you will find a blue highlighted link to your update!

The new installer does not require you to have any Corvalis installed, and you also do not have to uninstall any Corvalis. Simply run the installer and follow the on screen prompts when you run the update!


Version 1.3 of the Cessna Corvalis TT includes a significant remake/upgrade to the PFD Inset Map and the MFD Map Page.  We are now utilizing features of Gizmo that have allowed us to fully integrate a Moving Map into the C400.

The following is a list of additions/fixes included:


-The PFD Inset Map and the MFD Map Page both include a "Moving Map" featuring "Topography" or "Terrain" Modes.

-When in "TOPO" Mode an Elevation Scale is displayed with ground height and Aircraft MSL indicators.

-When in "TERRAIN" Mode a Terrain Scale is displayed.

-PFD Inset Map and MFD Map Softkeys have been added to allow for selection of "TOPO" or "TERRAIN" Mode.

-MFD Softkeys have been updated/changed to be more like the "real" G1000.  The "TFC" Key is now "TRAFFIC" and the "WXR" Key is now ""STRMSCP".

-New icons have been added to the MFD map to indicate when "STRMSCP", "TRAFFIC", and "TERRAIN" Mode have been selected.  

-The Aircraft icon on the MFD Map has been moved more toward the bottom of the display to more closely match the "real" G1000 and provide more "look-ahead" capability.

-The "Nav Range Ring" on the MFD Map has been scaled down and now includes a "Range Box" displaying the range of the ring in NM.  The overall map range is displayed in the lower right corner of the map page.

-All X-Plane map icons (Airport, Fix, NDB, VOR, and Traffic) have been customized to more closely match those of the "real" G1000 and to be consistent with those displayed in the Waypoint Information Window.

-The Vertical Speed Pointer on the PFD in 3D cockpit view now moves vertically with variations in the vertical speed of the aircraft.

-The SFC and Fuel Flow gauges have been re-calibrated to more closely match that of the POH.

-The FMS Waypoint Entry process has been changed so that when entering a new waypoint the FMS will find the "nearest" waypoint (of type) to the aircraft (for Index 1) and the "nearest" waypoint (of type) to the previous waypoint for all other indexes.




A huge thanks goes out to Ben Russell and his development of Gizmo! Without his contribution to the community features such as the maps could not be possible. Please consider donating to his continued development for such an awesome program! More info on how to support the project is here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=2040.0

As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support!

Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.


It´s an insteresting upgrade to the Corvalis. The map is great! Thanks!

It installed and worked perfectly. Unfortunately, the dependency to the gizmo plugin is a no-go for me. As it messes with other things inside xplane, i cant use it. I´ll stay with the 1.2 for the moment.

Thanks again!  :)


It installed and worked perfectly. Unfortunately, the dependency to the gizmo plugin is a no-go for me. As it messes with other things inside xplane, i cant use it. I´ll stay with the 1.2 for the moment.

Can you provide more details please..



Gizmo somehow affects the sound of Ramzess aircrafts. It appears to be all scrambled when gizmo plugin is loaded. I think this issues were already made public, sorry if i´m wrong. Until the corvalis last update, it was ok because gizmo was only used to activation purposes, but now that it´s used inside the plane, the option to not use gizmo is not in my side anymore.

But don´t get me wrong. The update is great and the use of gizmo raise the bar with xp addons. The problem is only with incompatibility with others addon´s that are already in the market. And i´m not a xp geek to debug all the possibilities that can cause problems.  ;D

I´m using xp in win 7 64. The other plugins that i have are FJCC_UFMC, PilotView, Checklister and ChaseViewDeluxe and many other aircrafts, including the crj, marquise, seamax, etc. For now, i will zip gizmo and only use it when i fly the corvalis. It´s a simple workaround that i thought only later after my previous post above.    ::)



It installed and worked perfectly. Unfortunately, the dependency to the gizmo plugin is a no-go for me. As it messes with other things inside xplane, i cant use it. I´ll stay with the 1.2 for the moment.

Can you provide more details please..

I get a CTD short after shutting down X-Plane (see attached log and crash-log-file).

No CTD an my separate installation of X-Plane 9 for testing purposes without custom sceneries and plugins.


Well I too am having problems with the update.  I have run some tests and find that this version of Gizmo does cause some interference with other planes that use Xap/SASL plugins.  In my case i interferes with Shade Tree Micro aviation PC-12 - some of the instruments don't display at all.  If i remove Gizmo from the plugins folder this interference disappears.  The previous version of Corvallis C400 1.2 (and the Gizmo that came with it) for some reason did not interfere with anything that I had including the PC-12.  So something about the newer GIZMO is interfering with some planes that also use XAP/SASL plugin with LUA scripting.

That being said, i did figure out (at least for me) that if after trying to load the PC12, if i disable the gizmo plugin using the plugin manager, and then re-load the PC12, i can get it to work ok.  So that makes it at least workable right now anyway.  So those with issues might try to see if this solution also will work for them.  

Is there anyway you can change so that the GIZMO plugin is in the aircraft folder instead of the resources/plugin folder?  But I suppose that this may negate some required capabilities.

Next - regarding the moving map.  All is ok when on the ground, but when on the terrain setting, as i climb higher the terrain colors slowly change until as I reach about 5000 ft above ground all the terrain colors are black - no terrain at all on the map.

One last question.  Can the user make some planemaker setting changes without fouling up the license?  I would like to change the trim settings to reduce sensitivity for example.  Previously this was not allowed - at least for me if i did so the licensing protection would not let me run.



This does not look to be a Corvalis or Gizmo bug based on your logs. Those files are cleaning out okay. It appears one of your other plugins in your non-clean install is causing this. You may want to add those plug-ins into your clean install one by one to see which one is the culprit.

Sometimes deleting your preferences can solve this as well!


Well I too am having problems with the update.  I have run some tests and find that this version of Gizmo does cause some interference with other planes that use Xap/SSL plugins.  In my case i interferes with Shade Tree Micro aviation PC-12 - some of the instruments don't display at all.  If i remove Gizmo from the plugins folder this interference disappears.  The previous version of Corvallis C400 1.2 (and the Gizmo that came with it) for some reason did not interfere with anything that I had including the PC-12.  So something about the newer GIZMO is interfering with some planes that also use XAP/SSL plugin with LUA scripting.

This is nothing new. It's been going on for a long time now. SSL is not well documented (at all), and Gizmo is continually growing. At this time it's a toss up, but we've looked into it at times. My guts tells me Gizmo will end up being the "product" of choice for developers soon, as it's more optimized and better tuned for LUA scripting.

Is there anyway you can change so that the GIZMO plugin is in the aircraft folder instead of the resources/plugin folder?  But I suppose that this may negate some required capabilities.


Next - regarding the moving map.  All is ok when on the ground, but when on the terrain setting, as i climb higher the terrain colors slowly change until as I reach about 5000 ft above ground all the terrain colors are black - no terrain at all on the map.

There are two new map modes. The one you are in is similar to terrain awareness. As you get higher, the terrain is no longer an issue and you are in the "clear." Clear in this case = black.

One last question.  Can the user make some planemaker setting changes without fouling up the license?  I would like to change the trim settings to reduce sensitivity for example.  Previously this was not allowed - at least for me if i did so the licensing protection would not let me run.

Yes, you may now edit the aircraft to your hearts desire. This is one of the benefits to the newer system/Gizmo, and something we listened to our customers on.



This does not look to be a Corvalis or Gizmo bug based on your logs. Those files are cleaning out okay. It appears one of your other plugins in your non-clean install is causing this. You may want to add those plug-ins into your clean install one by one to see which one is the culprit.

Sometimes deleting your preferences can solve this as well!

Problem solved. It was the pythoninterface-plugin. It was installed in the wrong directory. Instead in the plugin subdirectory called PythonInterface26 (mac.xpl), the plugin was in the plugin main directory as PythonInterface26.xpl with an ini-file called PythonInterface26.ini :-) But the python scripts worked :-)


I'm running OSx 10.6.7 on a 2.8GHz Intel Core i& iMac and the latest version of X-Plane.  I've downloaded your Cessna Corvalis TT 1.3 Update Installer and after unzipping it, when double-clicking setup-osx.app nothing opens. I've downloaded the installer again, same thing happens.  Any ideas?


I'm running OSx 10.6.7 on a 2.8GHz Intel Core i& iMac and the latest version of X-Plane.  I've downloaded your Cessna Corvalis TT 1.3 Update Installer and after unzipping it, when double-clicking setup-osx.app nothing opens. I've downloaded the installer again, same thing happens.  Any ideas?

This would be a permissions problem on your mac.



I was very excited when I first saw Ben's screenshots of the moving map tests in the Cirrus Jet, and very pleased that it made it into this aircraft as a free update. Excellent work, and thank you very much!

  • 6 months later...

When I logon to my account, I dont have a download for the update, is the download timed??

I see this at the bottom...

Cessna Corvalis TT

Link expires: Wednesday 07 December, 2011

3 downloads remaining

I have the original zip, but no way of getting the update??

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