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Your Flight Sim History...


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I was getting a bit nostalgic and decided to remember all the different flight sims I've played in the past:


Flight Unlimited

A-10! Attack

Fly! II

World War II Online:  Battleground Europe

Its stunning to see the evolution from what I thought was "AMAZING" to sims which now skew what is real, and what is virtual...

What's your history like?

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Way too many to remember them all, but I of course remember the highlights:

Flight Simulator

Flight Simulator II

Chucky Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer

F-14 Tomcat


F-16 Combat Pilot

Flight Simulator III - FSX

F/A-18 Hornet Korea

Falcon 4.0


X-Plane 9

I is really stunning what simulators look like these day. Man, I was having fun as well when graphics looked like a bunch of lines on a black screen.  :)

..but still too many Sims to remember them all.

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Back in the days, when I had a Pentium 90 with a 1MB Diamond Stealth video card (worth about $700 back then) and 64MB of RAM running Windows 95, the first sim I bought was SU-27 Flanker V1.0.  And it was HUGE back then among the fighter aircraft community.  We had competitions over our 33.6kbps internet connections.  And it was VERY realistic in terms of physics for the time.

The memories....


Since then, I've had

Jetfighter III

Flanker 1.5

Flanker 2.5

F22 Lightning

Falcon 4.0

Janes F-22 (what a disappointment that was)

then the MSFS series from FS98

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Solo Flight - Atari 65XE

Mig Alley Ace

Wings Of Fury

Chuck Yeager's Air Combat - Commodore

Chuck Yeager's Advanced Trainer - Amiga 500

Gunship 2000

F-15 Strike Eagle

Birds Of Prey (Amiga 500 old-school sim)

various stuff from Novalogic (never really enjoyed them though) - first PC and currently I'm on third PC

Team Alligator (little known Ka-52 sim)

Jane's Longbow 2

Falcon 4.0 (and later upgraded to SP3, SP4 and Allied Force)

Gunship! (the biggest disappointment ever!)

BoB2: Wings Of Victory

Enemy Engaged: Apache/Havoc & Commanche/Hokum (later upgraded with community mods - flyable Hind included)

Vietnam Med-Evac

Flanker 2.0, then 2.5, then LockOn and then Dangerous Cliffs v.1

Il2 Sturmovik (I've started at Pacific Fighters and them moved to 1946)

MSFS 98 then 2002Pro and then 2004 (FSX - never moved past horribly low fps demo, instead purchased XP9)


Dangerous Waters (flyable MH-60R Seahawk and P-3 Orion)

DCS: Ka-50 Black Shark


X-Plane 9

These were either flown for many hours or are rememberable for other things.

Add to the list some other, that were "flown" the Julius Cesar way: "I've installed, I've launched and I've uninstalled." Fly!, Flight Unlimited, Sierra Pro Pilot, Combat Air Patrol, Rise Of Flight and few others, that I can't remember titles for right now.

Does a scene from Modern Warfare count as AC-130 time? :)

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Wow, fond memories! I flew microprose flight simulator for the Amiga back when it came in those snazzy shiny grey (?) boxes with huge documentation.

Come to think of it, did majority of simming on the amiga 500, then only sporadically after, as pcs were so expensive, till 2004 when I got my first home pc. Even then it was too crap for my liking.

Played F18 interceptor to death, watch this and laugh at how bad it was, looking back. But back then, it felt incredible. The zoom from the global view to the high res plane!

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My first one was "Hellcats" on a Mac II SE (

) with keyboard.

Then there was "X-Wing" (

) with one of those Flightstick Pro things, we bought in the US.

Followed by "F/A-18 Hornet Korea" with a Voodoo Card (w00t).

And "Falcon 4.0", which i never really played, just flying around.

And then there was "X-Plane" 6 to 9.

Not that many, but i was Mac-User until 3 years ago, so there wasn't really much to get.

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Played F18 interceptor to death, watch this and laugh at how bad it was, looking back. But back then, it felt incredible. The zoom from the global view to the high res plane!

Ha! We had such incredible FPS until recently ... with FSX  ;D. Ok, the graphics are slightly better in FSX ...

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In no particular order...will probably have to add / edit this post later for the one's that I can't remember!

Microsoft Flight Simulator 1 (for the IBM PCjr / CGA graphics), 3, 4, 5, 95, 98, 2000, 2002, 2004

X-Plane 3 through 9.xx (soon to be 10.xx I hope!)

Falcon 1 through 3

Microprose F-15 Strike Eagle

SubLogic Flight Sim Pro (I THINK this was the name of it)

ATF (ATF with the Expansion Pack)

Microsoft Combat Flight sim 1 and 2



Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 1 and 2

Chuck Yeager's Air Combat

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Heads up!

Have a look at a gem, that I've found yesterday, while browsing youtube for videos of some old school sims, down the memory lane.

Wings Of Fury 2: Return Of The Legend


You'll get hooked in no time, I guarantee! And the best part is, it's free, however I'm strongly considering small donation for this fantastic and refreshing project.

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