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Smartcopilot for TBM 900


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Hello community,

we have created a SCP config file for the hot Hotstart TBM900!

And we are happy to share it with you today.

Please keep in mind that this Version 1 and the plane is still in ongoing development.

This version was tested with Version 1.08

* Special thanks to totoritko for his help *


The smartcopilot config garage

Download : https://sky4crew.com/download/hotstart-tbm900-1-08-version-1-0/


#--------- NOTES: ---------
# Please Review The presync Checklist.
# Due to limitations of the G1000, it is important to follow this checklist. because of these limitations
#------ Xsquwak USERS: --------
# Because of the lack of observer mode
# The transponder fuses (1&2) are not synced.
# and the pilot with the Observer Call-sign
# should Pull these fuses to turn off their.
# transponder
### Version 1 :     Initial Version

#### Install ####

1. Put the smartcopilot file into the main Folder of the Hotstart TBM 900

2. Rename your TBM900 Folder in Xplane 11/Output to TBM900_my (or what ever you like) to keep your airframes

3. Put the TBM900 folder from this file in Xplane 11/Output

3. Load Xplane

4. Load the Hotstart TBM900

5. Do the ckecklist in this file (for this plane it more essential then ever to have the same status at the beginning)

6. Do the Payload stuff before connect individual (because these stuff are not synct at the moment)

7. connect via smartcopilot 

Have fun :)

Until we dont have the option for cold and dark, these steps are important to get and same status at the beginning of the sharing flight. Later when have the option this becomes more esay ;)

Edited by docpan
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Thanks docpan and your friends, you are now an expert.

For 2 days, i am not at home, but waiting your file i have installed the plane at home on my main computer. ASAP, i will test, report here and help if i can.

First glance, point 6 (payload tab), can be probably solved easily (i mean with time, i know we are a niche in the niche) by the devs (values in an array, click spots with custom commands).

Thank you saso, Goran and docpan.




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The TBM900 folder in  your output dierctory stores your saved airframes.

The reason why you should save or rename this is to save your created airframes. When you just replace the TBM900 folder all your saved airframes are lost.

So first rename or backup your OWN TBM900 folder from Xplane11/output, than put the TBM900 folder from our file (from the downloaded zip file) in xplane11/output.

When you have done it, you will have a cold & dark plane. Which you need for Smartcopilot.

The TBM900 we have created for this is just a standard TBM900 folder which we catched from fresh vanilla installed plane.

When you want to fly your own airframes again, just restore your own TBM900 folder (TBM900_my) to xplane11/output...


Again, when we got an implemented Cold&Dark option, all this will be history.

Edited by docpan
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For the second time, a release includes something about smartco. Great, thanks to saso and the smartco config garage.


The most exiting features of the plane are wear and tears, failures.

Is this doable?

Create override wear datarefs. For example tbm900/override/comps/airframe/hstab/elv_act/wear = 0 (no override) or 1 (override active).


scp/api/ismaster = 0 no connection, or smartco not installed: override = 0

scp/api/ismaster = 1 this is the slave machine: override = 1 , values will be received from the master thru the [CONTINUED] section.

scp/api/ismaster = 2 this is the master machine: override = 0

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We have had prolems with the wear and tear during disconnect and reconnect. Sometimes when the slave plane get in right position after reconnect it becomes high acceleration. During this the wear and tear did his job and slave plane was broken after it. So we thought about to disable wear and tear for SCP...

But you may a different idea....

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On 11/1/2018 at 5:31 AM, docpan said:


And you are welcome. 



during takeoff, you press TOGA button, then FD on PFD will raise itself off the ground, and PFD autopilot mode shows "GA", then......"GA" always, ....then always "GA"

HDG, ALT, VS,....are dead however many times you press. even if you try to press "FD" button to disengage flight director, sorry no way

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  • 2 years later...

Dear Community,

over the last months I got several emails and messages over x-plane.org with demandings about updates for existing files or config files for new planes.

Unfortunately due real life and the lack of time I closed the smart copilot config garage.
We had a good time in this small group of people who develop config files for smartcopilot. It was fun to create and test files for hours with theses lovely people. And I like say thank you again to all of them. Some of them still developing files or will maintain their created files in the future.

But the following files will be released to community care. If anyone of you have the time, the skill and the mood to maintain and update them in the future I couldn’t be happier.  Of course there is always space for a better file. So feel free to do them also from scratch.

Flight Factor  767
Laminar Baron B58 + REP version
Laminar Baron B58 G1000
Carenado DO228
RWDesigns DHC Twin Otter
RWDesigns Hawker 4000
Colimata Concorde FXP
Aerobask Robin DR401
Hotstart TBM900

I will monitor the files on the syk4crew website from time to time. If I find a newer version of one of these files, I will delete my version.

Last but not least , I will say thank you for all your nice words all the likes from all of you who appreciated my small contribution to the community, which is one of the best communities out there. Keep that up.

I hope we see us in the future in the forum , on discords or in the virtual sky.




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