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XP 11.10 final


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Yesterday I updated my X-Plane to the final version 11.10 (previously I have not used any beta version of the 11.10), and made a flight with my favorite plane: the IXEG.
Everything developed normally with the following exceptions and assessment:
a) The VOR and ILS radios did not work.
B) The cabin lights behaved unstable with respect to the configured lighting value.
c) The taxi lights, practically do not illuminate.
Rating: I noticed that the aerodynamics of the landing was much better and more manageable.
Today I will make another flight and continue reporting.

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The plane should "just work" with 11.10. The flight-model-changes are "opt in" - which means they won´t apply until the aircraft is re-saved in planemaker version 11.10.

I can´t confirm any reports of navigation receivers or taxi-lights not working - nothing was changed in that regard between 11.05 and 11.10.

That being said, we are finalizing patch 1.21 that will (among some more stability fixes and other small enhancements) bring new compatibility to take advantage of 11.10´s new features and also the reflective glass surfaces in the cockpit.

Cheers, Jan


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All is fine with my XP11.10 + IXEG 737 combination, did a 3 hour flight yesterday and doing a return flight right now, oh wait I noticed something...A free cup of coffee!!!,

And first officer got one too!!!, thanks IXEG team:) looks like I might of spilled some during my bumpy landings:)

On a serius note, all fine so far



Im sure coffee was there before 11.10 ;), only noticed now

Edited by Mareckis
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2 hours ago, Mareckis said:

so thats where my FPS are !!! :)

Yes, we are running a complex fluid dynamic calculation. We are breaking the coffeeliquid apart into 50 million particles (I know, a gross simplification), all bound by cohesive forces, calculate Braunian molecular motion (depending on the coffee´s temperature), then apply adhesive forces (where the coffee touches the cup). Finally apply (varying with altitude and geographic location) earth gravitational force and aircraft motion´s force, and we get a fairly decent presentation of a moving liquid.

This will only cost you 50 to 80% of available framerate, dependent on your computer. We thought about making the effect optional, but we strive for utmost realism, and this one you just can´t go without (even though you may think you can)!

Enjoy the coffee! Jan


Edited by Litjan
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On 9/12/2017 at 3:34 PM, Litjan said:

The plane should "just work" with 11.10. The flight-model-changes are "opt in" - which means they won´t apply until the aircraft is re-saved in planemaker version 11.10.

I can´t confirm any reports of navigation receivers or taxi-lights not working - nothing was changed in that regard between 11.05 and 11.10.

That being said, we are finalizing patch 1.21 that will (among some more stability fixes and other small enhancements) bring new compatibility to take advantage of 11.10´s new features and also the reflective glass surfaces in the cockpit.

Cheers, Jan


Thank You so much Litjan. 

You're right. The problem is in version 11.10 of the X-Plane. Really frustrating, I dismantled the whole simulator. I had to download a second load of the X-Plane on my PC, luckily this load was version 11.05 (with the option to update it to 11.10, which I certainly did not do), and arm the whole simulator again. Luckily, I'm already flying the IXEG, without any problems until the present. Any news I communicate. Thank you again.

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15 hours ago, Denco said:

This. I keep on refreshing this page every few seconds ;)



I don´t know if you read the previous info, but don´t expect too much from this interim patch. The only thing you will probably notice is added reflections for the cockpit instruments. Beyond that it is some stability fixes to the FMS, but nothing else. Certainly not enough to mash your refresh button constantly ;).



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1 hour ago, Litjan said:


I don´t know if you read the previous info, but don´t expect too much from this interim patch. The only thing you will probably notice is added reflections for the cockpit instruments. Beyond that it is some stability fixes to the FMS, but nothing else. Certainly not enough to mash your refresh button constantly ;).



Hello Jan.

Does holds, offset and better vnav calculations are in your high priority list(if there is something like that)? Should we expect them on 2018(early/mid/late?) and one more thing, will you be changing flight model to suit 11.10 or will you leave it as it is?

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I am not going to stick my neck out with any predictions about the remaining FMS work - but it is high on our priority list.

The flightmodelchanges in 11.10 are not something you will notice, likely. They don´t take effect yet (since you are not running a re-saved .acf) and the new (re-saved) .acf is adapting to the flightmodel changes, so the plane will fly just like pre-11.10 :lol:.

Cheers, Jan


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5 hours ago, ArborVitae said:

I’m not expecting any certain date ofcourse, I understand how time consuming it is and you all have your personal lifes too. just wondering if it can be done in 2018 or are they much more complicated than that?

It "could" be done in 2018. And I am hoping it will, but I can´t promise anything.



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4 hours ago, Litjan said:

It "could" be done in 2018. And I am hoping it will, but I can´t promise anything.



Thank you for your answer, I mean really. I’m really tired of developers giving no information at all. All we need is more transperancy imo, answers might not be what we hope, but knowing something is not gonna happen soon is way better than hoping something won’t happen soon

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