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  1. Past hour
  2. Hi everyone, does anyone know if it's possible to remove pilots from cockpit in outside view? Model RealSimGear DA40NG.
  3. Today
  4. Toggle reverse was working! I expected to see reverse levers move but they don't, missed the reverse light indications but noticed external view engines were in reverse. Levers move when applying more than idle reverse thrust. Sorted! Thanks for your response.
  5. N3033N CIS Piper Seminole View File This is a 4K-livery for the CIS Piper Seminole PA44, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/11421029 To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;). Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 01/05/2025 Category General Aviation Livery For https://www.jetstreamfs.com/seminole/  
  6. UVU N477UV CIS Piper Seminole View File This is a 4K-livery for the CIS Piper Seminole PA44, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/9836314 To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;). Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 01/05/2025 Category General Aviation Livery For https://www.jetstreamfs.com/seminole/  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This is a 4K-livery for the CIS Piper Seminole PA44, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/11421029 To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
  8. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This is a 4K-livery for the CIS Piper Seminole PA44, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/9836314 To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
  9. First of all, thank you for this wonderful plane. The sounds are amazing, it's fun to hand-fly and has an interesting avionics stack. I've flown it a lot over the past few days and noticed some issues that I would like to point out here. Items not saved between sessions: fuel squawk code AC temp switch position SC/CP selection selected heading selected altitude For the last 3, I'm not sure how the real unit behaves, but as the course is persistent, it would make sense for the heading to be persisted as well. Missing sounds: "1000 to go" alert alert when reaching minimums when in an outside view, the cargo doors have no sound if the main doors are closed (they do have a sound if the main doors are open!) Unnecessary sounds: The flap lever makes a sound even if it can't be moved further, e.g. when flaps are up and "1" is pressed. Speedbrake toogle command: The toggle command for the speedbrake does not toggle. It only retracts the speedbrake. Readings in the nose compartment: I guess these aren't modeled to by dynamic yet, but both readings with needles being in the red had me worried during my first walkaround. Maybe you could at least set the into the green. Font on ALT presel window: The font width is inconsistent between digits leading to digits "jumping around" a few pixels (observable when switching from 2300 to 2400 for example). Feature request: Reference ring with speed bugs on the airspeed indicator: As per "kinds of operations equipment list", this is required for single pilot operations and would integrate well with the new performance calculations. Looking forward to future updates and many more hours in the CJ!
  10. Im trying to download 124th atc on WIndows 11 in Xplane 11 however it wont show in the plugins tab. I have searched the internet and looked at the installation manual but its not working.
  11. Yesterday
  12. Not specifically for shared cockpit but can’t see a reason it wouldn’t work
  13. I run X-plane 12 on a PC but my "Co-Pilot" is on a Mac running sequoia which does not run Hamachi. I found TailScale as an option...Has anyone else used this.....Or can anyone recommend a good alternative to Hamachi? Thanx in advance and sorry if this is the wrong forum!
  14. This is a great news ! Well i will pay for a future TBM960 then ;-) of course if Linux compatible. Anyhow thank you for providing this great TBM to XP12 Best, Chris ps: on a side note, as a software company CEO i think it is fair that major upgrades to be charged ;-) at least a 30% initial amount fee
  15. Last week
  16. It is not yet available for 12, but it is well progressed and close. We'll have a lot more details on that soon. That said, anyone who purchases it now gets a free upgrade to the v12 version. Your purchase is protected from a further fee for the upgrade.
  17. On the store it says "Purchase today, X-Plane 12 update will be free!", is it already available for xp12 ? (i am on linux zorin/ubuntu) This is my favorite aircraft on XP11 and i am of course ready to pay for an update Best,
  18. Item 13 - BATT is ON. Logical? We should ask Mr. Spock.
  19. It should be possible to assign a button to "toggle reverse thrust" and then - after pushing it - the thrust levers will govern the reverse thrust level. Make sure you are at idle forward thrust when toggling this button, though - you can not invoke reverse thrust unless you are at idle (like in the real aircraft).
  20. Cockpit inspection number 35 - Battery Switch OFF. That's OK, but nowhere after does it tell you to turn it on! Do you mean ON in 35, or maybe it goes on in "Before Starting Engines" ? No big deal, but it's nice to get it right
  21. If you open the aircraft in plane maker, you can modify the G1000 variant on the Expert -> Special Equipment -> Airframe page, where the current mode is set to "Cirrus". There may be ramifications for changing to the other variants in terms of GCU functionality, as that is something we haven't designed for on our end, but you can give it a go and see.
  22. Hi, Just bought 733 the other day & trying to set up Honeycomb throttle. At present to get reverse thrust it will only work when I assign No 1 & 2 to toggle max reverse thrust. With other a/c I can assign No 1 & 2 to toggle reverse thrust which will engage idle rev thrust, then I move levers to increase rev thrust if required. Any ideas?
  23. I'm running into what's perhaps a personal choice issue. The vibrancy of the G1000's PFD display, especially with the ground portion of the horizon, is too colorful to me, to the point that it's sometimes difficult to spot the pink diamond on the HSI when flying in crosswind situations. This color palette isn't just a TorqueSim SR22 thing, it's also present on the stock Laminar Research SR22 G6. However, on other add-on and stock aircraft like Airfoillabs' C172 and Laminar's own C172, their G1000 iterations have a nice dark brown color on their PFDs' horizons. Is there a way to change this? TIA
  24. Hi, new member here. Title says it all. I own and have currently installed the RealityXP GTN 750. I would prefer to use that and not the default Laminar GNS 430s. Based on my understanding on the store page, the plane will let me switch to a GTN 750 loadout, but there is zero documentation on how to achieve that. Can anyone provide insight please? Thanks! Edit: Disregard. Had to repair my RealityXP install - the SR22 automatically switched to the GTN 750 loadout on next XP12 startup.
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  25. Eine wunderschöne Lackierung für ein phantastisches Flugzeug. Stellenweise, naja um genau zu sein, an einer Stelle, war der Maler etwas ´´abgelenkt´´. Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen, wenn sich da mal ein ruhige Minuten findet nochmal ´´Hand angelegt werden könnte´´. Dazu habe ich ein screenshot beigefühgt. Mein Dank für diese Lackierung geht an pilotdeviation
  26. This video fix my issues. Thanks to the team and to Virtual GAa for the fix. Tony (AKA Luger)
  27. There is no lightning emoji here.
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