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  3. The first crash is during X-Plane shutdown. Try letting it sit in sim for at least 5-10 minutes, that is possible with Windows when the G500 is building its initial caches (Windows is really slow with file handling so can take a few minutes there) Second log doesn't show the G500 installed or running.
  4. Thank you for your comprehensive response.
  5. That is good, why don´t you let us know, too?
  6. It is known when TCAS will start working properly
  7. https://help.realsimgear.com/en/articles/5594557-realsimgear-g5-integration-guide
  8. On the surface these crashes point towards a hardware fault or issue more than a problem with the simulator or addon. If you have an overclock on the CPU or memory then may need to be reduced, and some hardware diagnostics ran (memtest, etc.). But first let's clean up the simulator to reduce the software risk: Remove all third party plugins except Gizmo64 (AviTab, xjet, etc.) SkunkCraftsUpdater should be removed permanently as it is deprecated by the author
  9. Is it possible to access "Configuration Menu" on your G5? Either on Popout or C172? Would RSG G5 unit improve functionality? (Knob) I believe VSI scale can be modified in real world. The range on popout is large, but very tiny to read. I would like to change scale of VSI, Thank you
  10. here's another ctd Log.txt
  11. So, I have been having this issue a couple of times with the CL650 now. Out of nowhere, it seems to hang briefly and then crash out of X plane completely. The only thing tying them together is that the last few lines in the log are the same every time. 2025-03-05 21:29:46 CL650[helpers.c:1207]: Cannot stat E:\X-Plane 12\Output\caches\CL650\chart.db\aeronav.faa.gov\2311: Access is denied. 2025-03-05 21:29:46 CL650[helpers.c:1207]: Cannot stat E:\X-Plane 12\Output\caches\CL650\chart.db\aeronav.faa.gov\2402: Access is denied. 2025-03-05 21:29:46 CL650[helpers.c:1207]: Cannot stat E:\X-Plane 12\Output\caches\CL650\chart.db\aeronav.faa.gov\2407: Access is denied. 2025-03-05 21:29:46 CL650[helpers.c:1207]: Cannot stat E:\X-Plane 12\Output\caches\CL650\chart.db\aeronav.faa.gov\2413: Access is denied. 2025-03-05 21:30:03 CL650[gps4000s.c:3026]: WAAS data download successful 2025-03-05 21:30:05 CL650[except.c:225]: Caught EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Backtrace is: 0 00007ff879a1c800 E:\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\systems\win_x64\systems.xpl+000000000059c800 (a429_link_data_is_valid+70) 1 00007ff879a1f8be E:\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\systems\win_x64\systems.xpl+000000000059f8be (worker_send_link_one+6e) 2 00007ff879a26eac E:\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\systems\win_x64\systems.xpl+00000000005a6eac (runpool_worker+a6c) 3 00007ff879cfc591 E:\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\systems\win_x64\systems.xpl+000000000087c591 (lacf_thread_start_routine+11) 4 00007ff98393259d C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+000000000001259d () 5 00007ff9842aaf38 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+000000000005af38 () --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: }==-- --=={FILE: E:\X-Plane 12\Log_ATC.txt}==-- Log.txt Log_ATC.txt
  12. None of this makes sense to me, so please help me understand... Where did you look to see if there was a new installer? Where are you seeing 1.2? How do you mean you can't download? What happens?
  13. Performance is even better with auto ortho and X World installed than with default scenery. I run pretty high settings on a Mac XDR Display, so I'm definitely pushing pixels. It has no real issues running high end aircraft addons and scenery.
  14. Last week
  15. With X-Plane as it is, once you add third party scenery, especially orthophoto tiles, then all bets are off, tbh…
  16. I have run the installer (RSGG500-osx-installer.app) but have not noticed any change to V1.3. I still see 1.2. I looked to see if there was a new installer, but didn't see anything. I can't even download the old installer again.
  17. That's great Cameron. I trust you try these things with more than default scenery, though Amazingly, after I posted above, Apple just announced the M4 MAX Studio (and the M3 Ultra one - too expensive for what I need!). What a coincidence.
  18. Yes will not be there.
  19. Works fantastically fluid with an M3 Max, and of course M4. You'll do just fine.
  20. Hi, Thanks, this works. Yes that seems to fix it. Will the update stop this top right message appearing? I know all you have to do is click on it, but it would be good if its not there in the first place. Thanks,
  21. I would guess that Coop has tested the 525 with a Mac, with at least an M3 (and, hopefully, an M4). As the release of the updated Mac Studio is getting nearer, I would appreciate knowing how the plane performs with the latest available chips. I am thinking of getting a Studio with the M4 Max, but it's no cheapie, and before investing in one and retiring my 2020 iMac to my grandson (!), I'd like to know that it would be worth the expense Yes, I know Photoshop, etc., will run much faster........ Some Mac users may give me an idea of how XP12 is working with their existing Mac Silicon. There are some threads in "another place" that are encouraging, but they are not mentioning the 525 (or they hadn't when I last looked). My highly specced iMac struggles a bit with TorqueSim's Cirruses in XP11, and does run the 525 in XP12, but the performance is hardly stellar.
  22. I asked about this earlier:
  23. Log-G500 Crash.txtLog-G500 Crash.txtPerhaps someone can identify what this problem is. A fresh install, with verified updated downloads. Log-G500 Crash.txt Log G500 crash 2.txt
  24. Ah! Ok, so, answering "No" was the correct option. Ok, thanks for the clarification. EDIT: "There is no new install model. The aircraft either uses Gizmo or it doesn't." :-) for me, probably due to any losses through translation, that means a "model", not necessarily as in "aircraft model" ...
  25. There is no new install model. The aircraft either uses Gizmo or it doesn't. By selecting to keep Gizmo installed, you are just allowing the products that need it to continue to work. The CitationJet itself will not use Gizmo no matter your selection. There's no need to re-install it. The DC-3 and the MU2 will not make this transition in the near term.
  26. @vdrummer4 thanks for the info and video. I just thought it was strange for a checklist to specify turning the battery OFF (and the GPU not holding the power on), but then not turn the battery back on again. Not a real life pilot here, so was just following what was written, but obviously it makes sense to have the battery ON.
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