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  1. Hello, IXEG pilots. After almost a year of development, I am close to finishing beta-testing of my iOS application for this great plane - iGoDispatch for IXEG's B733. This is a planning tool that includes a range of options, such as : creating a flight plan and uploading it to FMC as a co-route; estimating the required fuel taking into account X-Plane winds aloft (the first release will take into account winds aloft in US and the update is intended to include the grib wind data to be available in X-Plane 10.50) ; loading the plane with passengers, cargo and fuel; estimating and dynamically adjusting the CG offset during the flight; monitoring the flight on the map; creating a report on your flight performance; adding in-flight public announcements in 7 languages. I intend to release the iPad version of the application by end of summer. Versions for iPhone and iWatch are expected to be released later this year. Hope it will be a valuable addition to this plane!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hi guys! I made this livery of Aer Lingus. As always, I did my best! Best regards, TheFlyingWolf
  3. Aer Lingus [FICTIONAL] View File Hi guys! I made this livery of Aer Lingus. As always, I did my best! Best regards, TheFlyingWolf Submitter TheFlyingWolf Submitted 12/11/2024 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-plus-p-243  
  4. Version 1.1


    Southwest Desert Gold livery for the Boeing 737-300 Reg: N648SW
  5. Air Manas EX-37402 IXEG View File Air Manas EX-37402 IXEG Submitter Sergio Morozov Submitted 07/21/2020 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://ixeg.net/ X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  6. Version 0.1


    Air Manas EX-37402 IXEG
  7. Hello everyone. This post is mainly aimed at livery makers. I recently purchased the IXEG 737-300, and was at first pleased by the amount of liveries people have made for it. However, when I dug deeper I found that very few of my favorite liveries have actually been made. What frustrated me further was the amount of fictional liveries that were made. I may be alone in this opinion, but i have a flight sim for realism purposes, and it might just be me but flying in a plane with a fictional livery seems to just take something away from the whole experience. I appreciate that some fictional liveries are nice looking, and I also appreciate that it is difficult and time consuming to be a livery maker. However, an example of frustration when it come to fictional liveries is this: my two favorite Boeing 737-300 liveries are AirUK Leisure and Royal Mail (operated by Titan Airways). I appreciate that Air UK Leisure is a VERY obscure airline, so I can accept that nobody has make a livery for that. I will however include it as a request in the list below. But when I searched for a Royal Mail livery, the only one I could find was a fictional one based on Postman Pat. I almost laughed at this. It just seemed ridiculous to me. If you want to make a Royal Mail livery, especially if it is and continues to be the only one available for the IXEG 737, why ruin it by altering the aircraft registration to G-PAT1 or something like that, and "Operated by Titan Airways" to "Operated by special delivery service"? So that's my rant over, I'll now move onto something more constructive and list some liveries that is request. Requested liveries for the IXEG 737: Royal Mail operated by Titan Airways Air UK Leisure Thai Air Asia (There is already a livery for this, but in different colors to the ones I like. My request is for the livery with the mainly red fuselage and white vertical stabilizer). I'll attach an image. That's it! Thank you to anybody who has taken the time to read this, and a further thank you to any livery makers if they decide to take this on. Anyone is welcome to post anything in this discussion, even if you just want to let me know whether you agree of disagree with what I'm saying, or if you want to request some more obscure liveries. Finally, please excuse my user name. I don't like revealing my real name online.
  8. Hello Can anybody tell me how to improve the shadow quality ? Those stairs are ugly
  9. IXEG Boeing 737-300 Classic - Canadian North View File Canadian North 737-300s, originally by Veace, updated by me. This one comes in two variants, a full passenger version, and a version that has a Combi door applied to the side of the fuselage. It's obviously just for aesthetics (and the combi door texture is by Shenherm, so thanks to him for making it/letting me use it!) C-GCNZ is the passenger variant C-GZCN is the combi variant. For realism, you wouldn't use the winglets on this, as they don't have them. I've updated and fixed some little inaccuracies, such as the flags, the logo placement (for these particular airframes, where Veace had it for his registration was accurate), added fin numbers to the tail and nose gear doors, painted the winglets, added the barber pole colours to the antennae, and a couple more little things. I didn't touch the swoopy pattern by Veace, as my talent for that kind of thing pales in comparison to his. There are some inaccuracies, such as the doors all being the same colour, and no registration under the wing, since I'm limited by the IXEG model. I've also included an accurate Canadian North Yoke Checklist, which is the B733_nolit.png file. That one has to go in your IXEG 733 Classic/objects folder, and it will overwrite any other file in there, as well as give that checklist to every 733 in your fleet. So use at your discretion. If there's anything else that you think could be added, PM me on the org! - FishermanIvan Submitter FishermanIvan Submitted 02/08/2019 Category Heavy Metal X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Canadian North 737-300s, originally by Veace, updated by me. This one comes in two variants, a full passenger version, and a version that has a Combi door applied to the side of the fuselage. It's obviously just for aesthetics (and the combi door texture is by Shenherm, so thanks to him for making it/letting me use it!) C-GCNZ is the passenger variant C-GZCN is the combi variant. For realism, you wouldn't use the winglets on this, as they don't have them. I've updated and fixed some little inaccuracies, such as the flags, the logo placement (for these particular airframes, where Veace had it for his registration was accurate), added fin numbers to the tail and nose gear doors, painted the winglets, added the barber pole colours to the antennae, and a couple more little things. I didn't touch the swoopy pattern by Veace, as my talent for that kind of thing pales in comparison to his. There are some inaccuracies, such as the doors all being the same colour, and no registration under the wing, since I'm limited by the IXEG model. I've also included an accurate Canadian North Yoke Checklist, which is the B733_nolit.png file. That one has to go in your IXEG 733 Classic/objects folder, and it will overwrite any other file in there, as well as give that checklist to every 733 in your fleet. So use at your discretion. If there's anything else that you think could be added, PM me on the org! - FishermanIvan
  11. Version 1.1.0


    Hello to everyone who's enjoying iXEG 737! Air New Zealand HOLIDAYS is ready Hope you like it
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Air Nippon Island Dolphin livery for the Boeing 737-300 IXEG Reg: JA392K
  13. Version 1.1


    Boeing 737-300 VIP transport of the Republic of Korea Air Force Reg: 85101
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is my very first livery creation. If you spot anything wrong, please let me know! TAP Portugal currently does not operate any Boeings, but they used to have 14 733's in the 1990s, the registration of one of which I used. The winglets' colour design is from their Embraers, which differs slightly from that of their sharklet retrofitted a320s. IXEG 737 Classic: http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122
  15. TAP Portugal - IXEG 737-300 (Fictional) View File This is my very first livery creation. If you spot anything wrong, please let me know! TAP Portugal currently does not operate any Boeings, but they used to have 14 733's in the 1990s, the registration of one of which I used. The winglets' colour design is from their Embraers, which differs slightly from that of their sharklet retrofitted a320s. IXEG 737 Classic: http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 Submitter Andyy94 Submitted 08/04/2017 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  16. IXEG 737-300 Classic Camera set View File I got alot of requests for this file so here it is. IXEG 737-300 Classic camera view preset with wing views. Preview right here Like what you see? Check out my Twitch TV Stream right here Submitter GiantUnicorn Submitted 04/25/2016 Category Plugins and Utilities
  17. Hello, I'm having a problem with the IXEG 733. I never had a problem with it in X-Plane 10 and for the most part didn't have a problem in X-Plane 11 (besides APU), but now I don't know what changed, whenever I start a flight, within 10 minutes of the flight, all my instruments turn off. The plane still flies well, but it's as if my generators are not on, but they are on. Not even the external lights are flashing. Does anyone know how to fix this? Happens from cold and dark and turn around state, I haven't tried ready to fly yet. Thanks! Joni
  18. I was taking off from Albuquerque (ABQ) on a hot day. This airport is at about 5000 MSL. I selected TOGA thrust on the runway and subsequently increased my hardware throttle to full power. However, the A/T changed annunciation to THR HOLD without being at full thrust, but instead at about 86% N1. The engines never reached the max thrust rating and there was no assumed temp set either. Also, the takeoff page showed an N1 limit of 91%, which was never achieved. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? What is the real world procedure for taking off from high-alt airports in the 737-300?
  19. Air Nippon Island Dolphin livery Boeing 733 IXEG View File Air Nippon Island Dolphin livery for the Boeing 737-300 IXEG Reg: JA392K Submitter Niilo Submitted 10/10/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  20. Hello! I'm in the process of making a home cockpit, and I'd like to be able to use the IXEG 733 most of the time. I am making an overhead panel. This is the first time I'm doing anything like this. I am currently using ARDsim to map the controls, however, I am open to ideas if you guys have experience with this. I am able to get the pitot heat switch to work with the default cessna (just to see if I have the ability to get a switch to work), however I know it won't be that simple with the IXEG. What steps do I have to take to get a switch to work with the 733? For example the strobe light. I can't get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated!
  21. Hi all, Just wondered if there was any news on when the next update is expected? Cheers, Spacedood
  22. Version 1.2


    The "Red Meatball" livery for the IXEG 737-300. Reg: N69348
  23. Version 1.0.0


    The British Airways Landor livery for the IXEG 737-300 Reg: G-BOZB
  24. Version 1.0.2


    NOW WITH PRINTABLE EXTENDED VERSION! B737-300 Checklist for IXEG 733 Available at x-plane.org and x-pilot.com This document was taken from an original B737-300 checklist from 1998. I have re-typed up the checklist into a nice pdf format for easy download download. If you require any other format then please let me know. It may be possible that some items may not yet be simulated. DO NOT re-upload anywhere else. FOR SIMULATION USE ONLY!
  25. B737-300 Checklist for IXEG - Now with printable version! View File NOW WITH PRINTABLE EXTENDED VERSION! B737-300 Checklist for IXEG 733 Available at x-plane.org and x-pilot.com This document was taken from an original B737-300 checklist from 1998. I have re-typed up the checklist into a nice pdf format for easy download download. If you require any other format then please let me know. It may be possible that some items may not yet be simulated. DO NOT re-upload anywhere else. FOR SIMULATION USE ONLY! Submitter TheFriedchicken Submitted 04/24/2016 Category Plugins and Utilities
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