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Everything posted by frumpy

  1. Hi Ben, well, it sound's like it would solve my issues! If thats feasible for you, I don't see any reason against it. Olli
  2. Hi mmerelles, I can't quote text here, don't know why. I am using an arduino copy and the modules that svglobe provides in the USB version. http://svglobe.com/arduino/ardsim.html How can I use custom commands with that? I think I need to use a joystick driver then, since ArdSim does only support datarefs (I think). A/T LED dataref is ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_at_arm_ann, so the same that you use. A/T switch (2-way switch, doesn't work right yet) is ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_at_arm_act , same as you. I'll check custom commands and the off-position of the A/T switch tonight.
  3. Hi guys, I am working on my MCP project, before it catches too much dust. I noticed some inconsistencies with the buttons and LEDs of the MCP. As far as I understand, the datarefs are a copy of the internal MCP logics and are able to manipulate its functions. So if I press a button on the physical MCP, it should be equal to pressing the same key in the sim; the LED datarefs are just copies of their state. 1) physical A/T on and then physical CMD A on: SPD LED in sim and physical LED on physical CMD A on and then physical A/T on: SPD LED in sim on, physical LED off So I assume (didn't check) the ..._ann dataref isnt changed in the second case. 2) CMD A and CWS A active: CMD A off results in CWS A on in the sim, but the physical CWS A LED turns off too; I suppose (didn't check either) the CWS A LED dataref is turned off inadvertly 3) A/T and SPD active: A/T off in sim turns off the simulated A/T LED but not the physical one I think you need to reset the LED dataref to off when A/T turns off Thank you very much, Olli
  4. Royal Air Maroc commented the video as follows: "After false information was spread out regarding flight AT811 from FRA to CMN on July 23, we want to clarify that during take-off, ATC advised of possible wake turbulence from adjacent landing A330. In turn, the Captain decided to execute a manoeuvre to gain more speed until they reached speeds that would ensure a safe take-off" Yah...
  5. If you go for a quality made yoke, you have only a few choices. I would go for a Precision Flight Controls Yoke (perhaps you can find an Elite Yoke on ebay, same thing). One thing I can really recommend is the Thurstmaster Warthog. You might want to grease the whole ball bearing and protect it with a dust cover when not in use - other than that it feels heavy, precise and sturdy. No comparison to the Saitek Yoke (I dont like them, too flimsy)!
  6. Pleez no! Too much work, too little gain.
  7. I don't know the exact reason for this - but in non INS/FMS airplanes, all you have is a compass to adjust the heading indicator. And the heading indicator is used for reading them VORs
  8. I've never heard about flying below 100ft to evade SAMs, never tried that... ...uh well, I think I did once and hit a powerline (Thinking about it, there is a Pentium 90 with a live installation still up in the attic...hmm!)
  9. Yeah! 550 kts @ 200ft, hoping to evade them SAMs and trying to fly a straight line over that enemy runway...
  10. V1 and rotate calls are normally done be the copilot which we dont have. Altitude callouts are automatic and come from the Ground Proximity Warning System.
  11. Weird. Did you init the IRS and move the plane?
  12. Real men don't need no checklist!
  13. Handbook says: "All spoiler panels will extend automatically if takeoff is rejected and the thrust reverse levers are positioned for reverse thrust. Wheel spin-up (60 kts.) must have occurred on any two main wheels in order for the automatic extension to take place." As I understand, it does not specify what will happen if you land without arming the speedbrake. But why would you want to do that anyway?
  14. Rule of thumb is TAS/10+7, so ~25° at 180kts. I tried that (180 IAS at 3000'), it took 2:15.
  15. You might want to use a pitch & power table for estimating decents Note that this table is handflown and some values differ from the Continental 737 Manual (I think some of the Continental numbers are way off). Besides that, I think you are good using the "/3" method: At 90 DME you need to start your decent at 30k ft. IXEG 733 Pitch and Power Table.xlsx
  16. Nope, no Skymaxx. This happenes in other planes too. Weird.
  17. I just start up X-Plane and get 40. It'll stay like this for the whole flight if I dont open up a dialog. Traffic desity is 0%. No changes in view angle.
  18. Locking to 30 fps if I can have 50?
  19. Hi guys, I wonder if anyone has experienced the same thing: When I start up X-Plane, I'm getting about 40 fps. If I open up the weather menu and close it immediatly without any change, I'm getting 50 fps. Plugins are disabled and this is reproduceable on my Win7 computer. Does anyone have that issue? Thanks, Olli
  20. Looking out of the passenger window and watching that wing flex is my favorite thing to do with the IXEG
  21. What did you do?
  22. This is for the 747, watch at around 7:20+ :
  23. Check the FMA when the trimwheels move. I think it's due to ALT HLD or some other vertical mode.
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