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Everything posted by iamfallen

  1. I believe there are some older posts discussing this same issue. I think it was to do with the Laminar G1000 itself.
  2. Are there any intentions of the next update taking advantage of some of the upcoming 11.40 flight model features(turbine exhaust thrust)?
  3. World traffic does work with the TBM when AI aircraft are not used(so no TCAS). I have even had limited success with using 2 AI aircraft as long as I am not flying at high traffic airports. I think my crashes with AI traffic on are related to world traffics throwing the AI planes around and he TBM TCAS not liking it.
  4. Does this patch address the fuel calculations in the flight plan page of the mfd? It had been mentioned that it might be in the next patch.
  5. Great news. Thanks for the hard work.
  6. I have this issue as well. I thought it was something I was doing since I am still learning the plan and the G1000. Is this a Laminar issue or something in the TBM?
  7. I decided to fly this same delivery flight in real time, real weather. I am currently parked at CYYR. My only disappointment so far was a large chunk was missing from the middle of Greenland. I am loving flying this aircraft.
  8. Wow, that looks awesome.! Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  9. My new i7 / GTX 670 4gb combo I pieced together after I had some major hardware issues crop up last month. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  10. I can't wait for seasons to be implemented. Going to have to give this a try. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  11. Awesome, thanks! Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  12. I am having an issue with X-Plane locking up my computer. Sometimes it happens after 10 minutes, and sometimes it only takes 2. Happens in the air and on the ground. Ctrl-Alt-Del does nothing when it locks. I have verified that temps should not be the issue(51 gpu max, 49 cpu max), and I have ran memtest for 24+ hours with no errors. I have reset my graphics options, cleared custom scenery, tried different aircraft both custom and factory. ARMA, Fallout: NV, Skyrim all run for hours without issues. I am just looking for ideas of other things to try to be able to fly again. Thanks Specs: Q9550 @ 2.83, not over clocked Win7 Home 64 8gb ram Gt430 2gb nvidia current drivers 100gb free on Win7 drive, 30 gb free on xplane drive X-Plane 10.10rc3?(current, not sure exactly) Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  13. Wow, I really like the look and throttle/flap controls.
  14. Nice. Going to try it out myself. Looks like fun. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  15. Great shots! Will it only come with one interior or will it have multiple types(passenger, cargo, military)? Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  16. Sold! Or at least it will be once it is for sale. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  17. Thank you for your clarification. It is a shame though about the rivers. I live in a geographically boring area...perfectly flat farm land for miles and miles with roads laid out in a square grid pattern. VFR in game is difficult and the plausible world scenery doesn't really help much. Based on your description, our only defining landmark won't be in the game.
  18. How does a river "qualify" for addition? Has the requirement been changed since V9?
  19. Will there be seasonal textures?
  20. Looks great!
  21. I am curious to see what happens with the weather system in XP10. I would love to see the day where I can fly and not instantly go from sunny to storms and back again. Smooth transitions between METARs with actual storm fronts and not the closest METAR being applied to the entire "world".
  22. I've had them land in my backyard. Didn't really get to see much though as I was helping out one of the teenagers in the car that failed to make the curve in the road. I am surprised the places they are able (and willing) to put down.
  23. Does this mean that an engine failure in the air will mean a dead engine all the way to the ground, or does it mean that a modified procedure will have to be used for restart?
  24. I'd love to see the PBY come over.
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