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Everything posted by FloB

  1. This happens definately not due to leaving the plane without fuel. It has been reported and is under investigation. Jan stated that they might go back to fixed fuel on startup again, at least for some time. I would appreciate that. Current state can be a little bit messy. Flo
  2. Any plugins (like RTH) installed? They alter the internal art settings (which is not officially supported) and can cause all kinds of strange lighting. In addition to that X-Plane's rendering takes contrasts and eye adjustment into account...which migh cause different light levels according to different levels of outside/inside lighting. But in your case my guess is some 3rd party art control trouble. Remove all plugins and restart X-Plane. Flo
  3. 737 visiting home
  4. IXEG 737 classic wins again! Thank you JRBarrett. Will try hand flying. I'm certified for that Flo
  5. RNAV (RNP) Y RWY 13R at KPSP Went left - right, left - right, left - right instead of a long smooth left turn. Almost got sick from it . This aside I had a dozen of wonderful flights without any issues (well, at least no issues that arose from the plane. Me - that's another story) Best Flo
  6. Checked for "shut down tailwind ILS/LOC" in the X-Plane map? Hit me whenever I enabled it (and forgot about it right away). Flo
  7. Best help for me so far was Jan's BREAK advice in the Pilots- Quick Reference Handbook (LANDING). Instead of an "early" flare you should rather "break" the descend just 10-20ft above ground with a decisive input. My landings are way better now in every regard. Following the proper APPROACH procedures helps a lot to get the speed, alt, descend rate and configuration right. No kiss without that If you didn't read TFM, do it now. Flo
  8. Same procedure as before - KSAN visual approaches - got a picture this time, though...
  9. Takeoff for visual approach practice at KSAN after I RTFM Was way too busy to take shots during final. Flo
  10. Workaround: Send keystrokes via Saitek Software (or isn't it Saitek?) instead of button commands. Assign keys to tigger custom commands in XP. Works very well for me. Best Flo
  11. Haha, I remember those siren-sounds like it was yesterday. Must have drilled deep into my brain. Boy, that's a very long time ago. Flo
  12. It all depends on implementation. I loved FSX scroll wheel implementation and it handled everything just fine. A big plus is that you don't need any screen space for it to work - this means less moving around in a VC. XP-Manipulators are tricky (how they work sometimes depends on viewpoint/angle and that's plain stupid - but maybe they fixed that?) and need a lot of screen space. The current work-arounds for scroll wheel support in XP by 3rd party developers are far from perfect and I don't use them. I hope Laminar came up with a smart implementation, if so, scrollwheel support might be a big win. Flo
  13. Official list? There you go! http://developer.x-plane.com/2016/04/a-partial-list-of-10-50-features/ I must say I came pretty close Flo
  14. Exploring the French and Swiss Alps at dusk
  15. No, it isn't. It's a quote sampler .
  16. I'm NOT working for Laminar or testing anything, but this is what was said clear and loud on the dev blog towards 10.50 during the last weeks and months. Very little guessing here. Flo
  17. For those not following the developer blog, here is what is most likely coming with XP 10.50: - new autogen art assets, mainly highrises - auto-placed static aircrafts at airports (probably with new aircrafts/art assets) - per airport terrain flattening instead of global on/off - winds aloft with rww - a couple of minor perfomance improvements There will be more, but this is what is almost sure to be part of 10.50 Beta-release is expected in weeks, not months. Areas that are beeing worked on for 10.XX (generally speaking): - ATC/AI bugfixes and improvements - More custom airports - Porting of stuff that was developed for mobiles - Performance improvements Regards Flo
  18. What's that link about? I think you should remove it. Flo
  19. Your're probably right. Actually IXEG and LES saved me from burning money. You could learn from them what it takes to make a good aircraft and you could know that others must have taken a lot of shortcuts to put out an airliner or other complex aircraft almost every year... I stayed away from everything else since the Saab was released. And I was not disappointed... Flo
  20. I think that it may not have been the perfect management of potential customer's expectations at the end of last year. Maybe a short - sorry guys, we screwed up - would have been a better way to deal with it. Anyway, I clearly see how much pressure is on the team and I perfectly understand that it must be hard to manage their own expectations in order to keep them going. The last months must have been terribly difficult in this regard - so I have abolutely no hard feelings. Sad to see how so many get upset by this. Boy, I can't even get my kids dressed in time for kindergarten (the second hardest thing in the world after coding a FMS). Fingers crossed for finding the last needle soon. Flo
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