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Peter T.

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Everything posted by Peter T.

  1. Discovered this months ago....I thought they have proper editing skills to not use stock photos.
  2. I have updated the lines and shadow layers. (the shadow layer wont be present in XP10 in favor of the simulator's dynamic shadow feature.)
  3. Mount uerfioernfiuewjf,h9e?
  4. D: you do know that the scenery includes the WHOLE island? not just the airport?
  5. They're trying though... to replicate as close as possible...
  6. BETI-X's CZST scenery hurts my self-esteem alot...
  7. few more previews of progress... The roof will be redone, the textures are just temporary.. The overlaying lines will be fixed.
  8. Is the vegetation 3d grass and shrubbery? the scattered vegetation is something of an issue, it isnt supposed to be scattered around the pavement, the v10 version of the scenery should fix this issue. Meanwhile, if you ejoy the previous version better, you could use the older version till the next v10 versions is released with all bugs removed. I also assume you were using the surrounding orthoimgaery?
  9. That is the link to the list of airports, click on the LJPZ ribbon and you will be takes to the LJPZ download page. The V10 version of LJPZv2 is not available yet. In the meantime you could try the v9 version of LJPZ and the surrounding orthoimagery.
  10. We have released LJPZ v2 for v9, a little Christmas gift to you x-planers. Please grab it here-> aerobridge.moonfruit.com/#/airports/4573326355 Please enjoy! Add-on includes surrounding orthophotos for maximizing your enjoyment. Merry Christmas!
  11. Yeah, a couple of MSFSers stated that X-Plane needs to be matured before its ready for development...Which is ridiculous. P3DV2 came out, and almost all the developers and MSFSers turned their heads around to it...In my opinion..basically P3D is an upgrade of FSX with X-Plane features and 3d ocean waves i find this very dumb as everyone is exited and immediately went to P3DV2...calling it the FUTURE of flight simulation. As well, I can't get around thinking why is 32 Bit software the future of flight simulation... and the fact that X-Plane has almost all the graphic features like P3Dv2 last year and little to no MSFS bats an eye.
  12. I think its an unsuccessful attempt to simulate a fast spinning jet turbine....
  13. I dont think we hire aircraft developers...there's an exception though, Laminar Research hired Javier Rollon to do default aircraft and skycolours. Learning how to use plane maker isn't impossible, I suggest you to try, ask questions when you're stuck etc.
  14. What are you talking about? is it default scenery? is it custom scenery? what project?
  15. Looks nice! Orthos incomplete yet is that right?
  16. north satellite concourse
  17. Did you modeled that? it looks amazing! Aventador FTW.
  18. credits: ortho taken from a potato buildings: OSM possible to improve the orthos?
  19. For beginners, what a laugh. My instructor has 10,000 hours already and is an ATPL holder with a CFI-I rating. He is a qualified examiner under CAD HK. My ground school classmates? Well let me tell you, have definitely will have more airmanship than you do Peter. So tell me:Principles of gyroscopic instruments What is a vacuum instrument system? What is deep stall? What is the Coriolis effect? What is P-Factor and how does it work? How to calculate drift angle? What is 60 to 1 rule? What does "RVSM" stand for? What is class G airspace? Does radio signals travel faster across land or sea? What is the minimum altitude for the Shek Kong Area? So peter, tell me all the KingAirs are great and I can only hope Carenado can make the flight model extremely accurate. They nailed the looks but they should seriously re think their flight model. The polygons on their models are highly optimized and that's great. The airfoils do need some makeovers. Don't forget Dan already told all of us that Carenado does NOT provide training level aircraft. I repeat, DOES NOT! I still will not fly Carenado though, I am afraid it will give me bad habits. I am really not interested in this area of study, however a simple google search will suffice and give enough detailed information. I am looking forward to this king air... And I hope to contribute to this community in a positive way, however you seemed to ruin things quite a bit...but that's my take. When I said it must be for beginners, that was a massive sarcasm quote. If you don't tell which is sarcasm and which isn't, there's a sign that you have brain damage. http://indianapublicmedia.org/amomentofscience/comprehending-sarcasm/ You have my condolences. (Sarcasm in case you don't have the power to process it) Let's draw this to a close, we both have different expertise, mine on add on development, you on your "aircraft training in the Hong Kong aviation club" whatsoever...and "military training"
  20. Arrogant? I think its the other way around Besides nobody takes you seriously.... By the way, the new King-Air looks amazing! I particularly love the style of their textures, I don't know how to describe it...but it has a crisp metallic feel.
  21. I suppose "Hong Kong Aviation Club" is for beginners....
  22. Hong Kong...Hong Kong...Hong Kong Aviation club.... stahp D: the tomahawk is great! Chadler's planes are used by Cirrus...
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