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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Direct from real world sources.
  2. Yes, due to integrity checks, but maybe replacing it wholesale could work? Very unsupported though! And we only give supported answers.
  3. Read closely you’ll see IVAO clients are not supported as there is no way to determine whether one is connected to the network or not. Once the authors of the clients provide this mechanism then we will look into supporting it.
  4. You are the only one to report this issue, unfortunately for you. I’m sorry it’s happening. Can you provide screenshots of the Plugin Admin window, the tab with the pie chart, for steady state vs. the “stutter”, please?
  5. No, I think “developers” in this context are the X-Plane developers; the response is being written from the point of view of the technical support person. They still provide no actual reason to think it’s Hot Start’s code, they just don’t want to deal with their own bugs. Plus Librain is not part of the addon at this time.
  6. Default commands? They have their own behaviour. Mouse wheel acceleration is tuned per knob at least. Setting minimums should be quicker in the next update.
  7. Ok I've confirmed this behaviour and reported it to the developer.
  8. Could you provide your Log.txt from a sim session where this fails. Thanks.
  9. We will pass this feedback onto the developer.
  10. Thanks to some dogged investigation by @oisin650 it seems that the FAA only retain charts for the current and previous AIRAC cycle, e.g. at time of writing, 2201 and 2113. The CL-650’s digital charts function uses the AIRAC cycle associated with installed custom nav data (if present), or default nav data otherwise, to fetch the charts from the FAA. (Which makes sense, one would want charts to match one’s nav data.) However, this means that if one only has default nav data then the FAA chart function is unavailable, because X-Plane ships with nav data from 2018 and these charts have long ago been removed from the FAA’s digital chart service. The solution right now is to have up to date nav data, this is available to purchase from Aerosoft or Navigraph. (I highly recommend the Navigraph Ultimate subscription that gets one access to global Jeppesen charts in the avionics instead! #notsponsored)
  11. The latest version accidentally triggered unexpected behaviour in Rosetta that really does a number on the aircraft systems. A fix is in the works. Appreciate the understanding and patience.
  12. Are you on an M1 Mac running Monterey?
  13. Yes, it can be landed with ATS engaged if you desire, and is done in real world ops regularly.
  14. Try in non-persistent mode for greatest reproducibility, please.
  15. Thanks for expressing your support, the more people we hear from the more it helps prioritise. In the meantime, can you set datarefs with that tool? Because if so just use those and force the switches to match your hardware on load? Or does it not change the value until the switch is moved for the first time?
  16. CL650.lua Throw this into your FlyWithLua scripts directory. With DataRefTool one should be able to implement basically any switch one would like based on these examples.
  17. It was changed to be more universally applicable, feel free to edit the checklist.xml and do your own SOP.
  18. Interesting. I’ll have to try that.
  19. In general, that’s correct, default avionics (G1000, FMS, etc.) will use Custom Data if it’s present, replacing the default data; or, the default data if that’s all one has. Some third party addons with custom navigation systems will make the same selection, however will be reading the data directly from the disk (rather than through X-Plane’s programming interfaces, which are quite crude). However, the CL-650 is the only addon (that I know of) that lets you select either the default data or custom data while in the cockpit. That’s the key differentiator here. In theory it could be implemented so that the two databases could be read from arbitrary locations, including outside the X-Plane directory, however that’s not the design choice that has been made at this time.
  20. Just to be clear; you’re talking about the command CL650/FCP/ap_eng, yes? There’s a difference between commands and datarefs.
  21. Thank you for the additional information, and for your patience.
  22. I guess this is just a consequence of the ATS being somewhat independent from the FMS due to its “aftermarket” origins on the type.
  23. Definitely r3? Did you ever install r2?
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