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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Could you download the respective .FMS files from Simbrief and attach them, please? Or at least provide the full routes that were used. This will hopefully make it easier to reproduce. Thanks.
  2. Please provide your Log.txt from an occurrence, thanks. P.S. This isn’t necessary. The IRUs will aligned based on GPS position, if available, automatically.
  3. That is likely, yes. That kind of transient state would probably live outside the systems simulation hence be excluded from the state serialisation. And I think that makes sense, to be honest. As soon as you reconnect the effects should be disabled again for the duration.
  4. You Log.txt will tell you the problem, in this case: 2022-02-03 00:26:36 CL650[fpl_ser.c:740]: Error loading FPL: phase set IAP dest error "NOT IN DATA BASE" I'm not sure why, so I'm going to have to ask the developer. Do you have another example, please?
  5. This is apparently a side effect of running on macOS, insofar as it’s not letting X-Plane unload/reload the aircraft plugin and reset its state. The developer is aware of this and is actively looking for a solution.
  6. The request was made by a fellow customer, not Hot Start themselves, but I believe so. We are considering a manual override in the mean time.
  7. Do you have any hardware axes assigned to flaps?
  8. I imagine it’s an option, but not one that’s been simulated at present. Recommendation to disable X-RAAS completely for the CL-650 applies to everyone.
  9. It’s telling you the required engine thrust to maintain sufficient bleed air to run anti-ice systems.
  10. That should work. Insofar as the livery should be saved in Airframe Manager at least. Can check if it’s getting saved by looking at the airframes.db file. However if you don’t match the livery in the X-Plane interface when loading a flight, if you then subsequently reload or reposition then X-Plane will change the livery back to what it thinks it should be. Best to always keep them in sync.
  11. Could you possible install a second copy of XP and run this test again without any extra plugins or scenery, please? The log is very full and hard to debug. The installers from Laminar and X-Aviation allow a second copy.
  12. Does reloading an individual texture via the in sim Texture Browser work?
  13. Disable X-RAAS plugin for this aircraft.
  14. Can you send examples of the route files you are trying to load, please? The "Export Flight Plan as X-Plane FMS 11" option in LNM should work.
  15. Did you change it in X-Plane’s interface, Airframe Manager, or both?
  16. I don’t know where you got the idea but as a fellow Only Fools and Horses fan I find it hilarious! I bet it confused some others though.
  17. Very odd. Could you take some progressive screenshots, or better yet a video, when this situation occurs please?
  18. May be related to how the plane was refuelled, suggest this video for more detail
  19. Anything that isn’t part of the core “pilot job simulation” is probably going to be at the bottom of the backlog but you never know.
  20. Yes. One hopes minor, but going to depend on how the weather addons synthesise their injected weather.
  21. Appreciate the feedback and desire to help make the product better!
  22. I understand, I’m just explaining why they’re different; one is LR logic, one is Toto logic. If a change is going to made it’ll likely be made to every knob that uses the latter, so will need to be considered with care.
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