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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. This has already been brought to our attention. I've tried replicating this, but haven't been able to. Can you tell me exactly what you did to make this happen?
  2. http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/15215-green-g1000-with-2-monitors/?do=findComment&comment=134266
  3. Nothing definite yet, but it'll probably be included in a future update.
  4. I stand corrected. The next update (the one you mentioned) is slated to work with XE.
  5. Understood. Toto knows what's causing the problem, but we want to try and kill all the remaining bugs that have been reported over the last 2 weeks, before we push this next update out.
  6. Could you please post your log.txt file.
  7. I'm guessing something else was damaged and you would need to repair it before you could refill oil. Double check that nothing else was damaged. If nothing else is damaged, could you post a screenshot of the engine section of the maintenance manager and a screenshot of the Oil refill section?
  8. When comparing the G1000 to the GTN 750, it's like comparing a mechanics garage to a home tool kit. The G1000 can do so much more than the GTN. In saying that, if you choose to add the GTN to the TBM, you will definitely void all support. As I said in a post further up, a lot is going on behind the scenes, that using anything outside software will have unpredictable results.
  9. Yes, it works with Xenviro, with a possible update for it to work with Skymaxx.
  10. So far, the only charts available are in the US and Europe by using the FAA website and aerorouters respectively. We're working on implementing navigraph for a future (major) update. The X-Plane navigraph download won't bring up charts in this G1000. It's just navdata.
  11. A fix should be in the next update, which is nearing completion. (Hopefully this week) In the meantime, my only suggestion, if you want to do this, is to run X-Plane in windowed mode.
  12. Your battery isn't charged. Turn on the GPU and set the switch you used to turn the power on to "GPU". Everything will start and the battery will charge. Do a GPU engine start, and then you can disconnect the GPU while the main gen charges the battery.
  13. Could you explain exactly what you are doing? I'm not really sure what you mean when you say you are hitting the power button.
  14. Neither Saso nor myself have VR, so we can't tell you for sure. Set icing conditions, stream it and see. I'll be watching. Joe from SimVR Labs made us a VR compatible cockpit object, while I make an official one.
  15. Goran_M

    Strange Bug!

    Hot Start doesn't have a site. The store where the TBM is hosted and sold is X-Aviation. All technical support is done here in the forums.
  16. Goran_M

    Strange Bug!

    I'm not sure what you mean by the "Hot Start site". Are you talking about X-Aviation? X-Aviation is the store, and it deals with sales and activation support. The forums here are dealing with technical support, specific to the add on. And it is here that we read every single question pertaining to the actual product when it comes to issues like the one described by the OP.
  17. Goran_M

    Strange Bug!

    Are you using an on board/built in the motherboard GPU?
  18. Goran_M

    Strange Bug!

    What are you talking about?? No one has been ignored. Every single question is read and noted, and many are answered. We're looking after the Hot Start discord and these forums. We can't reply to every single question, otherwise we won't have time to make fixes. But we do make note of every single issue. Uncalled for, Craig.
  19. This is a known issue and it has something to do with the shaders not working properly with VR. I think the next update turns rain off while in VR until a fix can be found after 11.3 comes out of beta.
  20. Goran_M

    Strange Bug!

    Not meaning to come across as confronting, but we've answered this question quite a few times. It's an 11.3 issue. New shaders, and we've told everyone that if they choose to run it in 11.3, to do so at their own risk, as we don't support any X Plane beta's. We do know about it, but toto isn't going to do anything about it until 11.3 is out of beta, as things could change, or Laminar could even fix it on their end.
  21. I've been working on the switches some more, to keep them black, but also visible. They'll be in an upcoming update.
  22. When you asked "Has it been modelled after?", I assumed you meant "Have we made it for this TBM after release." Anyway, thank you for the comments. Very happy to see you enjoying it.
  23. Usually when we make an add on, we mostly keep it as if it came direct from the factory. So no after market additions. That looks like some kind of TCAS or something. If it is, or even if it's any kind of radio, there's really no need for it, as the G1000 we have included has every radio covered. Plus, Saso added his very own TCAS as part of the G1000. Adding what is in that image would very much be a step backwards in technology, when compared to what is already included as part of the G1000.
  24. Can't answer your question, but including a nice tailwind in your configuration would be very beneficial, too.
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