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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. I'll start off by saying I respect your reply, but I want to outline why your suggestion is not a good idea when viewed from our point of view. If a new person comes to X-Plane and wants to buy the Saab, and he sees the pinned post, he/she will immediately think "oh, they have issues with it working with XEnviro. Do they make add ons that DON'T have conflicts??" We will, in effect, be owning the problem, at the very least, partially, between XEnviro and the Saab, when we shouldn't have to. We've gone through this with several people when they say "There is something wrong with the Saab. It keeps crashing." Jim and Ben have gone through every single line of code to find any problems. None were found. The first question we ask is "Are you running XEnviro?", and the answer is "Yes" 9 times out of 10. The problem is not with the Saab. I've worked with Andrey (XEnviro) on this matter, and he initially thought it was the Saab as well. Until he found out what was causing it in XEnviro. MY solution is that Andrey pin a message in HIS forums saying XEnviro will crash due to some problem in XEnviro when run with the Saab, and possibly any other add on. It's an unfortunate and bit of a tricky situation, but we cannot partially own a problem that we really have no part in. If we did that, with the amount of 3rd party plug ins available, we would potentially have pinned messages all up and down our forum. The onus needs to be on the developer of the plug in or add on that is causing the crash.
  2. I'm not really sure what the point of this post is. Normally, when speculation is involved, it's common practise to send a private message asking for clarification on what we did and why we did it. Not come into our forums, throwing your weight around with something about having 30 years sound experience, claiming we MIGHT have problems. The Saab has been out for 5 years, and no one has had any issues with sound. You haven't listed your experience. What company/companies you have worked with. Your qualifications. What software you used. Anything that would corroborate your claims of experience. Seeing as you have already made it public, how about itemizing everything you see that WILL cause problems, (not MIGHT), and listing exactly what problems they will cause. Apologies if I seem rather blunt, but I'm not used to people telling me I MIGHT have problems with my product, after 5 years in the community, because of something you might have found. We're very receptive to feedback and criticism, but we need specific, factual details. We can't follow up on "maybe".
  3. You are hanging on by a very thin thread. I strongly suggest you adjust your attitude. Even if it is not the answer you are looking for, your question has been answered several times. We will not be making any statements about what software the Saab is or is not compatible with. To expect us to make such statements means we will need copies of every single add on in the community. And to expect something remotely close to this is unreasonable.
  4. It has been said many times. You asked the questions, and you were responded to, in a courteous manner, by both Cameron and Ben. That's when you continued to insist that the problem is with the Saab. I don't really know how many different ways you want us to say it. The problem is not in the Saab. There is, literally, nothing to fix. The problem has been acknowledged by Andrey, and he, himself has admitted the problem is not in the Saab, but in XEnviro. You're asking us to fix a problem in the Saab that doesn't exist. I don't care how much you convince yourself there is a problem in the Saab, you are simply...wrong. Lastly, claiming our products don't work as intended is a fast track to nowhere. I'm asking you, respectfully, to not make such remarks.
  5. This usually happens when the airspeed is too high. Are you getting close to the barber pole speed?
  6. Did you try activating the steering?
  7. I checked through the Saab documentation, and there are literally, no flap settings in any of the performance charts. Some charts have ECS ON or OFF and Anti Ice On or Off. I can certainly show you examples, if you would like to see them.
  8. It's enough. @jomardi...your question was politely answered by both Ben and Cameron. The Saab exposed a problem with Xenviro, and they are working to fix the problem. The problem, as has been said earlier, also by Andrey at XEnviro, is NOT with the Saab.
  9. The update has addressed the Condition Levers, and you can now calibrate them using the X-Plane Prop lever axis.
  10. I'll investigate the exhaust further and if it needs some fixing, it'll be fixed.
  11. I like to post somewhat complete images in the forums. When the exterior is closer to being done, I'll post more in here.
  12. Ok, when that happens, you also need to reload Gizmo. That function is in the Gizmo tool tray on the side, with a lightning bolt. However, best idea is to reload the whole sim. Reloading the aircraft does not reload Gizmo. I'm guessing that is likely the problem. @Ben Russell or @JGregory might have more input into it.
  13. Did you reset the generators when you started the engines at your origin airport? If you didn't reset them, you flew the whole trip on battery power, and they just died due to lack of power.
  14. In the menu, there is an icon that looks like a truck. This is Ground Equipment. Click that and go from there.
  15. The Saab is fitted with a working steering tiller, that will remain locked unless you activate it. I'm guessing this might be the problem. Left side, the wheel just forward of the circuit breakers. Pushing it down will release the tiller. Pulling it up will lock it.
  16. Are you using scroll wheel to change the barometer, or the click and drag method?
  17. Take it back to an earlier step. Leave those plgins out of the plugins folder, and then reinstall the Saab. Then try. You actually removed the Gizmo plugins folder. Don't replace it yet. Just do a clean install of the Saab, after removing all traces of it in the aircraft/X-Aviation folder.
  18. Confirming you removed the JarDesign ground handling plugin?
  19. I can see you are using VR in the sim. Are you trying to change the baro setting using VR?
  20. Did you change anything at all in the acf? No matter how minor you may think it is.
  21. Please post GizmoLog.txt file and Log.txt file. Nothing in the Saab will stop your keyboard from working.
  22. Unfortunately, no. We used a custom sound engine that X-Plane doesn't recognise.
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