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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. Goran_M

    VS Up and Atis

    You're clicking the VS wheel behind the panel. It's an issue I'm aware of and will be fixed in the new cockpit object. If you enable the click regions visibility, you'll see it. Oversight on my part.
  2. It definitely could be that. Could you also check your monitors scaling, and try setting it to 100%. Strange that custom resolution didn't work. It's worked for most other systems. If none of the above works, then, for the time being, you'll need to go into windowed mode for anything to do with the side bar. It will get fixed when 11.3 is out of beta.
  3. I've seen this happen only a hand full of times. And it's always at an airport that has 3rd party scenery. Not really 100% sure why it's happening, but we can look at it and see what we can come up with. I have an idea or 2.
  4. Please post a Log.txt But you will need to post it immediately after the crash.
  5. Can you try going into settings/graphics and setting your screens resolution to "Custom" on both screens, and see if that fixes the problem.
  6. A new cockpit object will be done for an update in the very near future. Fully VR compatible.
  7. Go to settings/graphics. Set your resolution to custom. This is a temporary workaround. It'll be fixed in a future update.
  8. Create a new airframe. It'll reset. The bouncing on load is usually due to a scenery glitch.
  9. There was no issue with a missing side bar in the non beta. @pbrazendale, can you please make sure you're in 11.26. I just tested this in 11.26 on a single monitor and dual monitor. Sidebar visible in full screen and windowed mode. Also double check you are using default monitor settings. Nothing custom.
  10. We still want you to enjoy it. what about setting the parking brake and spooling the engines up, then releasing the brakes and letting it roll down the runway without touching the rudder? It doesn't take much to take off. Could you at least try that for now?
  11. Wonder no more. Looks like it's failing.
  12. Are you sure it was the TBM? Your log says it's the Carenado PC12.
  13. Try adjusting hardware sensitivites. It really isn't difficult to take off. There are many videos on youtube of people doing complete flights with it. Also, make sure the yaw damper is definitely off for both take off and landing.
  14. This is happening in the latest beta while in Full Screen mode and, we think, default resolution. If you would like to experiment, try a custom resolution. Otherwise, we do not support beta's. Please revert back to 11.26. We'll further address this when 11.3 comes out of beta.
  15. Goran_M


    We need the Log.txt found in the X Plane root folder.
  16. Please check your keystroke/button assignments for any stray assignments that may be tripping it off and maintenance manager for any damage to the avionics. Toto and I just checked a few minutes ago and both of ours are working as expected. This is what I have...
  17. Does it steady itself if you increase flight models per frame?
  18. My dual monitor setup, with TBM tool bar visible. I'm suspecting the problem you're having has to do with your set up somehow.
  19. There are no ice detectors, but you'll see the boots start to ice up way before you'll have any stalling issues. Just pay attention to the ATIS and the current weather conditions.
  20. Goran_M

    No Sound

    Time to get drastic. Remove all plugins, except Gizmo, and load the TBM. Alternatively, install the TBM in a clean install of X-Plane. Then replace the plugins one at a time to see which one is causing the issue. There's nothing complex about the sounds, and it's almost definite that something else is conflicting with it.
  21. Thanks for that @Tony123
  22. Apologies. I have a 2 monitor set up as well. I'll install the latest update and check on mine.
  23. If the TBM is running, the Gizmo tool bar is definitely there somewhere. It might be because you are in multi monitor config and it's in a weird position.
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