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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. I've changed the pilot so he also disappears when the door is open.
  2. Disabling plugins still loads the plug ins. The only thing I can suggest is to completely remove all plug ins, except Gizmo, run a test, then replace plug ins, one at a time, until the crash happens. It's tedious, but it will determine what is causing the crash, and it will help toto to further diagnose the problem.
  3. Yeah, ya bunch of spoilt flight simmers.
  4. I haven't tried it yet, but it certainly seems as though the FAA have either changed the link or something is wrong with their server. If anyone has an aerorouters account, can you try pulling charts from Europe and see if the same thing is happening.
  5. Goran_M


    Assign a key or button to thrust reverse. This will bring you into beta mode.
  6. Your system is better than mine and I get a constant average of 30-40 fps. Out of the city, I get 50's. My specs i7 6700K 980ti 32GB RAM 4K Monitor
  7. Do you have custom scenery for Bankstown?
  8. 14kt headwind is possibly enough to be able to do it to a TBM.
  9. There's a lot of stuff going on in there, but I can't see anything associated with the TBM causing the crash. If you take a look at the log, the crash happened when your ATC software was going through some checks.
  10. The charts are pulled directly from the FAA and autorouter websites. Flying outside of these will not give you any charts, and autorouter requires you to sign in. If charts from the US or autorouter are not showing up, then it's almost definitely something on their end. There's a chance the link the TBM is using has changed, in which case, it'll be looked into. Try again on your next flight and report back.
  11. It's extremely unlikely that Laminar are going to change what they've done. Toto will make changes in the TBM, but not until 11.3 is out of beta.
  12. Click the STRATUS USB port when the yoke is visible.
  13. Goran_M


    Jump in the discord and mention it to toto. https://discord.gg/k5A78z
  14. I'm sure you read the top post, Gav. Sometimes, when the criticisms go too far, into the "ridiculous" category, it turns into trolling. We can take criticisms, but not when they're lines of crap.
  15. Someone said they had to re-calibrate their hardware each time the TBM was loaded. This is definitely not common, and I'm guessing it has to do with the individuals set up. But try that as well as controller sensitivity.
  16. Whenever there is a backtrace like this one, it's something within the sim itself causing the crash with the TBM loaded. One of these is associated with the latest X-Plane navdata, as posted by another TBM user. When he removed the navdata, the TBM loaded without issue. Another crash is associate with X-Planes AI, so you could try disabling all AI and see what happens. As you can see in the log excerpt, there are multiple X-Plane references that lead up to the crash. I've spoken to someone at Laminar about this and he's looking into it. We're hoping the next update (X-Plane or the TBM) will get rid of this crash. It doesn't happen to everyone and sometimes it happens at certain airports. Shouldn't be too long.
  17. I see this is your first post, so this is for future reference. If there is ever a problem, the 1 golden rule is to please post your log.txt file found in the root x-plane folder. That will give us a good head start into what is causing a crash. Before you do this, can you remove all plugins out of the resources/plugins folder (do not remove gizmo) and place them somewhere else. Preferably on your desktop. Restart the sim and see if you get a crash. Many times, a crash can be caused by another plugin conflicting with an aircraft add on.
  18. Try rolling back to previous drivers. If it works after rolling back, it's definitely the driver...OR...something in your nvidia configuration.
  19. Goran_M


    Did you try removing all plugins, except Gizmo, and then try the TBM to see if it crashes?
  20. The save state function has 1 or 2 little bugs in it, and is being worked on. This is one to add to that. Thanks.
  21. What happens if you don't load a saved flight? Can you try to shut down the sim, without saving, then restart and click on "resume last flight"? After that, reload the sim and select "Start new flight" with the TBM. Please report back.
  22. Does it always happen at that location? Does it always get fixed if you start up at a different airport? Can you check at a few different airports, and post back the results? What airports are you using and what airports give you the red XX's? (Want to see on my system)
  23. Second try, meaning you had then enabled AI?
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