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Everything posted by Orcair

  1. Thanks for the news !
  2. I think the landing was a bit hard (don't worry you should see some of mine ....) but in flight unless there was a lot of turbulence I have never seen a wing flex that much - especially on older a/c whose wings were "stiffer".
  3. I think he was just pointing out that you mentioned the 737NG in your comment and he was highlighting that this is the classic (breakdown in communication). I would assume classic 737s have serial numbers
  4. *sarcasm below* What I enjoy is paying for packages that include fictional liveries. I want real ones, not Qantas.... however they are much better than the 777 packs
  5. Thanks for the advice!
  6. Another year has come, with more new GPUs and CPUs Currently I have the following i5-3570Gigabyte Z77X-D3H 2x4GB SAMSUNG ECO RAMGTX 650 Ti 1GB VRAM1TB HDD120GB SSDI am looking at upgrading certain things and would like to see your opinions on them, so thank you in advance for your advice I would like to upgrade to 16GB RAM, however my RAM is no longer made... Will X-Plane use the extra RAM or is it not worth it? Obviously with the amount of new GPUs coming out I am hesitant to upgrade. Would it make sense to go for something like the 780 now or wait a year until it is half-priced? Any one have a good, simple water-cooler they could recommend? Thank you guys in advance! -Orcair
  7. I would predict that McPhat would produce one before JAR...
  8. I have had a mac.. but X-Plane requires so much more and I cannot afford a MacPro so PC....
  9. You have 100FPS on an integrated graphics card and a dual core processor ?
  10. I think he only has the demo version of XP10...
  11. http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/5888-redpiper1-is-really-pumping-them-out/page-2 I saw on that thread that the project is cancelled/re-named. Any more news on that?
  12. To be more correct they are buying 31 with 25 options
  13. A closed-beta test is much safer as it prevents mass-spam of users who are doing something wrong sending bug reports.
  14. Guys as you should know... Payware aircraft need to be fully bug-free and complete before release or they are given a bad review. Just let them work it needs to be PMDG quality (which I would say it is)to get people to cross over...
  15. First photo - Bwolf7 First Support Topic - ss8913 First Response to release - Orcair A day of firsts
  16. BUYING NOW THANKS to you all for getting it out!!!!
  17. So because I have OCD I noticed this Cutsomer.... And yes I only saw this waiting for the SAAB
  18. Well the CSeries has already flown... http://cseries.com/bombardiers-cseries-aircraft-completes-historic-first-flight/
  19. I have that computer case - like it a lot. Your CPU fan looks quite expensive but I do not know that much about them ... just bought the coolermaster evo 2. I would get Windows 7 64-bit but just a personal preference... And you might consider getting an i7-3770k.. Haswell has more benefits for laptops for the price however it does improve over ivy bridge too.
  20. Looking at Cameron's pictures and descriptions I believe there will be a quick start or a hot start. Not sure about parking brake.
  21. Great news! Looking forward to her
  22. Oh. My. God. I think I'm in love
  23. Ah no. If you feel there is a relevant article just link to that. No need to heed the advice of someone who does not (seem to) have your best interests in mind.
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