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Everything posted by Orcair

  1. The 787 was never publically released and given that he is now in university, I imagine a website is the least of his worries. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
  2. The Comic Sans too...
  3. Unfortunately X-Plane Aviators shut down their website. I'm not sure if there is a separate download available.
  4. I'm not 100% sure about what you are asking, however, in response to Question 2, only the scenery that has been downloaded will be updated; no extra scenery tiles are downloaded with the updates.
  5. Download the XP9 demo from x-plane.com. It comes with Planemaker 9.70.
  6. Cruising in the clouds FSXP 767-300
  7. Have you put these files into the custom scenery folder?
  8. What aircraft and/or scenery are you using? This can vary FPS quite a bit. EDIT: E.g. LES SAAB 340 and KSFO Tom Curtis package or default aircraft/scenery?
  9. What are your clouds at in your rendering settings? If they are quite high this will drop your FPS majorly.
  10. If you have MisterX6's KSFO you can download a version that doesn't have the invisible barrier. The barrier is used for Marginal's traffic plugin I believe.
  11. such a shame AC won't be operating it . Great shot nonetheless!
  12. True enough. But if they are going to sell liveries for $10 they should try to make them proper or true to the original.
  13. I really want to like the plane, but when you have to pay for liveries that don't even match or are correct it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  14. Having finally flown it this past spring I can say with even more authority how much I love the RJ1H. Thanks for the info on the update - I'll check it out .
  15. The main issue I have is that its being touted as an amazing upgrade whereas its really a basic update to the cockpit and new liveries. I'm sure updates will happen but there seems to be a lot of hype about a very basic update/upgrade at the moment.
  16. Aerobridge Studios' DC-10 For X-Plane 10.30+ Full Review: http://www.xplanenation.com/aerobridge-dc-10-default.html INTRO After many months of previews, Aerobridge has released their version of the default X-Plane 10 default DC-10 by Javier Rollon. Featuring new liveries, an updated panel and custom sounds, the model has been reinvigorated, unlike sadly, the DC10 itself after its numerous safety flaws during its debut. EXTERIOR The greatest improvement to the model is the exterior. Glossy, high-resolution liveries of Continental, Northwest, Alitalia,Korean Air and FedEx are outstanding - rivets are dynamically modeled alongside the wings (default), engines (default) and passenger windows. The grime and dirt on the liveries add to the realism - the plane is 30 years old and demonstrates that well.... Full Review and Photos at X-Planenation! Photo Source: https://www.facebook...?type=1
  17. *billion face-palm* If there is news, something will be posted. If not, consider development on-going.
  18. I'm shocked to see it discounted - but it will definitely attract new users. 40 more minutes! Get it now! http://store.steampowered.com/app/292180/
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  19. I'm sure that once it is released someone will publish those liveries (the list of included ones is a few pages back I think).
  20. The proportions of the 77L are so much better than the 779X imo though. The 77F will have to suffice for now
  21. I never thought a 777 would look good in LH (passenger) livery. I was wrong.
  22. ^Wow those are dynamic shots.
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