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Everything posted by woweezowee

  1. I somehow like the F33, although it is "different". Eg. I am irritated by its tendency to roll to the right that much.
  2. Both Carenados and Tkylers C208 and the Saab. And xp10.
  3. Until now been flying the CRJ for 45 hours and 11 minutes. That's pretty much for a usually non-jet/heavy guy like me .
  4. The speed knob syncs actual speed to the setting for the AP (just as the HDG knob does), so that when you push in Speed Hold mode you don't jump up or down. The display showing the speeds in mach or knots changes indeed automatically. I did not make a test now, but that's what I remember from my last flight. How/why should that not be intentional?
  5. That's only for that copter, from what I understand. I would purchase from aerosoft, and if just in order to show that their move is right and people are indeed interested in XP10 and upcoming sceneries from them.
  6. Did fly with an old Broussard today, great flight!
  7. Looking good. I'm only a bit exhausted of getting used to new layouts. Not because of xplane or anything the like, but because at our company we also did a major relaunch of one of the platforms just this week . From database ground up. We were lucky, all went well but for some of the usuals bugs. I wish you the same luck that it's stable here on the all new x-pilot, and for it to be a success
  8. C172
  9. nice video. would be even better if you could move your texture resolution settings higher. But of course that comes with a FPS drop.
  10. For those that had purchased as early as me: By chance I found out yesterday that there were two updates published by Carenado, one of the adding 3D circuit breakers - nice. Just log into your Carenado-Account and click the tab "updates". The download link on the website did not work for me, but you can send the link via Email to yourself, wich did work.
  11. I also re-discovered the Mooney with Leens latest paint and the wooden panel.
  12. It's an older SAAB, James. Gladly no FMS as far as I know .
  13. Read this, for Nerds: http://www.x-plane.com/blog/2011/08/point-clouds-are-the-technology-of-the-future-and-always-will-be/
  14. Love and Peace always prevail and clever developers try to sell as much as possible at different points of sale if it fits their strategy in order to stay in business. Something like that happened
  15. It is the combination of "world detail distance" (default is quite high, try medium) and the "insane"-setting for objects. So yes, you're expecting too much.
  16. let's get real, boys:
  17. I see, but don't know. At the moment, well, you need to double check. Maybe Phillipp can tell us if there is such an "automatic input control" feature in the original FMS.
  18. I don't understand it, too. You don't know how to get rid of the thrust limit again? If so, you need to delete it in the FMS. Push the delete-Button and then the setting - it will go away and "free" your power.
  19. Made some photoscenery for Elba today. At Whisky Air Charter, we have a FBO at Marina di Campo (I'm talking about FSEconomy, of course). Made a re-start flying on VATSIM after I had joined in 2001 but never really used it. Having lots of fun, VFR in Carenados new Cessna - wich is a great plane. That's just the type of flying I really like: Great scenery, pretty slow flight without AP, having controllers and other traffic around. Nice! just arrived and departing back to Albenga:
  20. found something new (for me) to play with: the recent update to Air Navigation (iPad App) brought some stuff so I checked it out: http://www.dixdouze.com/xample/index.php/airnavigation * xplane plugin available Here is what's great and sets it apart from iGmaps and skycharts (that is if you want to fly in non-US airspace): * shows navigation data (INCLUDING AIRSPACE INFORMATION) also in Europe, much more complete than iGmap * possible to download OSM charts (for free of course), data will then overlay - great. much better than what iGmap delivers * possible free download of elevation data - displayed on its own column in the app window * if you want to: in app purchases of a wide variety of charts, from ICAO charts to some VFR-stuff that I did not know before. The website and quick start guide will give you more info about all the other features. http://www.dixdouze.com/xample/application/medias/manuals/airnavigation/Air%20Navigation%20Pro%204%20-%20Quick%20Start%20guide.pdf please have in mind I only tested some locations in europe yet and have the app only since a few hours. Still figuring it out. So take a look for yourself before you make a purchase - it is NOT CHEAP! $37.99
  21. keeping my fingers crossed
  22. Is that a hint that by then Xplane 10 will be released?
  23. something like that, maybe a pimped version of the xaddonmanager (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=4886), woudl indeed be nice.
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