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Everything posted by CYUL900

  1. Hi there Amy. Sliders are set to 100%. Had to quit Xplane and reload. Always worked for me but a hassle nonetheless. Deleted my prefs folder for good measure too. It'll probably happen again but hopfully not on my first flight to London!
  2. Happens every few flights. Happened right now in the Challenger, parked at a ramp. Audio works from all other sources but not Xplane. Did speaker test, windows troubleshooting, everything is ok outside of Xplane. Sound just gets muted for no apparent reason. Did not change audio device/source for this to occur. Log.txt
  3. How long before development will get back on track Tom? Feel we should have been informed that development was put on hold.
  4. Please disregard this post. Just saw a post below that answered my questions. Feel free to delete this post.
  5. First of all happy holidays to Tom, Jan and the rest of the IXEG team. Hope everyone is staying clear of Covid. It has been over 6 months since one of your "weekly updates". Why the radio silence once again? Are we getting close to another update concerning progress with VNAV and FMOD implementation? I will probably be scolded for asking but as a paying customer I have a right to know. I ask on behalf of everyone here who loves your 733 and has waited a long time for an update. Thank you.
  6. Those throttles look great Jan! Can't wait for an update...
  7. Hello IXEG. I was wondering how close you are to completing the long awaited update for the 733? The last official progress update was about 6 months ago, it would be nice to be informed of any progress made since. Should we expect to wait several more months or years for the release of the update? Or are you waiting for XP 12 to release first? I know this will probably anger Cameron but this is getting ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, the 733 is a great simulation and support from Jan is fantastic. Just let us know, at least 6 months more or sorry guys, we're not able to provide any more updates, we're too busy. Most people I talk to about the 733 laugh about the eventual update and say it's a dead project. I know this is untrue. Prove them wrong and show some transparency. There are more and more developers out there providing transparent communication and long range estimates for their update schedule(even if it is hard to estimate!). Please step up!!!
  8. Interesting insight Tom and great to hear you are working on holds in FMC. John
  9. Greetings Jan, Tom, and IXEG Team, I think I speak for everyone here who has purchased and loves to fly the IXEG 733 Classic. I am aware that developers hate being asked about updates and release dates, we understand that. However, it seems that there is maybe something to clarify for us, your paying customers. In a recent Threshold article(https://www.thresholdx.net/news/ixegup), it is mentioned that an update is being worked on(even showed new screenshot of cabin) to "potentially be pushed" following a stable 11.30 release. We learn that Tom has been very busy with his work at NASA, which has sidelined progress for IXEG. We know that there are priorities in life and work is work. So to be clear and prevent any more confusion and annoying questions being asked of progress, please tell us.... Work on "11.30" update has started or no?? Should we expect some news "soon"? Or should we be expected to wait patiently for another 6 months to a year before given the light of day? Please just let us know. If no update is coming in the near future at least tell us, so we can lower our expectations and leave you alone. Respectfully, John Gaasbeek
  10. With the release of the freeware Zibo 738 and Ultimate 739 I almost feel sorry for you, the developers out there who need sales to finance the costs of your simulation projects. The quality of these two planes is excellent and as been mentioned, have features that the IXEG does not. Nevertheless, I still love the old IXEG 733. The immersion factor in the flightdeck and the flight model are outstanding. And let's not forget Jan's fantastic support. Personally, I don't need a fancy cabin. I would be happy with an updated FMC, VNAV and fmod sounds. A 737-500 expansion would be icing on the cake. I love the baby 737!
  11. Thanks for the speedy response as usual @skiselkov.
  12. When I log into my account on the X Aviation website I cannot download update. It says "update in progress" and cannot be clicked. Is 1.1.5 already being released???
  13. Looking forward to it!
  14. Fair enough... I'll be patient. Very funny btw. Loved John Candy. Rip.
  15. Thanks Jan. Waiting patiently for next update.
  16. Hello fellow 737 pilots. Just wondering if you noticed any difference with your IXEG 733 after updating to the now "stable" 11.30 RC3. Would love to hear from you.
  17. Goran, could you tell us if it's a turboprop, piston, or turbofan powered aircraft????
  18. Or a Twin Otter, Lear Jet, 707, SR-71......
  19. I did not know Goran made a Citation. Would like to hear more about this... If ever a Citation was Hotstart's/LES new project I would be thrilled! What an awesome business jet it would be.
  20. I agree the flight model is fantastic. Have to love the immersion factor in the flightdeck also.
  21. https://www.thresholdx.net/news/ixegup
  22. CYUL900

    VS Up and Atis

    Ok, thanks Goran. What about my Atis problem?
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