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Litjan last won the day on February 13

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About Litjan

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Hi Jan

    Did a test flight today from ENGM to ENDU and followed your reccomendation to use lvl chg and heading for the appraoch. The ILS was captured but the plane never capture the G/S, not on LNAV, not on HDG or VOR/LOC

    So basically I had to do 3 approached today ending with a visual landing

    This is just insane frustrated, is the airplane at all capable of an ILS approach?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tom Knudsen

      Tom Knudsen

      Update, did a complete landing this time at ENGM with both G/S and ILS capture.

      And I landed safely.

    3. mmerelles


      Glad you got the ILS working.


      The aircraft is not in CLIMB mode while descending on the ILS tutorial video, CLB represents what available N1 limit you have if required. NOT the aircraft flying phase.

    4. Tom Knudsen

      Tom Knudsen

      aha, thank..

      Though I did learn by talking to real life pilot that VNAV is an strage system, often they sit and wonder "what the heck is the VNAV system doing now, even in the NG..

      Also learned that Norwegian had an SOP that said to always intercept with HDG SEL since LNAV can have map shift and you are not guaranteed LOC intercept too. Often they are said to use V/S before intercept or have at least a small level of segment before intercept. 

      The one I talk to said that depending on the software the -300 did not want to capture the G/S from above but merely from below.


      So I need to re-learn the ways of the -800 and re-learn a sop where I intercept the G/S using either HDG SEL or V/S depending on the approach, terrain etc.




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