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Everything posted by birdy.dma

  1. Try this link, last post.
  2. Liveries are here: Business Aviation - X-Pilot Create and save a state. For example: IRS aligned, APU ON, and various settings (Fuel quantity, Radar weather, NAV1/2 on Auto etc). Then, load this saved state, and untick Restore Position and Trajectory if you to start from an other place.
  3. Have you received a confirmation ? If so, just wait.
  4. Thank you. Terminal Weather Information for Pilots. Author: Richard J Boll ! Slide 1 (faa.gov)
  5. @FYG001 Hi. Thanks for your pictures. On the Datalink page of the CDU there is a TWIP option. What is its use ?
  6. Hi Rich, Have you considered buying a used 3080 (10GB or 12GB) on eBay ?
  7. Hi Rich What is your screen resolution ? 8GB for sure will be enough for a 1920 * 1080 screen.
  8. In 2 pictures. This is with swift, should be similar with X-Pilot.
  9. Yes, it is. The installer will detect your X Plane version.
  10. If you join the Discord server, you will be abble to request for the beta of the upcoming 1.7 release. With this beta, you will have the ability to fly with an other pilot in your cockpit. Fantastic training tool.
  11. Hi Hervé Good catch. Thank you. So, preferably, create a secondary FP before inserting the star.
  12. Good question. Any one ?
  13. The magic of skiselkov. Not only ADF signals are managed: libradio/INTERFACE.txt at master · skiselkov/libradio · GitHub
  14. So, with a beta key, you will be able to join the cl650-beta-team chat room of Discord, and report the bugs here.
  15. Not yet released for XP12
  16. If you have time: install your usual custom sceneries , simHeaven, etc. Execute the same flight plan with the stock 737 or any other jet you are comfortable with. Will it crash at the same location ?
  17. Send a private message to totoritko
  18. Possible. Try to remove also simHeaven X-Europe.
  19. Don't know if doable. If you have one, can you share a state of one of your crashing flight ? We could know if it is a bug, bug in the DB, something wrong in your install (If i have no crash).
  20. birdy.dma


    Not so easy to answer with few words. Do a search. Take your time and watch the videos: Use the integrated checklist Catch a friend flying the CL650, and wait for the 1.71 release. A shared cockpit system will be included.
  21. Since the beguining:
  22. After the install of your driver, remove your vulkan shader cache. X Plane will create a new one.
  23. I am on the way to learn and use the ACARS system on Vatsim. My Hoopie.nl Logon is created and registered in my CL. What is the use of the "Send Pos Rpts to" tab?
  24. Here is a video: As in real, de fuel is not doable.
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