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Everything posted by CaptCrash

  1. Apologies for the delay in responding, is this issue still occurring for you in 1.4?
  2. We will need the full logs please. Also please make sure you followed: Thanks!
  3. This is a known issue currently and will be addressed when the checklist system is fully rewritten in a future update. Apologies for the crash
  4. Disregard the above. I made an error reading the log. Can you reproduce the crash and if so can you please provide the steps needed to do so?
  5. You noted in your initial report you were able do replicate the issue, can you provide the steps needed to replicate the issue? If you are unable to replicate the issue try following these directions:
  6. Disregard, I forgot the CL650 log is continuous and not over written.
  7. Nope that's my error I forgot the CL650 log is continuous. Sorry!
  8. Hello can you confirm you are on 1.4.1? it appears in the log that you are on version 1.0r1 Thanks!
  9. Hello, Please make sure you are on the latest version (1.4.1) it appears you are using version 1.0r1. After updating please try to reproduce your issue. Thanks
  10. Hi, It looks like you are using version 1 of the CL650, currently 1.4.1 is the latest version, please update to the latest version and try to duplicate the issue. Thanks
  11. Your log is indicating a crash not directly related with the CL650. Please follow the directions here and see if you continue to have crashes.
  12. @Raphaelvix We are looking into this issue and need some more information to better determine what happened. What avionics modes were configured? How far away from the VOR were you? What was shown on the right side avionics? Does it happen with other VORs, or just this one? If you've hit a reproducible case, please post the instructions of the steps we can use to reproduce this issue. Thank you!
  13. I did make a small error when talking about etops. In the US, up to 180 minutes is fine but don’t exceed it. Otherwise you’ll need etops certification if you are flying part 135, part 91 does not have an etops requirement. But etops is an ops spec which is granted to operators and the operators designate which aircraft will be placed on the etops program, those aircraft have special maintenance requirements when conducting etops flights among other things.
  14. There isn't much that can ground a Gulfstream...for better or worse lol. The GV and 550 are probably the best of the new generation, once GA built that bigger wing and reworked some of the systems it really became a pleasure to fly from what I hear, some of the IVs were getting very long in the tooth. I've heard Dassault have a way with systems integration which can be...intriguing.
  15. Hi Rich, Thanks for the follow up. I'll inquire if any of the changes necessitated a new airframe and update you here. Crash
  16. Hey Rich, I was on the GIV for a couple years before covid hit then jumped to start a masters in education, would have loved to fly a Falcon, I've heard they are great planes to fly. Thanks for the kind words. We took an initial look and found some areas to do further investigations in some of the PID controllers. If you have some spare time a video of the specific case would be very useful from the sim. We will continue investigate refining the pitch FD behavior, thanks again for the feedback. Best of luck at recurrent.
  17. Hi Rich, Does the crash still occur if you create a new airframe? As far as I'm aware old versions are not available from the store. Thanks!
  18. Could you please take a look at the following post and follow those directions. Your crash log isn't complete so unless you can duplicate the issue consistently this will be exceedingly difficult to debug.
  19. Hi Rich, Thank you for the detailed and well presented explanation of your concerns with the Flight Director. When you mentioned your background I thought there must be a typo for your Proline 21 experience but then I did some of my own mental math from my flying and realized how quickly time has passed. Your concerns are noted and have been passed to Totoritko for review and evaluate for revision. I didn't see anything specific in the PL21 manuals that talked specifically about FD behavior logic. Do you have a specific reference for the kind of behavior you're talking about? This implementation was a clean room ground up build of the PL21 which surprised the heck out of me when I first learned that fact. It does mean there are cases where unless someone with your experience who has done these kinds of nuanced test speaks up issues may go unnoticed due to a lack of highly informed qualitative information which otherwise wouldn't be actionable. Thanks again!
  20. Thank you for the report. It has been logged as issue 2655 and will be investigated.
  21. Your log is indicating that the crash was from FMOD the sound engine used in xplane. I'll pass this up to Toto and see if they have any input. Could you please run a test with a clean build per the instructions: and see if you are still getting a crash? Thanks
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