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Ben Russell

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Everything posted by Ben Russell

  1. Please confirm that it works normally in 11.10? This bug appears to be something that Laminar have changed in the 11.20 run. There is little I can do. They're also puzzled by the error symptoms on your machine at this point.
  2. Please update to RC3 and try again.
  3. Thanks. I'm taking this up with Laminar.. Will keep this thread updated with any progress. Sorry I can't offer anything further for now.
  4. Glad to see the test plugin loads. Strange results. Can you please try loading it _without_ Gizmo installed. I want to narrow down the possible causes of the bug. The fact that none of the buttons display properly on the test plugin is strange. The normal X-Plane "Plugin Admin" GUI appears to work correctly in your other screenshots and it should be using the same code as the test plugin as the test plugin was created from scratch and has no Gizmo-related code in it at all. Please reload: - without Gizmo - with the test plugin and then screenshot with the test plugin GUI and the Plugin Admin GUI visibile. If the test plugin looks normal without Gizmo installed then it's likely something my code is doing. If the test plugin continues to look broken then it's probably something Laminar have done. Thanks for your assistance...
  5. Thanks... Try this one, it should work on non-dev computers. If it doesn't load please install this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=48145 11_20_broken_widgets_release.zip
  6. I have attached the proof-of-concept plugin that I sent to Laminar to help them debug this for r2. When you click the "toggle PoC" button the text turns red and the "btn A" widget should disappear. (This no longer happens in the screenshots because the bug is fixed for me.) Please download the attached zip and install the contents into "X-Plane / resources / plugins" Run X-Plane and report the results. Thanks for your patience... 11_20_broken_widgets.zip
  7. Please update your video driver. Log indicates 388.71 but GeForce installer is at ~397.31. Run any future tests in a blank demo install of X-Plane. You have many plugins installed, any of which could complicate the problem. This issue is 100% resolved for me in r2. I will be watching to see if this issue still affects multiple other users.
  8. XP 11.20r2 has been released and this problem has now been fixed. Update to r2.
  9. I spent the day writing a clean-sheet plugin in C to Proof-of-Concept this so Laminar can trouble shoot as efficiently as possible. I have been able to reproduce the issue. At this stage it looks like the error is not actually in XPLMDrawString(...) but some other OpenGL related code. Probably best if I do not continue to speculate. The exact root cause will reveal itself soon enough.
  10. I seem to have located the root cause of this problem. At this time I believe it's on Laminars end as it's calls to the SDK function XPLMDrawString(...) that are creating the problem. We're working with Laminar to resolve the issue and hopefully we'll see a fix shipped in 11.20r2.
  11. I've been able to reproduce this bug on my local machine by forcing X-Plane to use my Intel GPU. I should be able to make some progress resolving this now.
  12. Remember when Apple actually made quality products?
  13. I cannot reproduce this bug on my 970m. I'm still searching for the pattern of what causes it. It seems to be related to 1070 and 1080 cards but some users do not see a problem. I've made contact with Laminar today to see if we can gain any insight into what might be happening but without a consistent set of data as to what causes it I can't give them much solid direction either. For now, use a non beta install of the sim. The VR beta branch is undergoing many changes under the hood to optimize the XP rendering engine. I'm as annoyed as you are.
  14. Please post your Log.txt and GizmoLog.txt files.
  15. Just tested b5 on my Windows machine. No issues. Time to try and figure out the pattern... I suggest running in a bare demo copy (of the beta) with no additional plugins except Gizmo64. You could also try opening: XP Menu > Plugins > Plugin Admin > Enable/Disable See if it looks correct; e.g. Note how all the text boxes, buttons and checkmarks are drawn and available to use.
  16. The IXEG product installer.
  17. If that doesn't fix it, post Log.txt and GizmoLog.txt files.
  18. Multi monitor is a known issue. Multi screen support is new with XP11 and something we're yet to deal with. Hi-DPI scaling is also a newly supported thing. Life complications behind the scenes have been slowing me down. Hopefully I can start to address some of these things this year now that life is looking more stable. Glad to hear you got the issue resolved.
  19. nVidia TITAN X... nothing wrong with that. Very odd. Haven't seen any reports like this, even from VR users. I mention VR because your log shows you're using 11.20 b4. As a temporary work around you could try loading a default aircraft and then manually opening the X-A activation window by going to; Menu bar > Plugins > Gizmo > Windows > X-Aviation Licensing. If the glitch you're seeing is caused by the Saab systems you should see the activation window appear correctly. You should then be able to input your account details and download a copy of your product license database. After that you can try re-loading the Saab and see if it will at least let you fly. As I said, I've never seen anything like this. Their is a similar issue with the IXEG product and Intel GPU's but they use entirely custom GUI widgets and not the standard SDK stuff. If the above fails you could try using the non-beta version of X-Plane to test against. It may be a Laminar bug...
  20. My guess is you have a strange GPU... probably Intel. Can you please upload/attach a copy of Log.txt so I can verify which type of graphics card/chip you have. Thanks.
  21. Probably safest to choose the oldest item.
  22. I told Tom the same thing. He wrote the sound code..
  23. Thanks for turning this thread into a thorough investigation and report. I'll do what I can to continue improving gizmo but a collaborative effort with the xe team is unlikely at best. They're in direct competition with us. Sky MAXX has no such issues. Helping to fix what may well be entirely their bug does nothing but take away both my time and money. Unfortunately customers get stuck in the middle of this.
  24. Historical precedent. Please excuse brevity as replying by phone. I notice you also have xenviro installed which another user is seeing issues with so it could also be that.. I'll be in a better place to start investigating this in about a week. Waiting on a new house lease to begin.
  25. Log files aren't requested for fun.
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