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Ben Russell

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Everything posted by Ben Russell

  1. The NOAA plugin is no longer maintained by the original author. https://github.com/joanpc/XplaneNoaaWeather Two years since last update. It is also a fairly widely used add-on for X-Plane that is widely acknowledged to have its share of OTHER _unrelated_ problems that have nothing to do with SkyMAXX at all. I'd say you're out of luck.
  2. Thanks for reporting.
  3. Yes.
  4. This situation is extremely rare. Perhaps it's a Windows 8(.1) issue? I will acquire a copy of Win8 and attempt to resolve in VMware...
  5. No. Complex procedure level simulations and history buffers do not play well together.
  6. Thanks for digging that up. Will discuss with the other team members and get back to you..
  7. Gizmo is not available in 32bit for modern products. Sorry.
  8. Highly customised and complex systems as found in the Saab and some other products are unlikely to work with a "one size fits all" plugin like XPUIPC which expects everything to work via the standard X-Plane data points. There may be a way to customise XPUIPC and tell it which "datarefs" to look for when you're using the Saab. As I am unfamiliar with the use and config of XPUIPC I cannot provide instruction on how this may be achieved or any certainty about whether it can be done at all.
  9. Try installing this: http://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=30679 Gizmo64 isn't loading for some reason. If the above doesn't help we'll have to do some more work to diagnose.
  10. I'd like to take a small moment to point out that scroll-wheel support requires no additional XPL when artists are working with Gizmo64. It's fiddly but it's nowhere near as hard as some would have you believe. Custom Icons were added as an additional level of polish by Jim Gregory to up the bar just that little bit higher.
  11. Thanks for your patience... I'd try starting with XSquawkbox and XSaitekPanels... XSB especially has historically shown issues with the 64bit version. Good luck! Sorry I can't help more.
  12. The GizmoLog.txt indicates that the error occurs just before Gizmo attempts to enter the "plugin enable" call from X-Plane. I'm sorry but I have no idea why it's having an error at this point. What other plugins do you have installed?
  13. The CRJ has three retail variants. This complicates matters for our DRM and code compiling system. The customer should only have to purchase "a product" and deal with "the installer". They should not have to worry about buying the correct product to match their particular variant of the CRJ. Nor should they have to worry that they're downloading the correct installer. In short, it's complicated. Life gets in the way.
  14. Meanwhile, in actual news... Gizmo64 changes have delayed the Saab update by a little. We're finding subtle unreported bugs and errors that keep shifting our internal release predictions. On the bright side, on my system, after extensive performance tuning, Gizmo64 now runs the Saab about 35% faster.
  15. I see what you did there.
  16. Log.txt or it never happened.
  17. Having just purchased the King Air it feels absurd to me to "look out the window" at the wing tip and see a completely faked texture that does not display a true reflection but instead shows me some preset reflected angle that only matches the exact angle of the pilots default head position.
  18. I'll mention a feature; "custom sounds" ...
  19. Life is messy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_West_Airlines_Flight_556
  20. What weather source are you using? My bet is UltraWX. Try using static settings, no real world downloads of any kind.
  21. It'll be worth the wait. I promise.
  22. A passing comment made in whimsy, nothing more.
  23. Ironically Colins comments are (becoming) a rant about a technical discussion.
  24. ...but did you try the CRJ in a clean install of X-Plane (demo)? No? Then there's nothing to discuss. You complain about not being offered what you feel is satisfactory technical support while ignoring technical support that is offered.
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