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Ben Russell

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Everything posted by Ben Russell

  1. There's nothing in any of your submissions that shows any error or failure. It appears that X-Plane loads correctly, loads the C172 and reboots Gizmo five times before cleanly exiting from the application as indicated by this text at the end of the log; "----- X-Plane has shut down -----" Gizmo does not currently report why it's rebooting. Only that it has. Do you have a folder that matches this description? X-Plane/Aircraft/General Aviation/Cessna 172SP/scripts/ Perhaps you have some experimental script installed for the 172 that shouldn't be there? The only other thing that would make Gizmo reboot five times in a row is if you're clicking the reboot button? From what I can see X-Plane is functioning normally. The logs don't match your description of the problem so I'm not sure what's going on there. For further assistance you'll need to submit a ticket to X-Aviation support website. Include a link to this thread. Good luck.
  2. That worked... reading..
  3. Can you please attach a copy of X-Plane/Log.txt to this thread... (drag and drop the file into a reply) I'll be able to read through that and have some idea of what might be going on. Maybe you have two copies of something trying to load...
  4. I have come to understand why most developers simply do not engage with community forums.
  5. It should be noted that when Tom says "Gizmo Crashes" what he actually means is that "My Lua scripts made gizmo display an error message bout my bugs." Gizmo is NOT crashing to desktop. It is merely showing Tom the location of his bug. A subtle point but one that would enormously affect the quality of the end product if Gizmo was "crashing". It doesn't.
  6. Sorry for the confusion. The words used for these messages have been adjusted or muted in future updates. I can see no errors displayed that should cause you any problem. The messages you are concerned with are included for the sake of developers only. Is x-plane behaving in any other manner that concerns you or is it simply the contents of these messages you have reported that makes you believe x-plane has crashed? Apologies for my terse reply earlier.
  7. I can't see where it says Error in that screenshot. Post your logs.
  8. An excellent suggestion. It's be lovely if all the Linux users could simply keep their expert opinions to themselves.
  9. Gross simplification; New feature. One week work to add for each OS. Cost: Windows: $2,000 labour. Mac: $2,000 labour. Linux: $2,000 labour. Sales: 2,000 copies at $4 license fee per copy. $6,000 cost. $8,000 return. $2,000 profit. Break down: Windows: 1,000 copies. $4,000 return. $2,000 profit. Good result. Mac: 940 copies. $3,760 return. $1760 profit. Good result. Linux: 60 copies. $240 return. -$1760 loss. Bad result. So... In this grossly simplified example, in order to provide Linux support I have to work on both Mac and Linux _for free_. Windows is the only user base left making the entire operation feasible at all. Ridiculous.
  10. I make no assertions about piracy at all. This comes down to pure economic reality. You want me to work for you, the collective Linux user community, at below market rate. And be happy about it. And I'm the rude one?
  11. All work and no play soon leads to the grinding halt known as burn out.
  12. Given the choice between making 1% more money and doing _literally anything else_ that isn't work, what would you honestly do? It's a pretty easy choice for me. I go spend time living.
  13. We build and price things at a given price point based on a set of numbers that we can expect to sell to. That set of numbers is instantly reduced by 97% simply by talking about Linux. From there it's reduced _again_ by about another 90% because only a small fraction of the small fraction of Linux users will actually buy anything. Economies of scale. Figure it out. To be viable, I could release a Linux plugin with a retail price point of $2000+ _each_ per user and I'd _STILL_ lose money. Even if you all bought copies. Very basic economics.
  14. Attach the complete Log.tx and GizmoLog.txt files.
  15. There are no error-level messages there. Only debug and warning data.
  16. I like Linux plenty. I like Linux users plenty. What I don't like, is working for free. The sooner we can understand this and stop making stupid jabs and puns the better.
  17. Quick cost analysis; New SSD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147373 $150, 500GB (first one I found.) 150 / 500 = $0.30 per gig. Saab Passenger Variant Default Install: ~ 280mb 0.30 * 0.28 = $0.084 worth of SSD space saved. Gizmo is sandboxed inside the x-plane folder for your protection. Any further investigation into this matter is simply not cost effective. Thank you very much for taking the time to investigate and report what was causing your issue. It may be possible to find combinations of symlinks inside the X-A product folders that work but it's probably not really worth your time. Thanks again.
  18. Now that you're on a different machine you'll have to tell people what you've got to work with. I could give you optimal settings for an nVidia mobile chipset from the early 2000s but I doubt that's what you want, right? Help others to help you.
  19. Jack. You have two other threads open looking for "magic software configurations" that will give you better performance. The magic configuration you're looking for is less stuff installed and active in x-plane. No amount of ignoring your problem will make it magically software configurable. You need a faster machine. Period. Good luck.
  20. You will also note that I addressed the "support mess" NOT the perceived quality of the actual modification. I don't care how good or bad Max's work was. The execution and delivery to customers was, is, and always will be, a disaster.
  21. Did you bother reading the thread or did you just provide your personal opinion? There's a world of difference between what you subjectively feel and what can be objectively proven.
  22. If you want an example of the kind of support mess this creates check out the JS32 "Community Update" over on the Org. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=86518&page=12
  23. The scripts used with 3D programs are typically created, funded, or driven, by artists that want to create new content. These artists always retain copies of the original master files used to export to OBJ8 files. Payware authors have no incentive to make it easier to make changes a mess of the final product. Freeware authors release the original blender files and whatever other assets are needed. For these reasons and more the ability to modify objects using friendly tools is extremely limited. We can offer no support with your request to modify your product so that it's in an unsupported state.
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