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Tom Stian

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Everything posted by Tom Stian

  1. You could change this setting in the lua file -- Set the level of failures you want. -- 1 = Minor failures, 2 = Minor and Major failures, 3 Minor, Major and Critical failures. FailureSeverity = 3 Set this to 1 and you will only get minor failures. Its a good way to get started. I recommend you to read the QRH so you know where you can find the different procedures. So just to get an overview how the QRH is build up. Good luck
  2. Update is available 0.113 - Added failures for landing gear.
  3. @Vespa @Jorge Uvo 0.113 is available now.. Only different is failures for the landing gear as shown in the video above.
  4. Glad you liked the script.. I have a updated version that I have not released yet that includes failures to the landing gear. Quick demo I made earlier.
  5. Check for failures.. it can fail
  6. I have the same issue also. (i have not tried 1.1.1 yet) After 1-2 houres the FPS is dropping. When powering down the aircraft the FPS is restored, but if I power up the aircraft again (in the same session) the FPS is going down again.
  7. I use this as my rule for climbspeed: 0 to FL150: 140knots FL150 to FL250: 150knots FL250 to FL310: mach 0.400 (But normaly just continue with 150knots)
  8. Hi again. Got the exact same error (displayed in log.txt) But this time I got it after I installed v1.0.7 and was trying to activate the aircraft. I entered my email and password and clicked activate resulted in a CTD. The aircraft worked ok (and was activated) after I started up X-Plane again. Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  9. Hello, Enjoying this beautiful bird. But had 3-4 CTD so far. I dont see the pattern when its crashing. One time was during taxi, a other time it was during cruise. This time I got a crash immediate after the aircraft was loaded up in X-Plane. Using v1.0.4. Attaching the logs. Included the Wndows crash report. Log.txt GizmoLog.txt Report.wer
  10. Ups.. my bad
  11. The manuals are included in your aircraft folder after you install the aircraft.
  12. Tom Stian

    Rudder trim

    You can trim the rudder from the yoke.
  13. Hello, This project is on hold and I haven't done anything with it the last year. Im sorry.
  14. Take a look at the video from 28:00 ..
  15. Very interesting news from Laminar Research yesterday from FlightSimExpo. From X-Plane version 11.30 they will bring (again) some changes to the flightmodel. But this time the user will have a option to use the experimental flightmodel or not. But what I dident like so much was that the option is a general option and then will affect every aircraft. Wouldent it be better to make the option per aircraft ? i.e. from planemaker ? So the devs can decide if the new flightmodel is suitable for the aircraft or not ? Can the 733 benefit anything from this new flightmodel ? 11.30 also brings a new particle engine that looked very nice. More news about 11.30 https://www.thresholdx.net/news/dv1130 LR presentation at FSEXPO 2018 Alternativ video:
  16. Its not about if the temperatur is impossible or not. Its about the situation that you get teleported to E46. And I found one situation. I have no idea how this bug/teleport is experienced by other users, I dont have this problem. But I posted this because I thougt it maybe could be usefull/related.
  17. Not sure if this is usefull information for you. But if you change the dataref temperature_sealevel_c to -290 you will get teleported to E46 with the IXEG and FF A320. With default cessna X-Plane will just crash. Dont ask me why I was trying to change the temperatur to -290
  18. Great to hear.. Thanks for the feedback :)
  19. That was strange, I havent noticed this my self. What OS are you running ? X-Plane version? IXEG version? FlyWithLua version?
  20. Looking forward to this powerfull bird and for the release. There is a lot of good videos on youtube. i.e. steveo1kinevo (TBM850) And found this interesting video regarding the startup up of the TBM 900 with battery and with GPU.
  21. FOV depends on your monitor size, resolution and aspect ratio. For my 34" UltraWide 21:9 I use FOV setting 95.
  22. Very interesting, looking forward to the release. Will be nice to add some winter to X-Plane.
  23. The instruments reflections was really awesome.. Great update
  24. I have also noticed strange issues at ENGM if you dont do it in the "correct" order. Do it this way. STAR-RUNWAY-TRANSITION. Have you been in UUEE (Moscow)? .. I just gave up find the correct STAR and transitions. Its a mayhem..
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